A specialized implementation of {@code FileLocationStrategy} which searchesfor files in the user's home directory or another special configurable directory.
This strategy implementation ignores the URL stored in the passed in {@link FileLocator}. It constructs a file path from the configured home directory (which is the user's home directory per default, but can be changed to another path), optionally the base path, and the file name. If the resulting path points to an existing file, its URL is returned.
When constructing an instance it can be configured whether the base path should be taken into account. If this option is set, the base path is appended to the home directory if it is not null. This is useful for instance to select a specific sub directory of the user's home directory. If this option is set to false, the base path is always ignored, and only the file name is evaluated.
@version $Id: HomeDirectoryLocationStrategy.java 1624601 2014-09-12 18:04:36Z oheger $