* child-bindings are allowed to visit the narrowed contexts.
public void doSave(Widget frmModel, JXPathContext jxpc)
throws BindingException {
// Find the repeater
Repeater repeater = (Repeater) selectWidget(frmModel, this.repeaterId);
// and his context
JXPathContext repeaterContext =
// create set of updatedRowIds
Set updatedRows = new HashSet();
//create list of rows to insert at end
List rowsToInsert = new ArrayList();
// iterate rows in the form model...
int formRowCount = repeater.getSize();
for (int i = 0; i < formRowCount; i++) {
Repeater.RepeaterRow thisRow = repeater.getRow(i);
// Get the identity
List identity = getIdentity(thisRow);
if (hasNonNullElements(identity)) {