// Estimate the model
OLSMultipleLinearRegression model = new OLSMultipleLinearRegression();
model.newSampleData(design, nobs, nvars);
RealMatrix hat = model.calculateHat();
// Reference data is upper half of symmetric hat matrix
double[] referenceData = new double[] {
.418, -.002, .079, -.274, -.046, .181, .128, .222, .050, .242,
.242, .292, .136, .243, .128, -.041, .033, -.035, .004,
.417, -.019, .273, .187, -.126, .044, -.153, .004,
.604, .197, -.038, .168, -.022, .275, -.028,
.252, .111, -.030, .019, -.010, -.010,
.148, .042, .117, .012, .111,
.262, .145, .277, .174,
.154, .120, .168,
.315, .148,
// Check against reference data and verify symmetry
int k = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for (int j = i; j < 10; j++) {
assertEquals(referenceData[k], hat.getEntry(i, j), 10e-3);
assertEquals(hat.getEntry(i, j), hat.getEntry(j, i), 10e-12);
* Verify that residuals computed using the hat matrix are close to
* what we get from direct computation, i.e. r = (I - H) y
double[] residuals = model.estimateResiduals();
RealMatrix I = MatrixUtils.createRealIdentityMatrix(10);
double[] hatResiduals = I.subtract(hat).operate(model.Y).getData();
TestUtils.assertEquals(residuals, hatResiduals, 10e-12);