A simple class encapsulating a name/value pair.
} public void testParseAttributeNullPath() throws Exception { CookieSpec cookiespec = new CookieSpecBase(); Cookie cookie = new Cookie(); cookiespec.parseAttribute(new NameValuePair("path", null), cookie); assertEquals("/", cookie.getPath()); }
} public void testParseAttributeBlankPath() throws Exception { CookieSpec cookiespec = new CookieSpecBase(); Cookie cookie = new Cookie(); cookiespec.parseAttribute(new NameValuePair("path", " "), cookie); assertEquals("/", cookie.getPath()); }
public void testParseAttributeNullDomain() throws Exception { CookieSpec cookiespec = new CookieSpecBase(); Cookie cookie = new Cookie(); try { cookiespec.parseAttribute(new NameValuePair("domain", null), cookie); fail("MalformedCookieException must have been thrown"); } catch (MalformedCookieException expected) { } }
public void testParseAttributeBlankDomain() throws Exception { CookieSpec cookiespec = new CookieSpecBase(); Cookie cookie = new Cookie(); try { cookiespec.parseAttribute(new NameValuePair("domain", " "), cookie); fail("MalformedCookieException must have been thrown"); } catch (MalformedCookieException expected) { } }
public void testParseAttributeNullMaxAge() throws Exception { CookieSpec cookiespec = new CookieSpecBase(); Cookie cookie = new Cookie(); try { cookiespec.parseAttribute(new NameValuePair("max-age", null), cookie); fail("MalformedCookieException must have been thrown"); } catch (MalformedCookieException expected) { } }
public void testParseAttributeInvalidMaxAge() throws Exception { CookieSpec cookiespec = new CookieSpecBase(); Cookie cookie = new Cookie(); try { cookiespec.parseAttribute(new NameValuePair("max-age", "crap"), cookie); fail("MalformedCookieException must have been thrown"); } catch (MalformedCookieException expected) { } }
public void testParseAttributeNullExpires() throws Exception { CookieSpec cookiespec = new CookieSpecBase(); Cookie cookie = new Cookie(); try { cookiespec.parseAttribute(new NameValuePair("expires", null), cookie); fail("MalformedCookieException must have been thrown"); } catch (MalformedCookieException expected) { } }
} public void testParseAttributeUnknownValue() throws Exception { CookieSpec cookiespec = new CookieSpecBase(); Cookie cookie = new Cookie(); cookiespec.parseAttribute(new NameValuePair("nonsense", null), cookie); }
} public void testParseAttributeInvalidCookie() throws Exception { CookieSpec cookiespec = new NetscapeDraftSpec(); try { cookiespec.parseAttribute(new NameValuePair("name", "value"), null); fail("IllegalArgumentException must have been thrown"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) { } }
public void testParseAttributeInvalidCookieExpires() throws Exception { CookieSpec cookiespec = new NetscapeDraftSpec(); Cookie cookie = new Cookie(); try { cookiespec.parseAttribute(new NameValuePair("expires", null), cookie); fail("MalformedCookieException must have been thrown"); } catch (MalformedCookieException expected) { } }