Package org.apache.commons.jexl2.internal

Examples of org.apache.commons.jexl2.internal.AbstractExecutor$Set

                    if (role.getResourceNames().contains(task.getResource().getName())
                            && StringUtils.isNotBlank(task.getResource().getRmapping().getAccountLink())) {

                        LOG.debug("Evaluating accountLink for {}", role);

                        final JexlContext jexlContext = new MapContext();
                        JexlUtil.addFieldsToContext(role, jexlContext);
                        JexlUtil.addAttrsToContext(role.getAttributes(), jexlContext);
                        JexlUtil.addDerAttrsToContext(role.getDerivedAttributes(), role.getAttributes(), jexlContext);
                        final String roleAccountLink =
                                JexlUtil.evaluate(task.getResource().getRmapping().getAccountLink(), jexlContext);
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     * @return the newly created context
    private JexlContext createContext()
        JexlContext ctx = new MapContext();
        return ctx;
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    private boolean evaluateMandatoryCondition(final String mandatoryCondition,
            final List<? extends AbstractAttr> attributes) {

        JexlContext jexlContext = new MapContext();
        jexlUtil.addAttrsToContext(attributes, jexlContext);

        return Boolean.parseBoolean(jexlUtil.evaluate(mandatoryCondition, jexlContext));
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     * {@inheritDoc }
    public Object evaluate(Object context, String expression) {
        Expression jexlExpression = engine.createExpression(expression);
        JexlContext jexlContext = new ObjectContext(engine, context);
        return jexlExpression.evaluate(jexlContext);
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        try {
            // attempt to reuse last executor cached in volatile JexlNode.value
            if (cache) {
                Object cached = node.jjtGetValue();
                if (cached instanceof JexlMethod) {
                    JexlMethod me = (JexlMethod) cached;
                    Object eval = me.tryInvoke(methodName, data, argv);
                    if (!me.tryFailed(eval)) {
                        return eval;
            JexlMethod vm = uberspect.getMethod(data, methodName, argv, node);
            // DG: If we can't find an exact match, narrow the parameters and try again!
            if (vm == null) {
                if (arithmetic.narrowArguments(argv)) {
                    vm = uberspect.getMethod(data, methodName, argv, node);
                if (vm == null) {
                    xjexl = new JexlException(node, "unknown or ambiguous method", null);
            if (xjexl == null) {
                Object eval = vm.invoke(data, argv); // vm cannot be null if xjexl is null
                // cache executor in volatile JexlNode.value
                if (cache && vm.isCacheable()) {
                return eval;
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
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        try {
            // attempt to reuse last executor cached in volatile JexlNode.value
            if (cache) {
                Object cached = node.jjtGetValue();
                if (cached instanceof JexlMethod) {
                    JexlMethod me = (JexlMethod) cached;
                    Object eval = me.tryInvoke(function, namespace, argv);
                    if (!me.tryFailed(eval)) {
                        return eval;
            JexlMethod vm = uberspect.getMethod(namespace, function, argv, node);
            // DG: If we can't find an exact match, narrow the parameters and
            // try again!
            if (vm == null) {
                // replace all numbers with the smallest type that will fit
                if (arithmetic.narrowArguments(argv)) {
                    vm = uberspect.getMethod(namespace, function, argv, node);
                if (vm == null) {
                    xjexl = new JexlException(node, "unknown function", null);
            if (xjexl == null) {
                Object eval = vm.invoke(namespace, argv); // vm cannot be null if xjexl is null
                // cache executor in volatile JexlNode.value
                if (cache && vm.isCacheable()) {
                return eval;
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
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            return ((String) val).length();
        } else {
            // check if there is a size method on the object that returns an
            // integer and if so, just use it
            Object[] params = new Object[0];
            JexlMethod vm = uberspect.getMethod(val, "size", EMPTY_PARAMS, node);
            if (vm != null && vm.getReturnType() == Integer.TYPE) {
                Integer result;
                try {
                    result = (Integer) vm.invoke(val, params);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new JexlException(node, "size() : error executing", e);
                return result.intValue();
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    public Object invokeMethod(Object obj, String meth, Object... args) {
        JexlException xjexl = null;
        Object result = null;
        JexlInfo info = debugInfo();
        try {
            JexlMethod method = uberspect.getMethod(obj, meth, args, info);
            if (method == null && arithmetic.narrowArguments(args)) {
                method = uberspect.getMethod(obj, meth, args, info);
            if (method != null) {
                result = method.invoke(obj, args);
            } else {
                xjexl = new JexlException(info, "failed finding method " + meth);
        } catch (Exception xany) {
            xjexl = new JexlException(info, "failed executing method " + meth, xany);
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        // attempt to reuse last executor cached in volatile JexlNode.value
        if (node != null && cache) {
            Object cached = node.jjtGetValue();
            if (cached instanceof JexlPropertyGet) {
                JexlPropertyGet vg = (JexlPropertyGet) cached;
                Object value = vg.tryInvoke(object, attribute);
                if (!vg.tryFailed(value)) {
                    return value;
        JexlPropertyGet vg = uberspect.getPropertyGet(object, attribute, node);
        if (vg != null) {
            try {
                Object value = vg.invoke(object);
                // cache executor in volatile JexlNode.value
                if (node != null && cache && vg.isCacheable()) {
                return value;
            } catch (Exception xany) {
                if (node == null) {
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    protected void setAttribute(Object object, Object attribute, Object value, JexlNode node) {
        // attempt to reuse last executor cached in volatile JexlNode.value
        if (node != null && cache) {
            Object cached = node.jjtGetValue();
            if (cached instanceof JexlPropertySet) {
                JexlPropertySet setter = (JexlPropertySet) cached;
                Object eval = setter.tryInvoke(object, attribute, value);
                if (!setter.tryFailed(eval)) {
        JexlException xjexl = null;
        JexlPropertySet vs = uberspect.getPropertySet(object, attribute, value, node);
        if (vs != null) {
            try {
                // cache executor in volatile JexlNode.value
                vs.invoke(object, value);
                if (node != null && cache && vs.isCacheable()) {
            } catch (RuntimeException xrt) {
                if (node == null) {
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Related Classes of org.apache.commons.jexl2.internal.AbstractExecutor$Set

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