* and icc profile if any.
* @return true if loaded false for any error
protected boolean loadOriginalData() {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ByteArrayOutputStream iccStream = null;
int index = 0;
boolean cont = true;
try {
byte[] readBuf = new byte[4096];
int bytesRead;
while ((bytesRead = inputStream.read(readBuf)) != -1) {
baos.write(readBuf, 0, bytesRead);
} catch (java.io.IOException ex) {
log.error("Error while loading image (Jpeg): " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
return false;
} finally {
inputStream = null;
this.raw = baos.toByteArray();
this.bitsPerPixel = 8;
this.isTransparent = false;
//Check for SOI (Start of image) marker (FFD8)
if (this.raw.length > (index + 2)
&& uByte(this.raw[index]) == 255 /*0xFF*/
&& uByte(this.raw[index + 1]) == 216 /*0xD8*/) {
index += 2;
while (index < this.raw.length && cont) {
//check to be sure this is the begining of a header
if (this.raw.length > (index + 2)
&& uByte(this.raw[index]) == 255 /*0xFF*/) {
//192 or 194 are the header bytes that contain
// the jpeg width height and color depth.
if (uByte(this.raw[index + 1]) == 192 /*0xC0*/
|| uByte(this.raw[index + 1]) == 194 /*0xC2*/) {
this.height = calcBytes(this.raw[index + 5],
this.raw[index + 6]);
this.width = calcBytes(this.raw[index + 7],
this.raw[index + 8]);
if (this.raw[index + 9] == 1) {
this.colorSpace = ColorSpace.getInstance(
} else if (this.raw[index + 9] == 3) {
this.colorSpace = ColorSpace.getInstance(
} else if (this.raw[index + 9] == 4) {
// howto create CMYK color space
this.colorSpace = ColorSpace.getInstance(
this.colorSpace = CMYKColorSpace.getInstance();
} else {
log.error("Unknown ColorSpace for image: "
+ "");
return false;
if (foundICCProfile) {
cont = false;
index += calcBytes(this.raw[index + 2],
this.raw[index + 3]) + 2;
} else if (uByte(this.raw[index + 1]) == 226 /*0xE2*/
&& this.raw.length > (index + 60)) {
// Check if ICC profile
byte[] iccString = new byte[11];
System.arraycopy(this.raw, index + 4,
iccString, 0, 11);
if ("ICC_PROFILE".equals(new String(iccString))) {
int chunkSize = calcBytes(
this.raw[index + 2],
this.raw[index + 3]) + 2;
if (iccStream == null) {
iccStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
index + 18, chunkSize - 18);
index += calcBytes(this.raw[index + 2],
this.raw[index + 3]) + 2;
// Check for Adobe APPE Marker
} else if ((uByte(this.raw[index]) == 0xff
&& uByte(this.raw[index + 1]) == 0xee
&& uByte(this.raw[index + 2]) == 0
&& uByte(this.raw[index + 3]) == 14
&& "Adobe".equals(new String(this.raw, index + 4, 5)))) {
// The reason for reading the APPE marker is that Adobe Photoshop
// generates CMYK JPEGs with inverted values. The correct thing
// to do would be to interpret the values in the marker, but for now
// only assume that if APPE marker is present and colorspace is CMYK,
// the image is inverted.
hasAPPEMarker = true;
index += calcBytes(this.raw[index + 2],
this.raw[index + 3]) + 2;
} else {
index += calcBytes(this.raw[index + 2],
this.raw[index + 3]) + 2;
} else {
cont = false;
} else {
log.error("Error while loading "
+ "JpegImage - Invalid JPEG Header.");
return false;
if (iccStream != null && iccStream.size() > 0) {
int padding = (8 - (iccStream.size() % 8)) % 8;
if (padding != 0) {
try {
iccStream.write(new byte[padding]);
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("Error while aligning ICC stream: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
return false;
try {
iccProfile = ICC_Profile.getInstance(iccStream.toByteArray());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
log.warn("An ICC profile is present but it is invalid ("
+ iae.getMessage() + "). The color profile will be ignored. ("
+ this.getOriginalURI() + ")");