int warmuptime = performanceAnnotation.warmuptime();
int runtime = performanceAnnotation.runtime();
int warmupinvocations = performanceAnnotation.warmupinvocations();
int runinvocations = performanceAnnotation.runinvocations();
DescriptiveStatistics statistics = new DescriptiveStatistics();
if (warmupinvocations != 0) {
// Run the number of invocation specified in the annotation
// for warming up the system
for (int invocationIndex = 0; invocationIndex < warmupinvocations; invocationIndex++) {
recursiveCallSpecificMethod(,, BeforeMethodInvocation.class);
// TODO: implement the method to run a before a specific test
// method
// recursiveCallSpecificMethod(,
//, BeforeSpecificTest.class);
response = super.invokeExplosively(, params);
// TODO: implement the method to run a after a specific test
// method
// recursiveCallSpecificMethod(,
//, AfterSpecificTest.class);
recursiveCallSpecificMethod(,, AfterMethodInvocation.class);
} else {
// Run a few iterations to warm up the system
long warmupEnd = System.currentTimeMillis() + warmuptime * 1000;
while (System.currentTimeMillis() < warmupEnd) {
recursiveCallSpecificMethod(,, BeforeMethodInvocation.class);
// TODO: implement the method to run a before a specific test
// method
// recursiveCallSpecificMethod(,
//, BeforeSpecificTest.class);
response = super.invokeExplosively(, params);
// recursiveCallSpecificMethod(,
//, AfterSpecificTest.class);
// TODO: implement the method to run a after a specific test
// method
recursiveCallSpecificMethod(,, AfterMethodInvocation.class);
// System.out.println("Warmup ended - test :" +
// testMethodToInvoke.getName());
if (runinvocations != 0) {
// Run the specified number of iterations and capture the execution
// times
for (int invocationIndex = 0; invocationIndex < runinvocations; invocationIndex++) {
response = this.invokeTimedTestMethod(testMethodToInvoke,
statistics, params);
} else {
// Run test iterations and capture the execution times
long runtimeEnd = System.currentTimeMillis() + runtime * 1000;
while (System.currentTimeMillis() < runtimeEnd) {
response = this.invokeTimedTestMethod(testMethodToInvoke,
statistics, params);
if (statistics.getN() > 0) {
ReportLogger.writeReport(this.performanceSuiteState.testSuiteName, testCaseName, className, getMethod().getName(),
statistics, ReportLogger.ReportType.TXT, reportLevel);
// In case of a PerformanceSuite we need to run the methods annotated