
Examples of

        assertEqualsStatus.InProgress, task2.getTaskData().getStatus() );
        assertEquals( users.get( "darth" ), task2.getTaskData().getActualOwner() );                 

    public void testCompleteWithContent() {
        Map  vars = new HashedMap();    
        vars.put( "users", users );
        vars.put( "groups", groups );       
        vars.put( "now", new Date() );
        // One potential owner, should go straight to state Reserved
        String str = "(with (new Task()) { priority = 55, taskData = (with( new TaskData()) { } ), ";
        str += "peopleAssignments = (with ( new PeopleAssignments() ) { potentialOwners = [users['bobba' ], users['darth'] ], }),";                       
        str += "names = [ new I18NText( 'en-UK', 'This is my task name')] })";
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        Content content = getContentResponseHandler.getContent();
        assertEquals("content", new String(content.getContent()));
    public void testFail() {
        Map  vars = new HashedMap();    
        vars.put( "users", users );
        vars.put( "groups", groups );       
        vars.put( "now", new Date() );
        // One potential owner, should go straight to state Reserved
        String str = "(with (new Task()) { priority = 55, taskData = (with( new TaskData()) { } ), ";
        str += "peopleAssignments = (with ( new PeopleAssignments() ) { potentialOwners = [users['bobba' ], users['darth'] ], }),";                       
        str += "names = [ new I18NText( 'en-UK', 'This is my task name')] })";
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        assertEqualsStatus.Failed, task2.getTaskData().getStatus() );
        assertEquals( users.get( "darth" ), task2.getTaskData().getActualOwner() );                 
    public void testFailWithIncorrectUser() {
        Map  vars = new HashedMap();    
        vars.put( "users", users );
        vars.put( "groups", groups );       
        vars.put( "now", new Date() );
        // One potential owner, should go straight to state Reserved
        String str = "(with (new Task()) { priority = 55, taskData = (with( new TaskData()) { } ), ";
        str += "peopleAssignments = (with ( new PeopleAssignments() ) { potentialOwners = [users['bobba' ], users['darth'] ], }),";                       
        str += "names = [ new I18NText( 'en-UK', 'This is my task name')] })";
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        assertEqualsStatus.InProgress, task2.getTaskData().getStatus() );
        assertEquals( users.get( "darth" ), task2.getTaskData().getActualOwner() );                 

    public void testFailWithContent() {
        Map  vars = new HashedMap();    
        vars.put( "users", users );
        vars.put( "groups", groups );       
        vars.put( "now", new Date() );
        // One potential owner, should go straight to state Reserved
        String str = "(with (new Task()) { priority = 55, taskData = (with( new TaskData()) { } ), ";
        str += "peopleAssignments = (with ( new PeopleAssignments() ) { potentialOwners = [users['bobba' ], users['darth'] ], }),";                       
        str += "names = [ new I18NText( 'en-UK', 'This is my task name')] })";
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import org.drools.task.event.TaskClaimedEvent;
import org.drools.task.event.TaskEventKey;

public class MockEventMessagingTest extends BaseTest {   
    public void testMockTransport() throws Exception {     
        Map  vars = new HashedMap();    
        vars.put( "users", users );
        vars.put( "groups", groups );       
        vars.put( "now", new Date() );               

        // One potential owner, should go straight to state Reserved
        String str = "(with (new Task()) { priority = 55, taskData = (with( new TaskData()) { } ), ";
        str += "peopleAssignments = (with ( new PeopleAssignments() ) { potentialOwners = [users['bobba' ], users['darth'] ], }),";                       
        str += "names = [ new I18NText( 'en-UK', 'This is my task name')] })";
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    public void testClaimEvent() throws Exception {     
        Map  vars = new HashedMap();    
        vars.put( "users", users );
        vars.put( "groups", groups );       
        vars.put( "now", new Date() );               

        // One potential owner, should go straight to state Reserved
        String str = "(with (new Task()) { priority = 55, taskData = (with( new TaskData()) { } ), ";
        str += "peopleAssignments = (with ( new PeopleAssignments() ) { potentialOwners = [users['bobba' ], users['darth'] ], }),";                       
        str += "names = [ new I18NText( 'en-UK', 'This is my task name')] })";
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    public void testDummy() {
        assertTrue( true );

    public void FIXME_testUnescalatedDeadlines() throws Exception {
        Map vars = new HashedMap();
        vars.put( "users",
                  users );
        vars.put( "groups",
                  groups );

        MockEscalatedDeadlineHandler handler = new MockEscalatedDeadlineHandler();
        taskService.setEscalatedDeadlineHandler( handler )
        //Reader reader;
        Reader reader = new InputStreamReader( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "../QueryData_UnescalatedDeadlines.mvel" ) );
        List<Task> tasks = (List<Task>) eval( reader,
                                              vars );
        long now = ((Date)vars.get( "now" )).getTime();
        for ( Task task : tasks ) { 
            BlockingAddTaskResponseHandler addTaskResponseHandler = new BlockingAddTaskResponseHandler();           
            client.addTask( task, null, addTaskResponseHandler );
            addTaskResponseHandler.waitTillDone( 3000 );
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        assertEquals( now + 24000,
                      item2.getDeadline().getDate().getTime() );       
    public void FIXME_testUnescalatedDeadlinesOnStartup() throws Exception {
        Map vars = new HashedMap();
        vars.put( "users",
                  users );
        vars.put( "groups",
                  groups );

        //Reader reader;
        Reader reader = new InputStreamReader( getClass().getResourceAsStream( "../QueryData_UnescalatedDeadlines.mvel" ) );
        List<Task> tasks = (List<Task>) eval( reader,
                                              vars );
        long now = ((Date)vars.get( "now" )).getTime();
        EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
        for ( Task task : tasks ) {
            // for this one we put the task in directly;
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    public void testGetAttachmentName() throws Exception
        Map<String, Part> attachments = new HashedMap();

        String key = "test.txt";
        assertEquals(key, MailUtils.getAttachmentName(key, attachments));

        attachments.put(key, new MimeBodyPart());
        assertEquals("0_" + key, MailUtils.getAttachmentName(key, attachments));
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public class InvalidSchemaValidationTestCase extends AbstractSchemaValidationTestCase
    public void doCleanUp()
        schemas = new HashedMap();
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