//1. verify user can update thier own properties
String getUrl = HttpTest.HTTP_BASE_URL + "/system/userManager/user/" + testUserId + ".privileges-info.json";
//fetch the JSON for the test page to verify the settings.
Credentials testUserCreds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(testUserId, "testPwd");
String json = H.getAuthenticatedContent(testUserCreds, getUrl, HttpTest.CONTENT_TYPE_JSON, null, HttpServletResponse.SC_OK);
JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(json);
//user can update their own properties
assertEquals(true, jsonObj.getBoolean("canUpdateProperties"));
//2. now try another user
testUserId2 = H.createTestUser();
//fetch the JSON for the test page to verify the settings.
Credentials testUser2Creds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(testUserId2, "testPwd");
String json2 = H.getAuthenticatedContent(testUser2Creds, getUrl, HttpTest.CONTENT_TYPE_JSON, null, HttpServletResponse.SC_OK);
JSONObject jsonObj2 = new JSONObject(json2);