Package org.apache.commons.jxpath

Examples of org.apache.commons.jxpath.Pointer

            } else {
                thisRow = repeater.addRow();

            // make a jxpath ObjectModelSubcontext on the iterated element
            Pointer jxp = (Pointer);
            JXPathContext rowContext = repeaterContext.getRelativeContext(jxp);

            // hand it over to children
            this.uniqueFieldBinding.loadFormFromModel(thisRow, rowContext);
            this.rowBinding.loadFormFromModel(thisRow, rowContext);
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                //if rowIdValue != null --> iterate nodes to find match
                Iterator rowPointers =
                boolean found = false;
                while (rowPointers.hasNext()) {
                    Pointer jxp = (Pointer);
                    JXPathContext rowContext =

                    Object matchId = rowContext.getValue(this.uniqueRowIdPath);
                    if (matchId != null && this.uniqueRowIdConvertor != null) {
                        if (matchId instanceof String) {
                            matchId = this.uniqueRowIdConvertor.convertFromString((String)matchId, this.uniqueRowIdConvertorLocale, null);
                        } else {
                            getLogger().warn("Convertor ignored on backend-value which isn't of type String.");

                    if (rowIdValue.equals(matchId)) {
                        // match! --> bind to children
                        this.rowBinding.saveFormToModel(thisRow, rowContext);
                        //        --> store rowIdValue in list of updatedRowIds
                        found = true;
                if (!found) {
                    // this is a new row
                    // also add it to the updated row id's so that this row doesn't get deleted
            } else {
                //if rowId == null --> remember to insert this one later

        //again iterate nodes for deletion
        Iterator rowPointers = repeaterContext.iteratePointers(this.rowPath);
        List rowsToDelete = new ArrayList();
        while (rowPointers.hasNext()) {
            Pointer jxp = (Pointer);
            JXPathContext rowContext = repeaterContext.getRelativeContext((Pointer)jxp.clone());

            Object matchId = rowContext.getValue(this.uniqueRowIdPath);
            if (matchId != null && this.uniqueRowIdConvertor != null) {
                if (matchId instanceof String) {
                    matchId = this.uniqueRowIdConvertor.convertFromString((String)matchId, this.uniqueRowIdConvertorLocale, null);
                } else {
                    getLogger().warn("Convertor ignored on backend-value which isn't of type String.");

            // check if matchPath was in list of updates, if not --> bind for delete
            if (!updatedRowIds.contains(matchId)) {

        if (rowsToDelete.size() > 0) {
            if (this.deleteRowBinding == null) {
                getLogger().warn("RepeaterBinding has detected rows to delete, " +
                    "but misses the <on-delete-row> binding to do it.");
            else {
                // run backwards through the list, so that we don't get into trouble by shifting indexes
                for (int i = rowsToDelete.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    this.deleteRowBinding.saveFormToModel(frmModel, rowsToDelete.get(i));

        // count how many we have now
        int indexCount = 1;
        rowPointers = repeaterContext.iteratePointers(this.rowPathForInsert);
        while (rowPointers.hasNext()) {

        // end with rows to insert (to make sure they don't get deleted!)
        if(rowsToInsert.size() > 0) {
            if (this.insertRowBinding != null) {
                Iterator rowIterator = rowsToInsert.iterator();
                //register the factory!
                //this.insertRowBinding.saveFormToModel(repeater, repeaterContext);
                while (rowIterator.hasNext()) {
                    Repeater.RepeaterRow thisRow = (Repeater.RepeaterRow);
                    // Perform the insert row binding.
                    this.insertRowBinding.saveFormToModel(repeater, repeaterContext);
                    // -->  create the path to let the context be created
                    Pointer newRowContextPointer = repeaterContext.createPath(this.rowPathForInsert + "[" + indexCount + "]");
                    JXPathContext newRowContext = repeaterContext.getRelativeContext(newRowContextPointer);
                    if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled())
                        getLogger().debug("inserted row at " + newRowContextPointer.asPath());
                    //    + rebind to children for update
                    this.rowBinding.saveFormToModel(thisRow, newRowContext);
                    getLogger().debug("bound new row");
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        if (this.clearOnLoad) {

        // Find the location of the repeater data.
        Pointer repeaterPointer = jctx.getPointer(this.repeaterPath);

        // Check if there is data present.
        // (Otherwise, should we check the leniency config option
        // to decide whether to be silent or throw an exception?)
        if (repeaterPointer != null) {

            // Narrow to repeater context.
            JXPathContext repeaterContext = jctx.getRelativeContext(repeaterPointer);

            // Build a jxpath iterator for the repeater row pointers.
            Iterator rowPointers = repeaterContext.iteratePointers(this.rowPath);

            // Iterate through the rows of data.
            int rowNum = 0;
            while (rowPointers.hasNext()) {

                // Get or create a row widget.
                Repeater.RepeaterRow thisRow;
                if (repeater.getSize() > rowNum) {
                    thisRow = repeater.getRow(rowNum);
                } else {
                    thisRow = repeater.addRow();

                // Narrow to the row context.
                Pointer rowPointer = (Pointer);
                JXPathContext rowContext = repeaterContext.getRelativeContext(rowPointer);

                // If virtual rows are requested, place a deep clone of the row data
                // into a temporary node, and narrow the context to this virtual row.
                // (A clone of the data is used to prevent modifying the source document.
                // Otherwise, the appendChild method would remove the data from the source
                // document.  Is this protection worth the penalty of a deep clone?)
                // (This implementation of virtual rows currently only supports DOM
                // bindings, but could easily be extended to support other bindings.)

                if (virtualRows == true) {
                    Node repeaterNode = (Node)repeaterPointer.getNode();
                    Node virtualNode = repeaterNode.getOwnerDocument().createElementNS(null, "virtual");
                    Node clone = ((Node)rowPointer.getNode()).cloneNode(true);
                    rowContext = JXPathContext.newContext(repeaterContext, virtualNode);

                // Finally, perform the load row binding.
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                    // Iterate through the repeater rows.
                    for (int i = 0; i < repeater.getSize(); i++) {

                        // Narrow to the repeater row context.
                        Pointer rowPointer = repeaterContext.getPointer(this.rowPathInsert);
                        JXPathContext rowContext = repeaterContext.getRelativeContext(rowPointer);

                        // Variables used for virtual rows.
                        // They are initialized here just to keep the compiler happy.
                        Node rowNode = null;
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        while(iter.hasNext()) {
            String stringValue = "";
            Object label = null;

            // Get a context on the current item
            Pointer ptr = (Pointer);
            if (ptr.getValue() != null) {
                JXPathContext itemCtx = ctx.getRelativeContext(ptr);

                // Get the value as a string
                Object value = itemCtx.getValue(this.valuePath);
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                int skipCounter, count = 1;
                JXPathContext localJXPathContext = null;
                while (i <= end && iter.hasNext()) {
                    Object value =;
                    if (value instanceof Pointer) {
                        Pointer ptr = (Pointer)value;
                        localJXPathContext =
                        try {
                            value = ptr.getNode();
                        } catch (Exception exc) {
                            throw new SAXParseException(exc.getMessage(),
                                                        ev.location, null);
                    } else {
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        if (i >= jxCollection.getOriginalCollectionSize()) {
            return null;
        if (this.sortedItems == null) {
            JXPathContext storageContext = this.jxCollection.getStorageContext();
            Pointer pointer = storageContext.getPointer(binding.getRowPath() + "[" + (i + 1) + "]");
            JXPathContext rowContext = storageContext.getRelativeContext(pointer);
            RepeaterItem item = new RepeaterItem(new Integer(i + 1));
            return item;
        } else {
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    Iterator pointerIter = elements.iterator ();
    while ( pointerIter.hasNext() )

      Pointer ptr = (Pointer) ();

      // prepare result Rule
      Rule nextFailedRule = new Rule();
      nextFailedRule.setContext( ptr.asPath() );

      // switch to the context of the rule
      JXPathContext localJxpContext = JXPathContext.newContext( jxpContext, ptr.getValue() );
      // evaluate asserts
      Iterator assertIter = rule.getAssert().iterator();
      while (assertIter.hasNext())
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        if (this.clearOnLoad) {

        // Find the location of the repeater data.
        Pointer repeaterPointer = jctx.getPointer(this.repeaterPath);

        // Check if there is data present.
        // (Otherwise, should we check the leniency config option
        // to decide whether to be silent or throw an exception?)
        if (repeaterPointer != null) {

            // Narrow to repeater context.
            JXPathContext repeaterContext = jctx.getRelativeContext(repeaterPointer);

            // Build a jxpath iterator for the repeater row pointers.
            Iterator rowPointers = repeaterContext.iteratePointers(this.rowPath);

            // Iterate through the rows of data.
            int rowNum = 0;
            while (rowPointers.hasNext()) {

                // Get or create a row widget.
                Repeater.RepeaterRow thisRow;
                if (repeater.getSize() > rowNum) {
                    thisRow = repeater.getRow(rowNum);
                } else {
                    thisRow = repeater.addRow();

                // Narrow to the row context.
                Pointer rowPointer = (Pointer);
                JXPathContext rowContext = repeaterContext.getRelativeContext(rowPointer);

                // If virtual rows are requested, place a deep clone of the row data
                // into a temporary node, and narrow the context to this virtual row.
                // (A clone of the data is used to prevent modifying the source document.
                // Otherwise, the appendChild method would remove the data from the source
                // document.  Is this protection worth the penalty of a deep clone?)
                // (This implementation of virtual rows currently only supports DOM
                // bindings, but could easily be extended to support other bindings.)

                if (virtualRows) {
                    Node repeaterNode = (Node)repeaterPointer.getNode();
                    Node virtualNode = repeaterNode.getOwnerDocument().createElementNS(null, "virtual");
                    Node node = (Node)rowPointer.getNode();
                    Node clone = node.cloneNode(true);
                    Node fakeDocElement = node.getOwnerDocument().getDocumentElement().cloneNode(false);
                    rowContext = JXPathContext.newContext(repeaterContext, fakeDocElement);
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                    // Iterate through the repeater rows.
                    for (int i = 0; i < repeater.getSize(); i++) {

                        // Narrow to the repeater row context.
                        Pointer rowPointer = repeaterContext.getPointer(this.rowPathInsert);
                        JXPathContext rowContext = repeaterContext.getRelativeContext(rowPointer);

                        // Variables used for virtual rows.
                        // They are initialized here just to keep the compiler happy.
                        Node rowNode = null;
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Related Classes of org.apache.commons.jxpath.Pointer

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