// Don't build them since "pipelines" is not present in this list
ProcessingNode pipelines = null;
// Now build all those that have no particular order
Configuration[] childConfigs = config.getChildren();
loop: for (int i = 0; i < childConfigs.length; i++) {
Configuration childConfig = childConfigs[i];
if (isChild(childConfig)) {
// Is it in the ordered list ?
for (int j = 0; j < orderedNames.length; j++) {
if (orderedNames[j].equals(childConfig.getName())) {
// yep : already built above
continue loop;
ProcessingNodeBuilder builder = this.treeBuilder.createNodeBuilder(childConfig);
ProcessingNode node = builder.buildNode(childConfig);
if (node instanceof PipelinesNode) {
if (pipelines != null) {
String msg = "Only one 'pipelines' is allowed, at " + childConfig.getLocation();
throw new ConfigurationException(msg);