LogEntry currentEntry = null;
IHasEncoding enc = (IHasEncoding) log.getAdapter(IHasEncoding.class);
IHasLocale loc = (IHasLocale) log.getAdapter(IHasLocale.class);
// WebSphere Dialect doesn't need to care about the timezone, because it is encoded in the log messages
DateFormat df = getDateFormat(loc.getLocale());
LineIterator iter = IOUtils.lineIterator(input, enc.getEncoding());
int lineNo = 0;
try {
while (iter.hasNext()) {
// Error handling
List<IStatus> statuses = null;
boolean fatal = false; // determines whether to interrupt parsing
String line = iter.nextLine();
Matcher m = getInternalPattern().matcher(line);
if (m.find()) {
// The next line matches, so flush the previous entry and continue
if (currentEntry != null) {