+ mapCommand(context, resourceId) + "'");
// Identify the Commons Chain catalog we will be using
String catalogName = mapCatalog(context, resourceId);
Catalog catalog = CatalogFactory.getInstance().getCatalog(catalogName);
if (catalog == null) {
if (log().isErrorEnabled()) {
log().error("Cannot find catalog '" + catalogName + "' for resource '"
+ resourceId + "'");
sendNotFound(context, resourceId);
// Identify the Commons Chain chain or command we will be executing
String commandName = mapCommand(context, resourceId);
Command command = catalog.getCommand(commandName);
if (command == null) {
if (log().isErrorEnabled()) {
log().error("Cannot find command '" + commandName + "' in catalog '"
+ catalogName + "' for resource '" + resourceId + "'");