try {
// attempt to reuse last executor cached in volatile JexlNode.value
if (cache) {
Object cached = node.jjtGetValue();
if (cached instanceof JexlMethod) {
JexlMethod me = (JexlMethod) cached;
Object eval = me.tryInvoke(methodName, bean, argv);
if (!me.tryFailed(eval)) {
return eval;
boolean cacheable = cache;
JexlMethod vm = uberspect.getMethod(bean, methodName, argv, node);
// DG: If we can't find an exact match, narrow the parameters and try again
if (vm == null) {
if (arithmetic.narrowArguments(argv)) {
vm = uberspect.getMethod(bean, methodName, argv, node);
if (vm == null) {
Object functor = null;
// could not find a method, try as a var
if (bean == context) {
int register = methodNode.getRegister();
if (register >= 0) {
functor = registers[register];
} else {
functor = context.get(methodName);
} else {
JexlPropertyGet gfunctor = uberspect.getPropertyGet(bean, methodName, node);
if (gfunctor != null) {
functor = gfunctor.tryInvoke(bean, methodName);
// script of jexl method will do
if (functor instanceof Script) {
return ((Script) functor).execute(context, argv.length > 0 ? argv : null);
} else if (functor instanceof JexlMethod) {
vm = (JexlMethod) functor;
cacheable = false;
} else {
xjexl = new JexlException.Method(node, methodName);
if (xjexl == null) {
// vm cannot be null if xjexl is null
Object eval = vm.invoke(bean, argv);
// cache executor in volatile JexlNode.value
if (cacheable && vm.isCacheable()) {
return eval;
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {