Package org.apache.commons.jexl

Examples of org.apache.commons.jexl.Expression

        ReflectionUtils.doWithMethods(obj.getClass(), new ReflectionUtils.MethodCallback() {
            public void doWith(Method method) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
                if (method.getAnnotation(Callback.class) != null) {
                    try {
                        Expression e = ExpressionFactory.createExpression(
                        JexlContext jc = JexlHelper.createContext();
                        jc.getVars().put("this", obj);
                        Object r = e.evaluate(jc);
                        if (!(r instanceof Boolean)) {
                            throw new RuntimeException("Expression did not returned a boolean value but: " + r);
                        Boolean oldVal = req.getCallbacks().get(method);
                        Boolean newVal = (Boolean) r;
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                        return e.getValue(jxpathContext);
                    } finally {
                } else if (compiled instanceof Expression) {
                    Expression e = (Expression)compiled;
                    return e.evaluate(jexlContext);
                return compiled;
            } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
                Throwable t = e.getTargetException();
                if (t instanceof Exception) {
                    throw (Exception)t;
                throw (Error)t;
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                    return null;
                } finally {
            } else if (compiled instanceof Expression) {
                Expression e = (Expression)compiled;
                return e.evaluate(jexlContext);
            return expr.raw;
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
            Throwable t = e.getTargetException();
            if (t instanceof Exception) {
                throw (Exception)t;
            throw (Error)t;
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                                compiledExpression.getPointer(jxpathContext, expr.raw).getNode();
                            // FIXME: workaround for JXPath bug
                            iter = val instanceof NativeArray ? new JSIntrospector.NativeArrayIterator((NativeArray)val) :
                        } else if (expr.compiledExpression instanceof Expression) {
                            Expression e = (Expression)expr.compiledExpression;
                            Object result = e.evaluate(jexlContext);
                            if (result != null) {
                                iter = Introspector.getUberspect().getIterator(result,
                                        new Info(ev.location.getSystemId(), ev.location.getLineNumber(), ev.location.getColumnNumber()));
                            if (iter == null) {
                                iter = EMPTY_ITER;
                        } else {
                            // literal value
                            iter = new Iterator() {
                                Object val = items;

                                public boolean hasNext() {
                                    return val != null;

                                public Object next() {
                                    Object res = val;
                                    val = null;
                                    return res;

                                public void remove() {
                                    // EMPTY
                    } else {
                        iter = NULL_ITER;
                    begin = startForEach.begin == null ? 0 :
                        getIntValue(startForEach.begin, jexlContext, jxpathContext);
                    end = startForEach.end == null ? Integer.MAX_VALUE :
                            getIntValue(startForEach.end, jexlContext, jxpathContext);
                    step = startForEach.step == null ? 1 :
                            getIntValue(startForEach.step, jexlContext, jxpathContext);
                    var = getStringValue(startForEach.var, jexlContext, jxpathContext);
                    varStatus = getStringValue(startForEach.varStatus, jexlContext, jxpathContext);
                } catch (Exception exc) {
                    throw new SAXParseException(exc.getMessage(), ev.location, exc);
                } catch (Error err) {
                    throw new SAXParseException(err.getMessage(), ev.location, new ErrorHolder(err));
                MyJexlContext localJexlContext = new MyJexlContext(jexlContext);
                MyVariables localJXPathVariables = new MyVariables((MyVariables)jxpathContext.getVariables());
                int i = 0;
                // Move to the begin row
                while (i < begin && iter.hasNext()) {
                LoopTagStatus status = null;
                if (varStatus != null) {
                    status = new LoopTagStatus();
                    status.begin = begin;
                    status.end = end;
                    status.step = step;
                    status.first = true;
                    localJexlContext.put(varStatus, status);
                    localJXPathVariables.declareVariable(varStatus, status);
                int skipCounter, count = 1;
                JXPathContext localJXPathContext = null;
                while (i <= end && iter.hasNext()) {
                    Object value =;
                    if (value instanceof Pointer) {
                        Pointer ptr = (Pointer)value;
                        localJXPathContext = jxpathContext.getRelativeContext(ptr);
                        try {
                            value = ptr.getNode();
                        } catch (Exception exc) {
                            throw new SAXParseException(exc.getMessage(), ev.location, null);
                    } else {
                        localJXPathContext = jxpathContextFactory.newContext(jxpathContext, value);
                    if (var != null) {
                        localJexlContext.put(var, value);
                    if (status != null) {
                        status.index = i;
                        status.count = count;
                        status.first = i == begin;
                        status.current = value;
                        status.last = (i == end || !iter.hasNext());
                    execute(consumer, localJexlContext, localJXPathContext, macroCall,, startForEach.endInstruction);
                    // Skip rows
                    skipCounter = step;
                    while (--skipCounter > 0 && iter.hasNext()) {
                    // Increase index
                    i += step;
                ev =;
            } else if (ev instanceof StartChoose) {
                StartChoose startChoose = (StartChoose)ev;
                StartWhen startWhen = startChoose.firstChoice;
                while (startWhen != null) {
                    Object val;
                    try {
                        val = getValue(startWhen.test, jexlContext, jxpathContext, Boolean.TRUE);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new SAXParseException(e.getMessage(), ev.location, e);
                    boolean result;
                    if (val instanceof Boolean) {
                        result = ((Boolean)val).booleanValue();
                    } else {
                        result = (val != null);
                    if (result) {
                        execute(consumer, jexlContext, jxpathContext, macroCall,, startWhen.endInstruction);
                    startWhen = startWhen.nextChoice;
                if (startWhen == null && startChoose.otherwise != null) {
                    execute(consumer, jexlContext, jxpathContext, macroCall,, startChoose.otherwise.endInstruction);
                ev =;
            } else if (ev instanceof StartSet) {
                StartSet startSet = (StartSet)ev;
                Object value = null;
                String var = null;
                try {
                    if (startSet.var != null) {
                        var = getStringValue(startSet.var, jexlContext, jxpathContext);
                    if (startSet.value != null) {
                        value = getNode(startSet.value, jexlContext, jxpathContext);
                } catch (Exception exc) {
                    throw new SAXParseException(exc.getMessage(), ev.location, exc);
                if (value == null) {
                    NodeList nodeList = toDOMNodeList("set", startSet, jexlContext, macroCall);
                    // JXPath doesn't handle NodeList, so convert it to an array
                    int len = nodeList.getLength();
                    Node[] nodeArr = new Node[len];
                    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                        nodeArr[i] = nodeList.item(i);
                    value = nodeArr;
                if (var != null) {
                    jxpathContext.getVariables().declareVariable(var, value);
                    jexlContext.put(var, value);
                ev =;
            } else if (ev instanceof StartElement) {
                StartElement startElement = (StartElement)ev;
                StartDefine def =
                if (def != null) {
                    Map attributeMap = new HashMap();
                    Iterator i = startElement.attributeEvents.iterator();
                    while (i.hasNext()) {
                        String attributeName;
                        Object attributeValue;
                        AttributeEvent attrEvent = (AttributeEvent);
                        attributeName = attrEvent.localName;
                        if (attrEvent instanceof CopyAttribute) {
                            CopyAttribute copy = (CopyAttribute)attrEvent;
                            attributeValue = copy.value;
                        } else if (attrEvent instanceof SubstituteAttribute) {
                            SubstituteAttribute substEvent = (SubstituteAttribute)attrEvent;
                            if (substEvent.substitutions.size() == 1 && substEvent.substitutions.get(0) instanceof JXTExpression) {
                                JXTExpression expr = (JXTExpression)substEvent.substitutions.get(0);
                                Object val;
                                try {
                                    val = getNode(expr, jexlContext, jxpathContext);
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                                    throw new SAXParseException(e.getMessage(), ev.location, e);
                                } catch (Error err) {
                                    throw new SAXParseException(err.getMessage(), ev.location, new ErrorHolder(err));
                                attributeValue = val != null ? val : "";
                            } else {
                                StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
                                Iterator iterSubst = substEvent.substitutions.iterator();
                                while (iterSubst.hasNext()) {
                                    Subst subst = (Subst);
                                    if (subst instanceof Literal) {
                                        Literal lit = (Literal)subst;
                                    } else if (subst instanceof JXTExpression) {
                                        JXTExpression expr = (JXTExpression)subst;
                                        Object val;
                                        try {
                                            val = getValue(expr, jexlContext, jxpathContext);
                                        } catch (Exception e) {
                                            throw new SAXParseException(e.getMessage(), ev.location, e);
                                        } catch (Error err) {
                                            throw new SAXParseException(err.getMessage(), ev.location, new ErrorHolder(err));
                                        buf.append(val != null ? val.toString() : "");
                                attributeValue = buf.toString();
                        } else {
                            throw new Error("this shouldn't have happened");
                        attributeMap.put(attributeName, attributeValue);
                    MyVariables parent =(MyVariables)jxpathContext.getVariables();
                    MyVariables vars = new MyVariables(parent);
                    MyJexlContext localJexlContext = new MyJexlContext(jexlContext);
                    HashMap macro = new HashMap();
                    macro.put("body", startElement);
                    macro.put("arguments", attributeMap);
                    localJexlContext.put("macro", macro);
                    vars.declareVariable("macro", macro);
                    Iterator iter = def.parameters.entrySet().iterator();
                    while (iter.hasNext()) {
                        Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
                        String key = (String)e.getKey();
                        StartParameter startParam = (StartParameter)e.getValue();
                        Object default_ = startParam.default_;
                        Object val = attributeMap.get(key);
                        if (val == null) {
                            val = default_;
                        localJexlContext.put(key, val);
                        vars.declareVariable(key, val);
                    JXPathContext localJXPathContext = jxpathContextFactory.newContext(null, jxpathContext.getContextBean());
                    call(ev.location, startElement, consumer, localJexlContext, localJXPathContext, def.body, def.endInstruction);
                    ev =;
                Iterator i = startElement.attributeEvents.iterator();
                AttributesImpl attrs = new AttributesImpl();
                while (i.hasNext()) {
                    AttributeEvent attrEvent = (AttributeEvent);
                    if (attrEvent instanceof CopyAttribute) {
                        CopyAttribute copy = (CopyAttribute)attrEvent;
                        attrs.addAttribute(copy.namespaceURI, copy.localName, copy.raw, copy.type, copy.value);
                    } else if (attrEvent instanceof SubstituteAttribute) {
                        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
                        SubstituteAttribute substEvent = (SubstituteAttribute)attrEvent;
                        Iterator iterSubst = substEvent.substitutions.iterator();
                        while (iterSubst.hasNext()) {
                            Subst subst = (Subst);
                            if (subst instanceof Literal) {
                                Literal lit = (Literal)subst;
                            } else if (subst instanceof JXTExpression) {
                                JXTExpression expr = (JXTExpression)subst;
                                Object val;
                                try {
                                    val = getValue(expr, jexlContext, jxpathContext);
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                                    throw new SAXParseException(e.getMessage(), ev.location, e);
                                } catch (Error err) {
                                    throw new SAXParseException(err.getMessage(), ev.location, new ErrorHolder(err));
                               buf.append(val != null ? val.toString() : "");
                        attrs.addAttribute(attrEvent.namespaceURI, attrEvent.localName, attrEvent.raw, attrEvent.type, buf.toString());
                consumer.startElement(startElement.namespaceURI, startElement.localName, startElement.raw, attrs);
            } else if (ev instanceof StartFormatNumber) {
                StartFormatNumber startFormatNumber = (StartFormatNumber)ev;
                try {
                    String result = startFormatNumber.format(jexlContext, jxpathContext);
                    if (result != null) {
                        char[] chars = result.toCharArray();
                        consumer.characters(chars, 0, chars.length);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new SAXParseException(e.getMessage(), ev.location, e);
                } catch (Error err) {
                    throw new SAXParseException(err.getMessage(), ev.location, new ErrorHolder(err));
            } else if (ev instanceof StartFormatDate) {
                StartFormatDate startFormatDate = (StartFormatDate)ev;
                try {
                    String result = startFormatDate.format(jexlContext, jxpathContext);
                    if (result != null) {
                        char[] chars = result.toCharArray();
                        consumer.characters(chars, 0, chars.length);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new SAXParseException(e.getMessage(), ev.location, e);
                } catch (Error err) {
                    throw new SAXParseException(err.getMessage(), ev.location, new ErrorHolder(err));
            } else if (ev instanceof StartPrefixMapping) {
                StartPrefixMapping startPrefixMapping = (StartPrefixMapping)ev;
                consumer.startPrefixMapping(startPrefixMapping.prefix, startPrefixMapping.uri);
            } else if (ev instanceof StartComment) {
                StartComment startJXComment = (StartComment)ev;
                // Parse the body of the comment
                NodeList nodeList = toDOMNodeList("comment", startJXComment, jexlContext, macroCall);
                // JXPath doesn't handle NodeList, so convert it to an array
                int len = nodeList.getLength();
                final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
                Properties omit = XMLUtils.createPropertiesForXML(true);
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    try {
                        String str = XMLUtils.serializeNode(nodeList.item(i), omit)
                        buf.append(StringUtils.substringAfter(str, ">")); // cut the XML header
                    } catch (ProcessingException e) {
                        throw new SAXParseException(e.getMessage(), startJXComment.location, e);
                char[] chars = new char[buf.length()];
                buf.getChars(0, chars.length, chars, 0);
                consumer.comment(chars, 0, chars.length);
                ev =;
            } else if (ev instanceof EndCDATA) {
            } else if (ev instanceof EndDTD) {
            } else if (ev instanceof EndEntity) {
            } else if (ev instanceof StartCDATA) {
            } else if (ev instanceof StartDTD) {
                StartDTD startDTD = (StartDTD)ev;
                consumer.startDTD(, startDTD.publicId, startDTD.systemId);
            } else if (ev instanceof StartEntity) {
            } else if (ev instanceof StartOut) {
                StartOut startOut = (StartOut)ev;
                Object val;
                try {
                    val = getNode(startOut.compiledExpression, jexlContext, jxpathContext, startOut.lenient);
                    if (val instanceof Node) {
                        executeDOM(consumer, jexlContext, jxpathContext, (Node)val);
                    } else if (val instanceof NodeList) {
                        NodeList nodeList = (NodeList)val;
                        int len = nodeList.getLength();
                        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                            Node n = nodeList.item(i);
                            executeDOM(consumer, jexlContext, jxpathContext, n);
                    } else if (val instanceof Node[]) {
                        Node[] nodeList = (Node[])val;
                        int len = nodeList.length;
                        for (int i = 0;i < len; i++) {
                            Node n = nodeList[i];
                            executeDOM(consumer, jexlContext, jxpathContext, n);
                    } else if (val instanceof XMLizable) {
                        ((XMLizable)val).toSAX(new IncludeXMLConsumer(consumer));
                    } else {
                        char[] ch = val == null ? ArrayUtils.EMPTY_CHAR_ARRAY : val.toString().toCharArray();
                        consumer.characters(ch, 0, ch.length);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new SAXParseException(e.getMessage(), ev.location, e);
            } else if (ev instanceof StartTemplate) {
                // EMPTY
            } else if (ev instanceof StartEval) {
                StartEval startEval = (StartEval)ev;
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        if (debug) {
            log.debug("Evaluating expression: " + expression);

        Expression expr = ExpressionFactory.createExpression(expression);

        JexlContext ctx = JexlHelper.createContext();

        Object result = expr.evaluate(ctx);
        if (debug) {
            log.debug("Result: " + result);

        return result;
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        String result = subst.replace(var);

            Expression exp = ExpressionFactory.createExpression(result);
            result = (String) exp.evaluate(context);
        catch (Exception e)
            configuration.getLogger().debug("Error encountered evaluating " + result, e);
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        if (ctx instanceof JexlContext) {
            jexlCtx = (JexlContext) ctx;
        } else {
            throw new SCXMLExpressionException(ERR_CTX_TYPE);
        Expression exp = null;
        try {
            String evalExpr = inFct.matcher(expr).
                replaceAll("_builtin.isMember(_ALL_STATES, ");
            evalExpr = dataFct.matcher(evalExpr).
            exp = ExpressionFactory.createExpression(evalExpr);
            return exp.evaluate(getEffectiveContext(jexlCtx));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SCXMLExpressionException(e);
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        if (ctx instanceof JexlContext) {
            jexlCtx = (JexlContext) ctx;
        } else {
            throw new SCXMLExpressionException(ERR_CTX_TYPE);
        Expression exp = null;
        try {
            String evalExpr = inFct.matcher(expr).
                replaceAll("_builtin.isMember(_ALL_STATES, ");
            evalExpr = dataFct.matcher(evalExpr).
            exp = ExpressionFactory.createExpression(evalExpr);
            return (Boolean) exp.evaluate(getEffectiveContext(jexlCtx));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SCXMLExpressionException(e);
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        if (ctx instanceof JexlContext) {
            jexlCtx = (JexlContext) ctx;
        } else {
            throw new SCXMLExpressionException(ERR_CTX_TYPE);
        Expression exp = null;
        try {
            String evalExpr = inFct.matcher(expr).
                replaceAll("_builtin.isMember(_ALL_STATES, ");
            evalExpr = dataFct.matcher(evalExpr).
            evalExpr = dataFct.matcher(evalExpr).
            exp = ExpressionFactory.createExpression(evalExpr);
            return (Node) exp.evaluate(getEffectiveContext(jexlCtx));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new SCXMLExpressionException(e);
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     * @param expected is the expected value of the expression
     * @throws Exception if the expression could not be evaluationed or an assertion
     * fails
    public void assertExpression(String expression, Object expected) throws Exception {
        Expression exp = ExpressionFactory.createExpression(expression);

        Object value = exp.evaluate(context);

        assertEquals("expression: " + expression, expected, value);
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Related Classes of org.apache.commons.jexl.Expression

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