A specialized implementation of {@link ConfigurationBuilderProvider} whichdetermines the name of the result configuration class based on the extension of the file to load.
This class works analogously to its base class {@link BaseConfigurationBuilderProvider}; especially, the resulting builder is created based on reflection. It extends the super class's functionality by a specific mechanism for determining the resulting configuration class: At construction time two configuration class names and a file extension are passed in. If a file name is provided in the builder's initialization parameters and this file name has the specified extension, then the first configuration class name is used; otherwise the default configuration class name is selected.
There are some tags for {@code CombinedConfigurationProvider} which canproduce different results depending on the configuration files they have to load. This class can be used to implement this feature in a generic way.
@version $Id: FileExtensionConfigurationBuilderProvider.java 1624601 2014-09-12 18:04:36Z oheger $
@since 2.0