A specialized implementation of a {@code FileLocationStrategy} whichencapsulates an arbitrary number of {@code FileLocationStrategy} objects.
A collection with the wrapped {@code FileLocationStrategy} objects is passedat construction time. During a [ {@code locate()} operation the wrappedstrategies are called one after the other until one returns a non null URL. This URL is returned. If none of the wrapped strategies is able to resolve the passed in {@link FileLocator}, result is null. This is similar to the chain of responsibility design pattern.
This class, together with the provided concrete {@code FileLocationStrategy}implementations, offers a convenient way to customize the lookup for configuration files: Just add the desired concrete strategies to a {@code CombinedLocationStrategy} object. If necessary, custom strategies canbe implemented if there are specific requirements. Note that the order in which strategies are added to a {@code CombinedLocationStrategy} matters: substrategies are queried in the same order as they appear in the collection passed to the constructor.
@version $Id: CombinedLocationStrategy.java 1624601 2014-09-12 18:04:36Z oheger $ @since 2.0