* Set up the XMLIntroSpector
protected XMLIntrospector createXMLIntrospector() {
XMLIntrospector introspector = new XMLIntrospector();
// set elements for attributes to true
// Since we don't want to have collectionelements
// line <DBMSS>, we have to set this to false,
// since the default is true.
// We have to use the HyphenatedNameMapper
// Since we want the names to resolve from eg PhysicalSchema
// we pass to the mapper we want uppercase and use _ for name
// seperation.
// This will set our ElementMapper.
introspector.setElementNameMapper(new HyphenatedNameMapper(true, "_"));
// since our attribute names will use a different
// naming convention in our xml file (just all lowercase)
// we set another mapper for the attributes
introspector.setAttributeNameMapper(new DecapitalizeNameMapper());
return introspector;