digester.addCallMethod( "*/folder/description", "setDescription", 0 );
// PhotoInfo mappings
digester.addFactoryCreate( "*/photos/photo", new PhotoFactory() );
// After the photo is ready, inform listeners if a new photo was created.
digester.addRule( "*/photos/photo", new Rule() {
public void end( String namespace, String name ) {
Boolean isCreatingNew = (Boolean) digester.pop( STACK_CREATING_NEW );
if ( isCreatingNew.booleanValue() ) {
fireObjectImportedEvent( digester.peek() );
digester.addCallMethod( "*/photos/photo/shooting-place", "setShootingPlace", 0 );
digester.addCallMethod( "*/photos/photo/photographer", "setPhotographer", 0 );
digester.addCallMethod( "*/photos/photo/camera", "setCamera", 0 );
digester.addCallMethod( "*/photos/photo/lens", "setLens", 0 );
digester.addCallMethod( "*/photos/photo/film", "setFilm", 0 );
digester.addCallMethod( "*/photos/photo/orig-fname", "setOrigFname", 0 );
digester.addCallMethod( "*/photos/photo/description", "setDesc", 0 );
digester.addCallMethod( "*/photos/photo/tech-notes", "setTechNotes", 0 );
digester.addCallMethod( "*/photos/photo/f-stop", "setFStop", 0, new Class[] {Double.class} );
digester.addCallMethod( "*/photos/photo/shutter-speed", "setShutterSpeed", 0, new Class[] {Double.class} );
digester.addCallMethod( "*/photos/photo/focal-length", "setFocalLength", 0, new Class[] {Double.class} );
digester.addCallMethod( "*/photos/photo/quality", "setQuality", 0, new Class[] {Integer.class} );
digester.addCallMethod( "*/photos/photo/film-speed", "setFilmSpeed", 0, new Class[] {Integer.class} );
digester.addFactoryCreate( "*/photos/photo/shoot-time", new FuzzyDateFactory() );
digester.addSetNext( "*/photos/photo/shoot-time", "setFuzzyShootTime" );
// Crop settings
digester.addCallMethod( "*/photos/photo/crop", "setPrefRotation", 1, new Class[] {Double.class} );
digester.addCallParam( "*/photos/photo/crop", 0, "rot" );
digester.addFactoryCreate( "*/photos/photo/crop", new RectangleFactory() );
digester.addSetNext( "*/photos/photo/crop", "setCropBounds" );
Raw conversion setting mappings. All of these expect that a RawSettingsFactory
is the topmost object in Digester stack. Note that in practice there must be
and explicit rule for each raw setting field since the rule that
instantates the raw setting object & assign it to the parent object will
override this.
digester.addObjectCreate( "*/raw-conversion", RawSettingsFactory.class );
digester.addCallMethod( "*/raw-conversion/whitepoint", "setWhite", 0, new Class[] {Integer.class} );
digester.addCallMethod( "*/raw-conversion/blackpoint", "setBlack", 0, new Class[] {Integer.class} );
digester.addCallMethod( "*/raw-conversion/ev-corr", "setEvCorr", 0, new Class[] {Double.class} );
digester.addCallMethod( "*/raw-conversion/hlight-corr", "setHlightComp", 0, new Class[] {Double.class} );
digester.addRule( "*/raw-conversion/color-balance", new Rule() {
public void begin( String namespace, String name, Attributes attrs ) {
String rgStr = attrs.getValue( "red-green-ratio" );
String bgStr = attrs.getValue( "blue-green-ratio" );
double bg = 1.0;
double rg = 1.0;
try {
bg = Double.parseDouble( bgStr );
rg = Double.parseDouble(rgStr);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
digester.createSAXException( ex );
RawSettingsFactory f = (RawSettingsFactory) digester.peek();
f.setRedGreenRation( rg );
f.setBlueGreenRatio( bg );
digester.addRule( "*/raw-conversion/daylight-color-balance", new Rule() {
public void begin( String namespace, String name, Attributes attrs ) {
String rgStr = attrs.getValue( "red-green-ratio" );
String bgStr = attrs.getValue( "blue-green-ratio" );
double bg = 1.0;
double rg = 1.0;
try {
bg = Double.parseDouble( bgStr );
rg = Double.parseDouble(rgStr);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
digester.createSAXException( ex );
RawSettingsFactory f = (RawSettingsFactory) digester.peek();
f.setDaylightMultipliers( new double[] {rg, 1.0, bg} );
digester.addRuleSet( new ChannelMapRuleSet( "*/photo/") );
digester.addRule( "*/photo/color-mapping", new Rule() {
public void end( String namespace, String name ) {
PhotoInfo p = (PhotoInfo) digester.peek(1);
ChannelMapOperationFactory f =
(ChannelMapOperationFactory) digester.peek();
p.setColorChannelMapping( f.create() );
digester.addObjectCreate( "*/photo/raw-conversion", RawSettingsFactory.class );
digester.addRule( "*/photo/raw-conversion", new Rule() {
public void end( String namespace, String name ) {
PhotoInfo p = (PhotoInfo)digester.peek(1);
RawSettingsFactory f = (RawSettingsFactory) digester.peek();
try {
p.setRawSettings( f.create() );
} catch (PhotovaultException ex) {
digester.createSAXException( ex );
// Instance mappings
digester.addFactoryCreate( "*/photo/instances/instance", new InstanceFactory() );
digester.addCallMethod( "*/instance/file-size", "setFileSize", 0, new Class[] {Long.class} );
digester.addCallMethod( "*/instance/width", "setWidth", 0, new Class[] {Integer.class} );
digester.addCallMethod( "*/instance/height", "setHeight", 0, new Class[] {Integer.class} );
digester.addCallMethod( "*/instance/crop", "setRotated", 1, new Class[] {Double.class} );
digester.addCallParam( "*/instance/crop", 0, "rot" );
digester.addFactoryCreate( "*/instance/crop", new RectangleFactory() );
digester.addSetNext( "*/instance/crop", "setCropBounds" );
digester.addRule( "*/instance/hash", new Rule() {
public void body( String namespace, String name, String text ) {
byte[] hash = Base64.decode( text );
ImageInstance i = (ImageInstance) digester.peek();
i.setHash( hash );
} );
digester.addRuleSet( new ChannelMapRuleSet( "*/instance/") );
digester.addRule( "*/instance/color-mapping", new Rule() {
public void end( String namespace, String name ) {
ImageInstance i = (ImageInstance) digester.peek(1);
ChannelMapOperationFactory f =
(ChannelMapOperationFactory) digester.peek();
i.setColorChannelMapping( f.create() );
// Raw conversion parsing was already specified earlier. We just need a
// method for binding the RawConversionSettings object to instance
digester.addObjectCreate( "*/instance/raw-conversion", RawSettingsFactory.class );
digester.addRule( "*/instance/raw-conversion", new Rule() {
public void end( String namespace, String name ) {
ImageInstance i = (ImageInstance)digester.peek(1);
RawSettingsFactory f = (RawSettingsFactory) digester.peek();
try {
i.setRawSettings( f.create() );