Package org.apache.commons.cli

Examples of org.apache.commons.cli.Option$Builder

     * Add authentication specific options to oozie cli
     * @param options the collection of options to add auth options
    protected void addAuthOptions(Options options) {
        Option auth = new Option(AUTH_OPTION, true, "select authentication type [SIMPLE|KERBEROS]");
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     * Create option for command line option 'admin'
     * @return admin options
    protected Options createAdminOptions() {
        Option oozie = new Option(OOZIE_OPTION, true, "Oozie URL");
        Option system_mode = new Option(SYSTEM_MODE_OPTION, true,
                "Supported in Oozie-2.0 or later versions ONLY. Change oozie system mode [NORMAL|NOWEBSERVICE|SAFEMODE]");
        Option status = new Option(STATUS_OPTION, false, "show the current system status");
        Option version = new Option(VERSION_OPTION, false, "show Oozie server build version");
        Option queuedump = new Option(QUEUE_DUMP_OPTION, false, "show Oozie server queue elements");
        Option doAs = new Option(DO_AS_OPTION, true, "doAs user, impersonates as the specified user");
        Options adminOptions = new Options();
        OptionGroup group = new OptionGroup();
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     * Create option for command line option 'job'
     * @return job options
    protected Options createJobOptions() {
        Option oozie = new Option(OOZIE_OPTION, true, "Oozie URL");
        Option config = new Option(CONFIG_OPTION, true, "job configuration file '.xml' or '.properties'");
        Option submit = new Option(SUBMIT_OPTION, false, "submit a job");
        Option run = new Option(RUN_OPTION, false, "run a job");
        Option rerun = new Option(RERUN_OPTION, true,
                "rerun a job  (coordinator requires -action or -date, bundle requires -coordinator or -date)");
        Option dryrun = new Option(DRYRUN_OPTION, false,
                "Supported in Oozie-2.0 or later versions ONLY - dryrun or test run a coordinator job, job is not queued");
        Option start = new Option(START_OPTION, true, "start a job");
        Option suspend = new Option(SUSPEND_OPTION, true, "suspend a job");
        Option resume = new Option(RESUME_OPTION, true, "resume a job");
        Option kill = new Option(KILL_OPTION, true, "kill a job");
        Option change = new Option(CHANGE_OPTION, true, "change a coordinator job");
        Option changeValue = new Option(CHANGE_VALUE_OPTION, true,
                "new endtime/concurrency/pausetime value for changing a coordinator job");
        Option info = new Option(INFO_OPTION, true, "info of a job");
        Option offset = new Option(OFFSET_OPTION, true, "job info offset of actions (default '1', requires -info)");
        Option len = new Option(LEN_OPTION, true, "number of actions (default TOTAL ACTIONS, requires -info)");
        Option filter = new Option(FILTER_OPTION, true,
                "status=<S1>[;status=<S2>]* (All Coordinator actions satisfying any one of the status filters will be retreived. Currently, only supported for Coordinator job)");
        Option localtime = new Option(LOCAL_TIME_OPTION, false, "use local time (default GMT)");
        Option log = new Option(LOG_OPTION, true, "job log");
        Option definition = new Option(DEFINITION_OPTION, true, "job definition");
        Option config_content = new Option(CONFIG_CONTENT_OPTION, true, "job configuration");
        Option verbose = new Option(VERBOSE_OPTION, false, "verbose mode");
        Option action = new Option(ACTION_OPTION, true,
                "coordinator rerun on action ids (requires -rerun); coordinator log retrieval on action ids (requires -log)");
        Option date = new Option(DATE_OPTION, true,
                "coordinator/bundle rerun on action dates (requires -rerun); coordinator log retrieval on action dates (requires -log)");
        Option rerun_coord = new Option(RERUN_COORD_OPTION, true, "bundle rerun on coordinator names (requires -rerun)");
        Option rerun_refresh = new Option(RERUN_REFRESH_OPTION, false,
                "re-materialize the coordinator rerun actions (requires -rerun)");
        Option rerun_nocleanup = new Option(RERUN_NOCLEANUP_OPTION, false,
                "do not clean up output-events of the coordiantor rerun actions (requires -rerun)");
        Option property = OptionBuilder.withArgName("property=value").hasArgs(2).withValueSeparator().withDescription(
                "set/override value for given property").create("D");

        Option doAs = new Option(DO_AS_OPTION, true, "doAs user, impersonates as the specified user");

        OptionGroup actions = new OptionGroup();
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     * Create option for command line option 'jobs'
     * @return jobs options
    protected Options createJobsOptions() {
        Option oozie = new Option(OOZIE_OPTION, true, "Oozie URL");
        Option start = new Option(OFFSET_OPTION, true, "jobs offset (default '1')");
        Option jobtype = new Option(JOBTYPE_OPTION, true,
                "job type ('Supported in Oozie-2.0 or later versions ONLY - 'coordinator' or 'bundle' or 'wf'(default))");
        Option len = new Option(LEN_OPTION, true, "number of jobs (default '100')");
        Option filter = new Option(FILTER_OPTION, true, "user=<U>;name=<N>;group=<G>;status=<S>;frequency=<F>;unit=<M> " +
                        "(Valid unit values are 'months', 'days', 'hours' or 'minutes'.)");
        Option localtime = new Option(LOCAL_TIME_OPTION, false, "use local time (default GMT)");
        Option verbose = new Option(VERBOSE_OPTION, false, "verbose mode");
        Option doAs = new Option(DO_AS_OPTION, true, "doAs user, impersonates as the specified user");
        Options jobsOptions = new Options();
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     * Create option for command line option 'sla'
     * @return sla options
    protected Options createSlaOptions() {
        Option oozie = new Option(OOZIE_OPTION, true, "Oozie URL");
        Option start = new Option(OFFSET_OPTION, true, "start offset (default '0')");
        Option len = new Option(LEN_OPTION, true, "number of results (default '100')");
        Options slaOptions = new Options();
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     * Create option for command line option 'pig'
     * @return pig options
    protected Options createPigOptions() {
        Option oozie = new Option(OOZIE_OPTION, true, "Oozie URL");
        Option config = new Option(CONFIG_OPTION, true, "job configuration file '.properties'");
        Option pigFile = new Option(PIGFILE_OPTION, true, "Pig script");
        Option property = OptionBuilder.withArgName("property=value").hasArgs(2).withValueSeparator().withDescription(
                "set/override value for given property").create("D");
        Option doAs = new Option(DO_AS_OPTION, true, "doAs user, impersonates as the specified user");
        Options pigOptions = new Options();
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    public Options getOptions()
        Options opts = new Options();
        Option op = new Option( "f", "file", true, "file to output the dump to" );
        op.setRequired( false );
        opts.addOption( op );
        op = new Option( "p", "partitions", true, "the partitions to dump" );
        op.setRequired( true );
        op.setValueSeparator( File.pathSeparatorChar );
        opts.addOption( op );
        op = new Option( "e", "excluded-attributes", true, "the attributes to exclude" );
        op.setRequired( false );
        op.setValueSeparator( File.pathSeparatorChar );
        opts.addOption( op );
        op = new Option( "o", "include-operational", false, "include operational attributes: defaults to false" );
        op.setRequired( false );
        opts.addOption( op );
        op = new Option( "i", "install-path", true, "path to apacheds installation directory" );
        op.setRequired( true );
        opts.addOption( op );
        return opts;
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    public Options getOptions()
        Options opts = new Options();
        Option op = new Option( "h", "host", true, "server host: defaults to localhost" );
        op.setRequired( false );
        opts.addOption( op );
        op = new Option( "p", "port", true, "server port: defaults to 10389 or server.xml specified port" );
        op.setRequired( false );
        opts.addOption( op );
        op = new Option( "w", "password", true, "the apacheds administrator's password: defaults to secret" );
        op.setRequired( false );
        opts.addOption( op );
        op = new Option( "i", "install-path", true, "path to apacheds installation directory" );
        op.setRequired( false );
        opts.addOption( op );
        return opts;
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    public Options getOptions()
        Options opts = new Options();
        Option op = new Option( "h", "host", true, "server host: defaults to localhost" );
        op.setRequired( false );
        opts.addOption( op );
        op = new Option( "p", "port", true, "server port: defaults to 10389 or server.xml specified port" );
        op.setRequired( false );
        opts.addOption( op );
        op = new Option( "e", "delay", true, "delay (seconds) before shutdown: defaults to 0" );
        op.setRequired( false );
        opts.addOption( op );
        op = new Option( "w", "password", true, "the apacheds administrator's password: defaults to secret" );
        op.setRequired( false );
        opts.addOption( op );
        op = new Option( "t", "time-offline", true, "server offline time (minutes): defaults to 0 (indefinate)" );
        op.setRequired( false );
        opts.addOption( op );
        op = new Option( "i", "install-path", true, "path to apacheds installation directory" );
        op.setRequired( false );
        opts.addOption( op );
        return opts;
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        command = new IndexCommand();
        commands.put( command.getName(), command );
        commandsOrdered.add( command.getName() );

        Option op = new Option( "i", "install-path", true, "path to installation directory" );
        getGlobal().addOption( op );
        op = new Option( "z", "instance-path", true, "path to ADS instance directory" );
        getGlobal().addOption( op );
        op = new Option( "b", "banner", false, "suppress banner print outs" );
        getGlobal().addOption( op );
        op = new Option( "d", "debug", false, "toggle debug mode" );
        getGlobal().addOption( op );
        op = new Option( "v", "verbose", false, "toggle verbose debugging" );
        getGlobal().addOption( op );
        op = new Option( "q", "quiet", false, "keep the noise down to a minimum" );
        getGlobal().addOption( op );
        op = new Option( "c", "configuration", false, "force loading the server.xml (requires -i)" );
        getGlobal().addOption( op );
        op = new Option( "version", false, "print the version information and exit" );
        getGlobal().addOption( op );
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Related Classes of org.apache.commons.cli.Option$Builder

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