Definition of an interface used by {@link ListDelimiterHandler} to performadditional transformations on behalf of a configuration when a property value is escaped.
Some {@code Configuration} implementations require a special encoding oftheir property values before they get written on disk. In some constellations, e.g. when a property with multiple values is to be forced on a single line, this encoding has to be done together with the escaping of list delimiter characters - which is in the responsibility of {@link ListDelimiterHandler}.
In order to allow a proper collaboration between the parties involved, this interface was introduced. A configuration object provides an implementation of {@code ValueTransformer} and passes it to the {@code ListDelimiterHandler}when escaping of properties is needed. The delimiter handler can then call back to perform the additional encoding as its pleasure.
@version $Id: 1624601 2014-09-12 18:04:36Z oheger $
@since 2.0