A specialized {@code MultiFileConfigurationBuilder} implementation which addssupport for reloading.
This class - as its super class - allows operating on multiple configuration files whose file names are determined using a file name pattern and a {@code ConfigurationInterpolator} object. It provides the followingadditional features:
- Configuration builder for managed configurations have reloading support. So reloading is possible for all configuration sources loaded by this builder instance.
- A {@link ReloadingController} is provided which can be used to triggerreload checks on all managed configurations.
Although this builder manages an arbitrary number of child configurations, to clients only a single configuration is visible - the one selected by the evaluation of the file name pattern. Builder reset notifications triggered by the reloading mechanism do not really take this fact into account; they are not limited to the currently selected child configuration, but occur for each of the managed configuration.
@version $Id: ReloadingMultiFileConfigurationBuilder.java 1624601 2014-09-12 18:04:36Z oheger $
@since 2.0
@param < T> the concrete type of {@code Configuration} objects created by thisbuilder