// Construct a good error message, if we can
informUponSimilarName(messageBuffer, specifiedLogClassName, LOGGING_IMPL_LOG4J_LOGGER);
informUponSimilarName(messageBuffer, specifiedLogClassName, LOGGING_IMPL_JDK14_LOGGER);
informUponSimilarName(messageBuffer, specifiedLogClassName, LOGGING_IMPL_LUMBERJACK_LOGGER);
informUponSimilarName(messageBuffer, specifiedLogClassName, LOGGING_IMPL_SIMPLE_LOGGER);
throw new LogConfigurationException(messageBuffer.toString());
return result;
// No user specified log; try to discover what's on the classpath
// Note that we deliberately loop here over classesToDiscover and
// expect method createLogFromClass to loop over the possible source
// classloaders. The effect is:
// for each discoverable log adapter
// for each possible classloader
// see if it works
// It appears reasonable at first glance to do the opposite:
// for each possible classloader
// for each discoverable log adapter
// see if it works
// The latter certainly has advantages for user-installable logging
// libraries such as log4j; in a webapp for example this code should
// first check whether the user has provided any of the possible
// logging libraries before looking in the parent classloader.
// Unfortunately, however, Jdk14Logger will always work in jvm>=1.4,
// and SimpleLog will always work in any JVM. So the loop would never
// ever look for logging libraries in the parent classpath. Yet many
// users would expect that putting log4j there would cause it to be
// detected (and this is the historical JCL behaviour). So we go with
// the first approach. A user that has bundled a specific logging lib
// in a webapp should use a commons-logging.properties file or a
// service file in META-INF to force use of that logging lib anyway,
// rather than relying on discovery.
if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
"No user-specified Log implementation; performing discovery" +
" using the standard supported logging implementations...");
for(int i=0; i<classesToDiscover.length && result == null; ++i) {
result = createLogFromClass(classesToDiscover[i], logCategory, true);
if (result == null) {
throw new LogConfigurationException
("No suitable Log implementation");
return result;