Package org.apache.cocoon.components.sax

Examples of org.apache.cocoon.components.sax.XMLTeePipe

                            if ( (this.isCachePoint.get(currentTransformerIndex) != null&&
                                    ((Boolean)this.isCachePoint.get(currentTransformerIndex)).booleanValue()) {

                                cachePointXMLSerializer = ((XMLSerializer)
                                this.manager.lookup( XMLSerializer.ROLE ));
                                next = new XMLTeePipe(next, cachePointXMLSerializer);

                        // Serializer is not cacheable,
                        // but we  have the longest cacheable key. Do default longest key caching
                        if (localXMLSerializer != null) {
                            if (cacheableTransformerCount == 0) {
                                next = new XMLTeePipe(next, localXMLSerializer);
                                localXMLSerializer = null;
                            } else {
                        this.connect(environment, prev, next);
                        prev = (XMLProducer) next;

                    next = super.lastConsumer;

                    // if the serializer is not cacheable, but all the transformers are:
                    // (this is default longest key caching)
                    if (localXMLSerializer != null) {
                        next = new XMLTeePipe(next, localXMLSerializer);
                        localXMLSerializer = null;

                    // else if the serializer is cacheable and has cocoon views
                    else if ((currentTransformerIndex == this.firstNotCacheableTransformerIndex) &&
                            this.nextIsCachePoint) {
                        cachePointXMLSerializer = ((XMLSerializer)this.manager.lookup( XMLSerializer.ROLE ));
                        next = new XMLTeePipe(next, cachePointXMLSerializer);
                    this.connect(environment, prev, next);

                } else {
                    // Here the first part of the pipeline has been retrived from cache
                    // we now check if any part of the rest of the pipeline can be cached
                    this.xmlDeserializer = (XMLDeserializer)this.manager.lookup(XMLDeserializer.ROLE);
                    // connect the pipeline:
                    XMLProducer prev = xmlDeserializer;
                    XMLConsumer next;
                    int cacheableTransformerCount = 0;
                    Iterator itt = this.transformers.iterator();
                    while ( itt.hasNext() ) {
                        next = (XMLConsumer);

                        if (cacheableTransformerCount >= this.firstProcessedTransformerIndex) {

                            // if we have cacheable transformers left,
                            // then check the tranformers for cachepoints
                            if (cacheableTransformerCount < this.firstNotCacheableTransformerIndex) {
                                if ( !(prev instanceof XMLDeserializer) &&
                                        (this.isCachePoint.get(cacheableTransformerCount) != null&&
                                        ((Boolean)this.isCachePoint.get(cacheableTransformerCount)).booleanValue()) {
                                    cachePointXMLSerializer = ((XMLSerializer)this.manager.lookup( XMLSerializer.ROLE ));
                                    next = new XMLTeePipe(next, cachePointXMLSerializer);

                            // Serializer is not cacheable,
                            // but we  have the longest cacheable key. Do default longest key caching
                            if (localXMLSerializer != null && !(prev instanceof XMLDeserializer)
                                    && cacheableTransformerCount == this.firstNotCacheableTransformerIndex) {
                                next = new XMLTeePipe(next, localXMLSerializer);
                                localXMLSerializer = null;
                            this.connect(environment, prev, next);
                            prev = (XMLProducer)next;
                    next = super.lastConsumer;

                    //*all* the transformers are cacheable, but the serializer is not!! this is longest key
                    if (localXMLSerializer != null && !(prev instanceof XMLDeserializer)) {
                        next = new XMLTeePipe(next, localXMLSerializer);
                        localXMLSerializer = null;

            //  else the serializer is cacheable but has views
            else if (this.nextIsCachePoint && !(prev instanceof XMLDeserializer) &&
                            cacheableTransformerCount == this.firstNotCacheableTransformerIndex) {
                        cachePointXMLSerializer = ((XMLSerializer)this.manager.lookup( XMLSerializer.ROLE ));
                        next = new XMLTeePipe(next,  cachePointXMLSerializer);
                    this.connect(environment, prev, next);

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                    Iterator itt = this.transformers.iterator();
                    while ( itt.hasNext() ) {
                        next = (XMLConsumer);
                        if (localXMLSerializer != null) {
                            if (cacheableTransformerCount == 0) {
                                next = new XMLTeePipe(next, localXMLSerializer);
                                localXMLSerializer = null;
                            } else {
                        this.connect(environment, prev, next);
                        prev = (XMLProducer) next;
                    next = super.lastConsumer;
                    if (localXMLSerializer != null) {
                        next = new XMLTeePipe(next, localXMLSerializer);
                        localXMLSerializer = null;
                    this.connect(environment, prev, next);
                } else {
                    this.xmlDeserializer = (XMLDeserializer)this.manager.lookup(XMLDeserializer.ROLE);
                    // connect the pipeline:
                    XMLProducer prev = xmlDeserializer;
                    XMLConsumer next;
                    int cacheableTransformerCount = 0;
                    Iterator itt = this.transformers.iterator();
                    while ( itt.hasNext() ) {
                        next = (XMLConsumer);
                        if (cacheableTransformerCount >= this.firstProcessedTransformerIndex) {
                            if (localXMLSerializer != null
                                    && cacheableTransformerCount == this.firstNotCacheableTransformerIndex) {
                                next = new XMLTeePipe(next, localXMLSerializer);
                                localXMLSerializer = null;
                            this.connect(environment, prev, next);
                            prev = (XMLProducer)next;
                    next = super.lastConsumer;
                    if (localXMLSerializer != null) {
                        next = new XMLTeePipe(next, localXMLSerializer);
                        localXMLSerializer = null;
                    this.connect(environment, prev, next);
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            if (this.getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                this.getLogger().debug("Streaming directly from source.");
            if (session.getExpires() > 0) {
                serializer = (XMLSerializer)this.manager.lookup(XMLSerializer.ROLE);
                XMLTeePipe tee = new XMLTeePipe(handler, serializer);
                SourceUtil.toSAX(source, tee);
                SourceValidity[] validities = new SourceValidity[1];
                validities[0] = session.getExpiresValidity();
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            if (this.getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                this.getLogger().debug("Streaming directly from source.");
            if (session.getExpires() > 0) {
                serializer = (XMLSerializer)this.manager.lookup(XMLSerializer.ROLE);
                XMLTeePipe tee = new XMLTeePipe(handler, serializer);
                SourceUtil.toSAX(source, tee);
                SourceValidity[] validities = new SourceValidity[1];
                validities[0] = session.getExpiresValidity();
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                // Connect next component.
                next = (XMLConsumer);
                if (xmlSerializer != null) {
                    if (cacheableTransformerCount == 0) {
                        next = new XMLTeePipe(next, xmlSerializer);
                        xmlSerializer = null;
                    } else {
                prev = (XMLProducer) next;

            if (configuredSAXConnector) {
                // insert SAXConnector
                SAXConnector connect = (SAXConnector) this.manager.lookup(SAXConnector.ROLE);
                next = connect;
                prev = connect;

            // insert this consumer
            next = super.xmlConsumer;
            if (xmlSerializer != null) {
                next = new XMLTeePipe(next, xmlSerializer);
                xmlSerializer = null;

        } catch ( IOException e ) {
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                            if ((this.isCachePoint.get(currentTransformerIndex) != null&&
                                    ((Boolean)this.isCachePoint.get(currentTransformerIndex)).booleanValue()) {

                                cachePointXMLSerializer = ((XMLSerializer)
                                this.manager.lookup( XMLSerializer.ROLE ));
                                next = new XMLTeePipe(next, cachePointXMLSerializer);

                        // Serializer is not cacheable,
                        // but we  have the longest cacheable key. Do default longest key caching
                        if (localXMLSerializer != null) {
                            if (cacheableTransformerCount == 0) {
                                next = new XMLTeePipe(next, localXMLSerializer);
                                localXMLSerializer = null;
                            } else {
                        this.connect(environment, prev, next);
                        prev = (XMLProducer) next;

                    next = super.lastConsumer;

                    // if the serializer is not cacheable, but all the transformers are:
                    // (this is default longest key caching)
                    if (localXMLSerializer != null) {
                        next = new XMLTeePipe(next, localXMLSerializer);
                        localXMLSerializer = null;

                    // else if the serializer is cacheable and has cocoon views
                    else if ((currentTransformerIndex == this.firstNotCacheableTransformerIndex) &&
                            this.nextIsCachePoint) {
                        cachePointXMLSerializer = ((XMLSerializer)this.manager.lookup( XMLSerializer.ROLE ));
                        next = new XMLTeePipe(next, cachePointXMLSerializer);
                    this.connect(environment, prev, next);
                } else {
                    // Here the first part of the pipeline has been retrived from cache
                    // we now check if any part of the rest of the pipeline can be cached
                    this.xmlDeserializer = (XMLDeserializer)this.manager.lookup(XMLDeserializer.ROLE);
                    // connect the pipeline:
                    XMLProducer prev = xmlDeserializer;
                    XMLConsumer next;
                    int cacheableTransformerCount = 0;
                    Iterator itt = this.transformers.iterator();
                    while (itt.hasNext()) {
                        next = (XMLConsumer);

                        if (cacheableTransformerCount >= this.firstProcessedTransformerIndex) {

                            // if we have cacheable transformers left,
                            // then check the tranformers for cachepoints
                            if (cacheableTransformerCount < this.firstNotCacheableTransformerIndex) {
                                if (!(prev instanceof XMLDeserializer) &&
                                        (this.isCachePoint.get(cacheableTransformerCount) != null&&
                                        ((Boolean)this.isCachePoint.get(cacheableTransformerCount)).booleanValue()) {
                                    cachePointXMLSerializer = ((XMLSerializer)this.manager.lookup( XMLSerializer.ROLE ));
                                    next = new XMLTeePipe(next, cachePointXMLSerializer);

                            // Serializer is not cacheable,
                            // but we  have the longest cacheable key. Do default longest key caching
                            if (localXMLSerializer != null && !(prev instanceof XMLDeserializer)
                                    && cacheableTransformerCount == this.firstNotCacheableTransformerIndex) {
                                next = new XMLTeePipe(next, localXMLSerializer);
                                localXMLSerializer = null;
                            this.connect(environment, prev, next);
                            prev = (XMLProducer)next;
                    next = super.lastConsumer;

                    //*all* the transformers are cacheable, but the serializer is not!! this is longest key
                    if (localXMLSerializer != null && !(prev instanceof XMLDeserializer)) {
                        next = new XMLTeePipe(next, localXMLSerializer);
                        localXMLSerializer = null;
            //  else the serializer is cacheable but has views
            else if (this.nextIsCachePoint && !(prev instanceof XMLDeserializer) &&
                            cacheableTransformerCount == this.firstNotCacheableTransformerIndex) {
                        cachePointXMLSerializer = ((XMLSerializer)this.manager.lookup( XMLSerializer.ROLE ));
                        next = new XMLTeePipe(next,  cachePointXMLSerializer);
                    this.connect(environment, prev, next);

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                // if we cache, we need an xml serializer
                if ( this.cacheExpires > 0) {
                    try {
                        final XMLConsumer old = this.lastConsumer;
                        this.xmlSerializer = (XMLSerializer)this.manager.lookup( XMLSerializer.ROLE );
                        this.lastConsumer = new XMLTeePipe(this.lastConsumer, this.xmlSerializer);

                        super.connectPipeline( environment );

                        this.lastConsumer = old;
                    } catch ( ComponentException e ) {
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                Iterator itt = this.transformers.iterator();
                while (itt.hasNext()) {
                    next = (XMLConsumer);
                    if (localXMLSerializer != null) {
                        if (cacheableTransformerCount == 0) {
                            next = new XMLTeePipe(next, localXMLSerializer);
                            localXMLSerializer = null;
                        } else {
                    connect(environment, prev, next);
                    prev = (XMLProducer) next;

                next = super.lastConsumer;
                if (localXMLSerializer != null) {
                    next = new XMLTeePipe(next, localXMLSerializer);
                    localXMLSerializer = null;
                connect(environment, prev, next);

            } else {
                this.xmlDeserializer = (XMLDeserializer) this.manager.lookup(XMLDeserializer.ROLE);

                // connect the pipeline:
                XMLProducer prev = xmlDeserializer;
                XMLConsumer next;

                int cacheableTransformerCount = 0;
                Iterator itt = this.transformers.iterator();
                while (itt.hasNext()) {
                    next = (XMLConsumer);
                    if (cacheableTransformerCount >= this.firstProcessedTransformerIndex) {
                        if (localXMLSerializer != null
                                && cacheableTransformerCount == this.firstNotCacheableTransformerIndex) {
                            next = new XMLTeePipe(next, localXMLSerializer);
                            localXMLSerializer = null;
                        connect(environment, prev, next);
                        prev = (XMLProducer) next;

                next = super.lastConsumer;
                if (localXMLSerializer != null) {
                    next = new XMLTeePipe(next, localXMLSerializer);
                    localXMLSerializer = null;
                connect(environment, prev, next);
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                            if ((this.isCachePoint.get(currentTransformerIndex) != null&&
                                    ((Boolean)this.isCachePoint.get(currentTransformerIndex)).booleanValue()) {

                                cachePointXMLSerializer = ((XMLSerializer)
                                this.manager.lookup( XMLSerializer.ROLE ));
                                next = new XMLTeePipe(next, cachePointXMLSerializer);

                        // Serializer is not cacheable,
                        // but we  have the longest cacheable key. Do default longest key caching
                        if (localXMLSerializer != null) {
                            if (cacheableTransformerCount == 0) {
                                next = new XMLTeePipe(next, localXMLSerializer);
                                localXMLSerializer = null;
                            } else {
                        this.connect(environment, prev, next);
                        prev = (XMLProducer) next;

                    next = super.lastConsumer;

                    // if the serializer is not cacheable, but all the transformers are:
                    // (this is default longest key caching)
                    if (localXMLSerializer != null) {
                        next = new XMLTeePipe(next, localXMLSerializer);
                        localXMLSerializer = null;

                    // else if the serializer is cacheable and has cocoon views
                    else if ((currentTransformerIndex == this.firstNotCacheableTransformerIndex) &&
                            this.nextIsCachePoint) {
                        cachePointXMLSerializer = ((XMLSerializer)this.manager.lookup( XMLSerializer.ROLE ));
                        next = new XMLTeePipe(next, cachePointXMLSerializer);
                    this.connect(environment, prev, next);
                } else {
                    // Here the first part of the pipeline has been retrived from cache
                    // we now check if any part of the rest of the pipeline can be cached
                    this.xmlDeserializer = (XMLDeserializer)this.manager.lookup(XMLDeserializer.ROLE);
                    // connect the pipeline:
                    XMLProducer prev = xmlDeserializer;
                    XMLConsumer next;
                    int cacheableTransformerCount = 0;
                    Iterator itt = this.transformers.iterator();
                    while (itt.hasNext()) {
                        next = (XMLConsumer);

                        if (cacheableTransformerCount >= this.firstProcessedTransformerIndex) {

                            // if we have cacheable transformers left,
                            // then check the tranformers for cachepoints
                            if (cacheableTransformerCount < this.firstNotCacheableTransformerIndex) {
                                if (!(prev instanceof XMLDeserializer) &&
                                        (this.isCachePoint.get(cacheableTransformerCount) != null&&
                                        ((Boolean)this.isCachePoint.get(cacheableTransformerCount)).booleanValue()) {
                                    cachePointXMLSerializer = ((XMLSerializer)this.manager.lookup( XMLSerializer.ROLE ));
                                    next = new XMLTeePipe(next, cachePointXMLSerializer);

                            // Serializer is not cacheable,
                            // but we  have the longest cacheable key. Do default longest key caching
                            if (localXMLSerializer != null && !(prev instanceof XMLDeserializer)
                                    && cacheableTransformerCount == this.firstNotCacheableTransformerIndex) {
                                next = new XMLTeePipe(next, localXMLSerializer);
                                localXMLSerializer = null;
                            this.connect(environment, prev, next);
                            prev = (XMLProducer)next;
                    next = super.lastConsumer;

                    //*all* the transformers are cacheable, but the serializer is not!! this is longest key
                    if (localXMLSerializer != null && !(prev instanceof XMLDeserializer)) {
                        next = new XMLTeePipe(next, localXMLSerializer);
                        localXMLSerializer = null;
            //  else the serializer is cacheable but has views
            else if (this.nextIsCachePoint && !(prev instanceof XMLDeserializer) &&
                            cacheableTransformerCount == this.firstNotCacheableTransformerIndex) {
                        cachePointXMLSerializer = ((XMLSerializer)this.manager.lookup( XMLSerializer.ROLE ));
                        next = new XMLTeePipe(next,  cachePointXMLSerializer);
                    this.connect(environment, prev, next);

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                // if we cache, we need an xml serializer
                if ( this.cacheExpires > 0) {
                    try {
                        final XMLConsumer old = this.lastConsumer;
                        this.xmlSerializer = (XMLSerializer)this.manager.lookup( XMLSerializer.ROLE );
                        this.lastConsumer = new XMLTeePipe(this.lastConsumer, this.xmlSerializer);

                        super.connectPipeline( environment );

                        this.lastConsumer = old;
                    } catch ( ComponentException e ) {
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Related Classes of org.apache.cocoon.components.sax.XMLTeePipe

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