Package org.apache.commons.math3.linear

Examples of org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector

        final int n = currentBest.getDimension();
        final int npt = numberOfInterpolationPoints;
        final int nptm = npt - n - 1;

        // XXX Should probably be split into two arrays.
        final ArrayRealVector work = new ArrayRealVector(npt + n);

        double ztest = ZERO;
        for (int k = 0; k < npt; k++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < nptm; j++) {
                // Computing MAX
                ztest = Math.max(ztest, Math.abs(zMatrix.getEntry(k, j)));
        ztest *= 1e-20;

        // Apply the rotations that put zeros in the KNEW-th row of ZMAT.

        for (int j = 1; j < nptm; j++) {
            final double d1 = zMatrix.getEntry(knew, j);
            if (Math.abs(d1) > ztest) {
                // Computing 2nd power
                final double d2 = zMatrix.getEntry(knew, 0);
                // Computing 2nd power
                final double d3 = zMatrix.getEntry(knew, j);
                final double d4 = Math.sqrt(d2 * d2 + d3 * d3);
                final double d5 = zMatrix.getEntry(knew, 0) / d4;
                final double d6 = zMatrix.getEntry(knew, j) / d4;
                for (int i = 0; i < npt; i++) {
                    final double d7 = d5 * zMatrix.getEntry(i, 0) + d6 * zMatrix.getEntry(i, j);
                    zMatrix.setEntry(i, j, d5 * zMatrix.getEntry(i, j) - d6 * zMatrix.getEntry(i, 0));
                    zMatrix.setEntry(i, 0, d7);
            zMatrix.setEntry(knew, j, ZERO);

        // Put the first NPT components of the KNEW-th column of HLAG into W,
        // and calculate the parameters of the updating formula.

        for (int i = 0; i < npt; i++) {
            work.setEntry(i, zMatrix.getEntry(knew, 0) * zMatrix.getEntry(i, 0));
        final double alpha = work.getEntry(knew);
        final double tau = lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.getEntry(knew);
        lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.setEntry(knew, lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.getEntry(knew) - ONE);

        // Complete the updating of ZMAT.

        final double sqrtDenom = Math.sqrt(denom);
        final double d1 = tau / sqrtDenom;
        final double d2 = zMatrix.getEntry(knew, 0) / sqrtDenom;
        for (int i = 0; i < npt; i++) {
            zMatrix.setEntry(i, 0,
                          d1 * zMatrix.getEntry(i, 0) - d2 * lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.getEntry(i));

        // Finally, update the matrix BMAT.

        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
            final int jp = npt + j;
            work.setEntry(jp, bMatrix.getEntry(knew, j));
            final double d3 = (alpha * lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.getEntry(jp) - tau * work.getEntry(jp)) / denom;
            final double d4 = (-beta * work.getEntry(jp) - tau * lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.getEntry(jp)) / denom;
            for (int i = 0; i <= jp; i++) {
                bMatrix.setEntry(i, j,
                              bMatrix.getEntry(i, j) + d3 * lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint.getEntry(i) + d4 * work.getEntry(i));
                if (i >= npt) {
                    bMatrix.setEntry(jp, (i - npt), bMatrix.getEntry(i, j));
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        zMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(numberOfInterpolationPoints,
                                           numberOfInterpolationPoints - dimension - 1);
        interpolationPoints = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(numberOfInterpolationPoints,
        originShift = new ArrayRealVector(dimension);
        fAtInterpolationPoints = new ArrayRealVector(numberOfInterpolationPoints);
        trustRegionCenterOffset = new ArrayRealVector(dimension);
        gradientAtTrustRegionCenter = new ArrayRealVector(dimension);
        lowerDifference = new ArrayRealVector(dimension);
        upperDifference = new ArrayRealVector(dimension);
        modelSecondDerivativesParameters = new ArrayRealVector(numberOfInterpolationPoints);
        newPoint = new ArrayRealVector(dimension);
        alternativeNewPoint = new ArrayRealVector(dimension);
        trialStepPoint = new ArrayRealVector(dimension);
        lagrangeValuesAtNewPoint = new ArrayRealVector(dimension + numberOfInterpolationPoints);
        modelSecondDerivativesValues = new ArrayRealVector(dimension * (dimension + 1) / 2);
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                // solve the linearized least squares problem
                RealMatrix mA = new BlockRealMatrix(a);
                DecompositionSolver solver = useLU ?
                        new LUDecomposition(mA).getSolver() :
                        new QRDecomposition(mA).getSolver();
                final double[] dX = solver.solve(new ArrayRealVector(b, false)).toArray();
                // update the estimated parameters
                for (int i = 0; i < cols; ++i) {
                    point[i] += dX[i];
            } catch (SingularMatrixException e) {
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            if (xvalI.length != dimension) {
                throw new DimensionMismatchException(xvalI.length, dimension);

            samples.put(new ArrayRealVector(xvalI), yval[i]);

        microsphere = new ArrayList<MicrosphereSurfaceElement>(microsphereElements);
        // Generate the microsphere, assuming that a fairly large number of
        // randomly generated normals will represent a sphere.
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     * @param point Interpolation point.
     * @return the interpolated value.
    public double value(double[] point) {
        final RealVector p = new ArrayRealVector(point);

        // Reset.
        for (MicrosphereSurfaceElement md : microsphere) {
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         * @param n Normal vector characterizing a surface element
         * of the microsphere.
        MicrosphereSurfaceElement(double[] n) {
            normal = new ArrayRealVector(n);
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            for (int j = noIntercept ? 0 : 1; j < cols; j++) {
                x[i][j] = data[pointer++];
        this.xMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(x);
        this.yVector = new ArrayRealVector(y);
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            throw new NullArgumentException();
        if (y.length == 0) {
            throw new NoDataException();
        this.yVector = new ArrayRealVector(y);
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     * @param coefficients The coefficients for the linear equation being optimized
     * @param constantTerm The constant term of the linear equation
    public LinearObjectiveFunction(double[] coefficients, double constantTerm) {
        this(new ArrayRealVector(coefficients), constantTerm);
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     * Compute the value of the linear equation at the current point
     * @param point point at which linear equation must be evaluated
     * @return value of the linear equation at the current point
    public double getValue(final double[] point) {
        return coefficients.dotProduct(new ArrayRealVector(point, false)) + constantTerm;
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Related Classes of org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector

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