Package org.apache.cocoon.environment.wrapper

Examples of org.apache.cocoon.environment.wrapper.EnvironmentWrapper

        if (out == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("No outputstream specified for process");

        // Create a wrapper environment for the subrequest to be processed.
        EnvironmentWrapper wrapper = new EnvironmentWrapper(env, uri, "", getLogger());
        wrapper.setAttribute("bean-dict", biz);

        // Attermpt to start processing the wrapper environment
        Object key = CocoonComponentManager.startProcessing(wrapper);

        Processor processor = null;
        boolean result = false;
        try {
            // Retrieve a processor instance
            processor = (Processor)this.manager.lookup(Processor.ROLE);

            // Enter the environment
            CocoonComponentManager.enterEnvironment(wrapper, this.manager, processor);

            // Process the subrequest
            result = processor.process(wrapper);

            // Return whatever the processor returned us
        } catch (Exception any) {
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        this.systemId = queryString == null ?
            this.protocol + "://" + requestURI :
            this.protocol + "://" + requestURI + "?" + queryString;

        // create environment...
        this.environment = new EnvironmentWrapper(env, requestURI,
                                                   queryString, logger, manager, rawMode);
        // ...and put information passed from the parent request to the internal request
        if ( null != parameters ) {
            this.environment.getObjectModel().put(ObjectModelHelper.PARENT_CONTEXT, parameters);
        } else {
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        this.systemId = queryString == null ?
            this.protocol + "://" + requestURI :
            this.protocol + "://" + requestURI + "?" + queryString;

        // create environment...
        this.environment = new EnvironmentWrapper(env, requestURI,
                                                   queryString, logger, manager, rawMode);
        // ...and put information passed from the parent request to the internal request
        if ( null != parameters ) {
            this.environment.getObjectModel().put(ObjectModelHelper.PARENT_CONTEXT, parameters);
        } else {
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        } else {
            this.processor = EnvironmentHelper.getCurrentProcessor();

        // create environment...
        final EnvironmentWrapper wrapper = new EnvironmentWrapper(env, info);

        // The environment is a facade whose delegate can be changed in case of internal redirects
        this.environment = new MutableEnvironmentFacade(wrapper);

        // ...and put information passed from the parent request to the internal request
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        // create system ID
        this.systemId = queryString == null ?
            "cocoon://" + requestURI :
            "cocoon://" + requestURI + "?" + queryString;

        this.environment = new EnvironmentWrapper(env, requestURI, queryString, logger, manager, rawMode);
        this.uri = uri;
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        } else {
            uri = env.getURIPrefix() + uri;

        // Create a wrapper environment for the subrequest to be processed.
        EnvironmentWrapper wrapper = new EnvironmentWrapper(env, uri, "", getLogger());
        wrapper.setURI("", uri);
        Map objectModel = env.getObjectModel();
        FlowHelper.setContextObject(objectModel, biz);

        // Attermpt to start processing the wrapper environment
        Object key = CocoonComponentManager.startProcessing(wrapper);

        Processor processor = null;
        boolean result = false;
        try {
            // Retrieve a processor instance
            processor = (Processor)this.manager.lookup(Processor.ROLE);

            // Enter the environment
            CocoonComponentManager.enterEnvironment(wrapper, this.manager, processor);

            // Process the subrequest
            result = processor.process(wrapper);

            // Return whatever the processor returned us
        } catch (Exception any) {
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        this.systemId = queryString == null ?
            this.protocol + "://" + requestURI :
            this.protocol + "://" + requestURI + "?" + queryString;

        // create environment...
        EnvironmentWrapper wrapper = new EnvironmentWrapper(env, requestURI,
                                                   queryString, logger, manager, rawMode, view);
        wrapper.setURI(prefix, uri);

        // The environment is a facade whose delegate can be changed in case of internal redirects
        this.environment = new MutableEnvironmentFacade(wrapper);

        // ...and put information passed from the parent request to the internal request
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        // create system ID
        this.systemId = queryString == null ?
            "cocoon://" + requestURI :
            "cocoon://" + requestURI + "?" + queryString;

        this.environment = new EnvironmentWrapper(env, requestURI, queryString, logger, rawMode);
        this.uri = uri;
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        // create system ID
        this.systemId = queryString == null ?
            "cocoon://" + requestURI :
            "cocoon://" + requestURI + "?" + queryString;

        this.environment = new EnvironmentWrapper(env, requestURI, queryString, logger, manager, rawMode);
        this.uri = uri;
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        // create system ID
        this.systemId = queryString == null ?
            "cocoon://" + requestURI :
            "cocoon://" + requestURI + "?" + queryString;

        this.environment = new EnvironmentWrapper(env, requestURI, queryString, logger, manager, rawMode);
        this.uri = uri;
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Related Classes of org.apache.cocoon.environment.wrapper.EnvironmentWrapper

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