private ProxyListenerPassiveScan getProxyListenerPassiveScan() {
if (proxyListener == null) {
proxyListener = new ProxyListenerPassiveScan(this);
// Read from the configs
FileConfiguration config = this.getModel().getOptionsParam().getConfig();
List<String> pscanList = config.getList(PSCAN_NAMES);
for (String pscanName : pscanList) {
new PassiveScanDefn(pscanName,
TYPE.valueOf(config.getString("pscans." + pscanName + ".type")),
config.getString("pscans." + pscanName + ".config"),
config.getString("pscans." + pscanName + ".reqUrlRegex"),
config.getString("pscans." + pscanName + ".reqHeadRegex"),
config.getString("pscans." + pscanName + ".resHeadRegex"),
config.getString("pscans." + pscanName + ".resBodyRegex"),
config.getBoolean("pscans." + pscanName + ".enabled")));
// TODO: can these be read automatically?
* Disabled for now - concentrating on non automated stuff first