Object bean = createBean();
XMLBeanInfo info = introspector.introspect( bean );
assertTrue( "Found XMLBeanInfo", info != null );
ElementDescriptor descriptor = info.getElementDescriptor();
assertTrue( "Found root element descriptor", descriptor != null );
AttributeDescriptor[] attributes = descriptor.getAttributeDescriptors();
assertTrue( "Found attributes", attributes != null && attributes.length > 0 );
// test second introspection with caching on
info = introspector.introspect( bean );
assertTrue( "Found XMLBeanInfo", info != null );
descriptor = info.getElementDescriptor();
assertTrue( "Found root element descriptor", descriptor != null );
attributes = descriptor.getAttributeDescriptors();
assertTrue( "Found attributes", attributes != null && attributes.length > 0 );
// test introspection with caching off
introspector.setRegistry(new NoCacheRegistry());
info = introspector.introspect( bean );
assertTrue( "Found XMLBeanInfo", info != null );
descriptor = info.getElementDescriptor();
assertTrue( "Found root element descriptor", descriptor != null );
attributes = descriptor.getAttributeDescriptors();
assertTrue( "Found attributes", attributes != null && attributes.length > 0 );
// test introspection after flushing cache
// introspector.setCachingEnabled(true);
introspector.setRegistry(new DefaultXMLBeanInfoRegistry());
info = introspector.introspect( bean );
assertTrue( "Found XMLBeanInfo", info != null );
descriptor = info.getElementDescriptor();
assertTrue( "Found root element descriptor", descriptor != null );
attributes = descriptor.getAttributeDescriptors();