Package org.apache.cocoon.forms.formmodel

Examples of org.apache.cocoon.forms.formmodel.Repeater


    public void doSave(Widget frmModel, JXPathContext jctx)
            throws BindingException {
        // Find the repeater
        Repeater repeater = (Repeater)selectWidget(frmModel, this.repeaterId);

        if (repeater.getSize() == 0 && this.deleteIfEmpty) {
            // Repeater is empty : erase all
        } else {
            // Repeater is not empty
            // Move to repeater context and create the path if needed
            JXPathContext repeaterContext =

            // Delete all that is already present

            for (int i = 0; i < repeater.getSize(); i++) {
                Pointer rowPtr = repeaterContext.createPath(
                        this.rowPath + '[' + (i+1) + ']');
                JXPathContext rowContext =
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    public void doLoad(Widget frmModel, JXPathContext jctx) throws BindingException {
        // (There should be a general widget type checker for all the bindings to use,
        // coupled with a general informative exception class to throw if the widget is
        // of the wrong type or null.)
        Repeater repeater = (Repeater) selectWidget(frmModel, this.repeaterId);
        if (repeater == null) {
            String fullId = frmModel.getRequestParameterName();
            if (fullId == null || fullId.length() == 0) {
                fullId = "";
            } else {
                fullId = fullId + ".";
            throw new RuntimeException(
                "TempRepeaterJXPathBinding: Repeater \"" + fullId + this.repeaterId +
                "\" does not exist (" + frmModel.getLocation() + ")");
        // Start by clearing the repeater, if necessary.
        if (this.clearOnLoad) {

        // Find the location of the repeater data.
        Pointer repeaterPointer = jctx.getPointer(this.repeaterPath);

        // Check if there is data present.
        // (Otherwise, should we check the leniency config option
        // to decide whether to be silent or throw an exception?)
        if (repeaterPointer != null) {

            // Narrow to repeater context.
            JXPathContext repeaterContext = jctx.getRelativeContext(repeaterPointer);

            // Build a jxpath iterator for the repeater row pointers.
            Iterator rowPointers = repeaterContext.iteratePointers(this.rowPath);

            // Iterate through the rows of data.
            int rowNum = 0;
            while (rowPointers.hasNext()) {

                // Get or create a row widget.
                Repeater.RepeaterRow thisRow;
                if (repeater.getSize() > rowNum) {
                    thisRow = repeater.getRow(rowNum);
                } else {
                    thisRow = repeater.addRow();

                // Narrow to the row context.
                Pointer rowPointer = (Pointer);
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            getLogger().debug("done loading rows " + toString());

    public void doSave(Widget frmModel, JXPathContext jctx) throws BindingException {
        // (See comment in doLoad about type checking and throwing a meaningful exception.)
        Repeater repeater = (Repeater) selectWidget(frmModel, this.repeaterId);

        // Perform shortcut binding if the repeater is empty
        // and the deleteIfEmpty config option is selected.
        if (repeater.getSize() == 0 && this.deleteIfEmpty) {
            // Delete all of the old data for this repeater.

        // Otherwise perform the normal save binding.
        } else {

            // Narrow to the repeater context, creating the path if it did not exist.
            JXPathContext repeaterContext = jctx.getRelativeContext(jctx.createPath(this.repeaterPath));

            // Start by deleting all of the old row data.

            // Verify that repeater is not empty and has an insert row binding.
            if(repeater.getSize() > 0) {
                if (this.insertRowBinding != null) {

                    //register the factory!
                    //this.insertRowBinding.saveFormToModel(repeater, repeaterContext);

                    // Iterate through the repeater rows.
                    for (int i = 0; i < repeater.getSize(); i++) {

                        // Narrow to the repeater row context.
                        Pointer rowPointer = repeaterContext.getPointer(this.rowPathInsert);
                        JXPathContext rowContext = repeaterContext.getRelativeContext(rowPointer);

                        // Variables used for virtual rows.
                        // They are initialized here just to keep the compiler happy.
                        Node rowNode = null;
                        Node virtualNode = null;

                        // If virtual rows are requested, create a temporary node and
                        // narrow the context to this initially empty new virtual row.
                        if (virtualRows == true) {
                            rowNode = (Node)rowContext.getContextBean();
                            Document document = rowNode.getOwnerDocument();
                            virtualNode = document.createElementNS(null, "virtual");
                            Node fakeDocElement = document.getDocumentElement().cloneNode(false);
                            rowContext = JXPathContext.newContext(repeaterContext, fakeDocElement);
                            rowContext = rowContext.getRelativeContext(rowContext.getPointer("virtual"));

                        // Perform the insert row binding
                        this.insertRowBinding.saveFormToModel(repeater, rowContext);

                        // Perform the save row binding.
                        this.rowBinding.saveFormToModel(repeater.getRow(i), rowContext);

                        // If virtual rows are requested, finish by appending the
                        // children of the virtual row to the real context node.
                        if (virtualRows == true) {
                            NodeList list = virtualNode.getChildNodes();
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        return super.has(id, start);

    public boolean has(int index, Scriptable start) {
        if (delegate instanceof Repeater) {
            Repeater repeater = (Repeater)delegate;
            return index >= 0 && index < repeater.getSize();
        if (delegate instanceof MultiValueField) {
            Object[] values = (Object[])delegate.getValue();
            return index >= 0 && index < values.length;
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    public Object get(String id, Scriptable start) {
        if (delegate instanceof Repeater) {
            if (id.equals("length")) {
                Repeater repeater = (Repeater)delegate;
                return new Integer(repeater.getSize());
        } else if (delegate instanceof MultiValueField) {
            if (id.equals("length")) {
                Object[] values = (Object[])delegate.getValue();
                return new Integer(values.length);
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        return super.get(id, start);

    public Object get(int index, Scriptable start) {
        if (delegate instanceof Repeater) {
            Repeater repeater = (Repeater)delegate;
            if (index >= 0) {
                while (index >= repeater.getSize()) {
                return wrap(repeater.getRow(index));
        if (delegate instanceof MultiValueField) {
            Object[] values = (Object[])delegate.getValue();
            if (index >= 0 && index < values.length) {
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    public void delete(int index) {
        if (delegate instanceof Repeater) {
            Repeater repeater = (Repeater)delegate;
            if (index >= 0 && index < repeater.getSize()) {
        } else if (delegate instanceof MultiValueField) {
            MultiValueField field = (MultiValueField)delegate;
            Object[] values = (Object[])field.getValue();
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    public void put(String id, Scriptable start, Object value) {
        if (delegate instanceof Repeater) {
            if (id.equals("length")) {
                int len = (int)Context.toNumber(value);
                Repeater repeater = (Repeater)delegate;
                int size = repeater.getSize();
                if (size > len) {
                    while (repeater.getSize() > len) {
                        repeater.removeRow(repeater.getSize() -1);
                } else {
                    for (int i = size; i < len; ++i) {
        } else if (delegate != null) {
            Widget sub = delegate.lookupWidget(id);
            if (sub instanceof Field) {
                Field field = (Field)sub;
                value = unwrap(value);
                if (value instanceof Double) {
                    // make cforms accept a JS Number
                    Class typeClass =
                    if (typeClass == long.class || typeClass == Long.class) {
                        value = new Long(((Number)value).longValue());
                    } else if (typeClass == int.class || typeClass == Integer.class) {
                        value = new Integer(((Number)value).intValue());
                    } else if (typeClass == float.class || typeClass == Float.class) {
                        value = new Float(((Number)value).floatValue());
                    } else if (typeClass == short.class || typeClass == Short.class) {
                        value = new Short(((Number)value).shortValue());
            } else if (sub instanceof BooleanField) {
                BooleanField field = (BooleanField)sub;
                value = unwrap(value);
            } else if (sub instanceof Output) {
                Output field = (Output)sub;
                value = unwrap(value);
            } else if (sub instanceof Repeater) {
                Repeater repeater = (Repeater)sub;
                if (value instanceof NativeArray) {
                    NativeArray arr = (NativeArray)value;
                    Object length = getProperty(arr, "length");
                    int len = ((Number)length).intValue();
                    for (int i = repeater.getSize(); i >= len; --i) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                        Object elemValue = getProperty(arr, i);
                        if (elemValue instanceof Scriptable) {
                            Scriptable s = (Scriptable)elemValue;
                            Object[] ids = s.getIds();
                            ScriptableWidget wid = wrap(repeater.getRow(i));
                            for (int j = 0; j < ids.length; j++) {
                                String idStr = ids[j].toString();
                                wid.put(idStr, wid, getProperty(s, idStr));
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        Form form = formManager.createForm(resolver.resolveURI(formSource));

        Field birthDate = (Field)form.getChild("birthdate");
        birthDate.setValue(new Date());

        Repeater repeater = (Repeater)form.getChild("contacts");
        Field field = (Field)repeater.getWidget(0, "firstname");

        field = (Field)repeater.getWidget(1, "firstname");

        Request request = ObjectModelHelper.getRequest(objectModel);
        request.setAttribute(formAttribute, form);
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        if (inWidgetElement) {
            if (elementNestingCounter == widgetElementNesting && Constants.TEMPLATE_NS.equals(namespaceURI)
                && (localName.equals(WIDGET) || localName.equals(REPEATER_WIDGET))) {
                    if (repeaterWidget) {
                        Repeater repeater = (Repeater)widget;
                        WidgetReplacingPipe rowPipe = new WidgetReplacingPipe();
                        int rowCount = repeater.getSize();
                        for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) {
                            Repeater.RepeaterRow row = repeater.getRow(i);
                            rowPipe.init(row, pipeContext);
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Related Classes of org.apache.cocoon.forms.formmodel.Repeater

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