Package org.apache.cocoon.caching

Examples of org.apache.cocoon.caching.CachedResponse

     * If it is not available <code>null</code> is returned.
     * @param key         the key used by the caching algorithm to identify the
     *                    request
    public CachedResponse get(Serializable key) {
        final CachedResponse r = (CachedResponse);
        if ( this.getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
            this.getLogger().debug("Cached response for " + key + " : " +
                                   (r == null ? "not found" : "found"));
        return r;
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            if ( this.cacheCompleteResponse ) {
                if (this.getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                    this.getLogger().debug("Cached: caching complete response; pSisze"
                                           + this.toCacheKey.size() + " Key " + this.toCacheKey);
                CachedResponse response = new CachedResponse(this.toCacheSourceValidities,
                // Scan back along the pipelineCacheKey for
                // for any cachepoint(s)

                // adjust the validities object
                // to reflect the new length of the pipeline cache key.
                // REVISIT: Is it enough to simply reduce the length of the validities array?
                if (this.toCacheKey.size()>0) {
                    SourceValidity[] copy = new SourceValidity[this.toCacheKey.size()];
                    System.arraycopy(this.toCacheSourceValidities, 0,
                                     copy, 0, copy.length);
                    this.toCacheSourceValidities = copy;

            if (this.toCacheKey.size()>0) {
                ListIterator itt = this.xmlSerializerArray.listIterator(this.xmlSerializerArray.size());
                while (itt.hasPrevious()) {
                    XMLSerializer serializer = (XMLSerializer) itt.previous();
                    CachedResponse response = new CachedResponse(this.toCacheSourceValidities,

                    if (this.getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
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    protected void cacheResults(Environment environment, OutputStream osthrows Exception {
        if (this.toCacheKey != null) {
            // See if there is an expires object for this resource.               
            Long expiresObj = (Long) environment.getObjectModel().get(ObjectModelHelper.EXPIRES_OBJECT);
            if ( this.cacheCompleteResponse ) {
                CachedResponse response = new CachedResponse(this.toCacheSourceValidities,
            } else {
                CachedResponse response = new CachedResponse(this.toCacheSourceValidities,
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        // if we are processing in parallel (and not preemptive) then....
        if ( session.isParallel() && !session.isPreemptive()) {
            // first look-up if we have a valid stored response
            IncludeCacheStorageProxy storage = session.getCacheStorageProxy();
            CachedResponse response = (CachedResponse)storage.get(uri);
            if ( null != response) {
                SourceValidity[] validities = response.getValidityObjects();
                // if we are valid and do not purging
                if ( !session.isPurging()
                      && validities[0].isValid() == SourceValidity.VALID) {
                    if (this.getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                        this.getLogger().debug("Using cached response for parallel processing.");
                    session.add(uri, response.getResponse());
                    return uri;
                } else {
                    // response is not used
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                // cache the response (remember preemptive is off)
                if (session.getExpires() > 0) {
                    SourceValidity[] validities = new SourceValidity[1];
                    validities[0] = session.getExpiresValidity();
                    CachedResponse response = new CachedResponse(validities, result);
                    session.getCacheStorageProxy().put(uri, response);
            } else {
                if (this.getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                    this.getLogger().debug("Streaming from cached response.");

                // use the response from the cache
                result = (byte[])object;
            // stream the content
            XMLDeserializer deserializer = null;
            try {
                deserializer = (XMLDeserializer)this.manager.lookup( XMLDeserializer.ROLE );
            } catch (ComponentException ce) {
                throw new SAXException("Unable to lookup xml deserializer.", ce);
            } finally {
                this.manager.release( deserializer );
        } else {
            // we are not processing parallel
            // first: test for a cached response
            IncludeCacheStorageProxy storage = session.getCacheStorageProxy();
            CachedResponse response = (CachedResponse)storage.get(uri);
            if ( null != response) {
                SourceValidity[] validities = response.getValidityObjects();
                // if purging is turned off and either the cached response is valid or
                // we are loading preemptive, then use the cached response
                if ( !session.isPurging()
                      && (session.isPreemptive() || validities[0].isValid() == SourceValidity.VALID)) {

                    // stream the content                   
                    if (this.getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                        this.getLogger().debug("Streaming from cached response.");
                    XMLDeserializer deserializer = null;
                    try {
                        deserializer = (XMLDeserializer)this.manager.lookup( XMLDeserializer.ROLE );
                    } catch (ComponentException ce) {
                        throw new SAXException("Unable to lookup xml deserializer.", ce);
                    } finally {
                        this.manager.release( deserializer );
                    // load preemptive if the response is not valid
                    if ( session.getExpires() > 0
                         && session.isPreemptive()
                         && validities[0].isValid() != SourceValidity.VALID) {
                        if (this.getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                            this.getLogger().debug("Add uri to preemptive loader list " + uri);
                        if (!PreemptiveLoader.getInstance().alive) {
                            this.getLogger().error("Preemptive loader has not started yet.");
                        PreemptiveLoader.getInstance().add(session.getCacheStorageProxy(), uri, session.getExpires());
                } else {
                    // cached response is not valid

        // we are not processing in parallel and have no (valid) cached response
        XMLSerializer serializer = null;
        try {
            final Source source = session.resolveURI(uri, this.resolver);
            // stream directly (and cache the response)
            if (this.getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                this.getLogger().debug("Streaming directly from source.");
            if (session.getExpires() > 0) {
                serializer = (XMLSerializer)this.manager.lookup(XMLSerializer.ROLE);
                XMLTeePipe tee = new XMLTeePipe(handler, serializer);
                SourceUtil.toSAX(source, tee);
                SourceValidity[] validities = new SourceValidity[1];
                validities[0] = session.getExpiresValidity();
                CachedResponse response = new CachedResponse(validities,
                session.getCacheStorageProxy().put(uri, response);
            } else {
                SourceUtil.toSAX(source, handler);
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        // if we are processing in parallel (and not preemptive) then....
        if ( session.isParallel() && !session.isPreemptive()) {
            // first look-up if we have a valid stored response
            IncludeCacheStorageProxy storage = session.getCacheStorageProxy();
            CachedResponse response = (CachedResponse)storage.get(uri);
            if ( null != response) {
                SourceValidity[] validities = response.getValidityObjects();
                // if we are valid and do not purging
                if ( !session.isPurging()
                      && validities[0].isValid() == SourceValidity.VALID) {
                    if (this.getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                        this.getLogger().debug("Using cached response for parallel processing.");
                    session.add(uri, response.getResponse());
                    return uri;
                } else {
                    // response is not used
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                // cache the response (remember preemptive is off)
                if (session.getExpires() > 0) {
                    SourceValidity[] validities = new SourceValidity[1];
                    validities[0] = session.getExpiresValidity();
                    CachedResponse response = new CachedResponse(validities, result);
                    session.getCacheStorageProxy().put(uri, response);
            } else {
                if (this.getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                    this.getLogger().debug("Streaming from cached response.");

                // use the response from the cache
                result = (byte[])object;
            // stream the content
            XMLDeserializer deserializer = null;
            try {
                deserializer = (XMLDeserializer)this.manager.lookup( XMLDeserializer.ROLE );
            } catch (ServiceException ce) {
                throw new SAXException("Unable to lookup xml deserializer.", ce);
            } finally {
                this.manager.release( deserializer );
        } else {
            // we are not processing parallel
            // first: test for a cached response
            IncludeCacheStorageProxy storage = session.getCacheStorageProxy();
            CachedResponse response = (CachedResponse)storage.get(uri);
            if ( null != response) {
                SourceValidity[] validities = response.getValidityObjects();
                // if purging is turned off and either the cached response is valid or
                // we are loading preemptive, then use the cached response
                if ( !session.isPurging()
                      && (session.isPreemptive() || validities[0].isValid() == SourceValidity.VALID)) {

                    // stream the content                   
                    if (this.getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                        this.getLogger().debug("Streaming from cached response.");
                    XMLDeserializer deserializer = null;
                    try {
                        deserializer = (XMLDeserializer)this.manager.lookup( XMLDeserializer.ROLE );
                    } catch (ServiceException ce) {
                        throw new SAXException("Unable to lookup xml deserializer.", ce);
                    } finally {
                        this.manager.release( deserializer );
                    // load preemptive if the response is not valid
                    if ( session.getExpires() > 0
                         && session.isPreemptive()
                         && validities[0].isValid() != SourceValidity.VALID) {
                        if (this.getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                            this.getLogger().debug("Add uri to preemptive loader list " + uri);
                        if (!PreemptiveLoader.getInstance().alive) {
                            this.getLogger().error("Preemptive loader has not started yet.");
                        PreemptiveLoader.getInstance().add(session.getCacheStorageProxy(), uri, session.getExpires());
                } else {
                    // cached response is not valid

        // we are not processing in parallel and have no (valid) cached response
        XMLSerializer serializer = null;
        try {
            final Source source = session.resolveURI(uri, this.resolver);
            // stream directly (and cache the response)
            if (this.getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                this.getLogger().debug("Streaming directly from source.");
            if (session.getExpires() > 0) {
                serializer = (XMLSerializer)this.manager.lookup(XMLSerializer.ROLE);
                XMLTeePipe tee = new XMLTeePipe(handler, serializer);
                SourceUtil.toSAX(source, tee);
                SourceValidity[] validities = new SourceValidity[1];
                validities[0] = session.getExpiresValidity();
                CachedResponse response = new CachedResponse(validities,
                session.getCacheStorageProxy().put(uri, response);
            } else {
                SourceUtil.toSAX(source, handler);
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                    SourceUtil.toSAX(source, serializer);
                    SourceValidity[] validities = new SourceValidity[1];
                    validities[0] = new ExpiresValidity(((Long)object[2]).longValue() * 1000); // milliseconds!
                    CachedResponse response = new CachedResponse(validities,
                    ((IncludeCacheStorageProxy)object[0]).put(uri, response);
                } catch (Exception ignore) {
                    // all exceptions are ignored!
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        Object data = null;
        // If caching is enabed and the cache is still valid, then use the cache
        if (cachingEnabled) {
            if ( cacheGlobal ) {
                final String key = this.getCacheKey(coplet, uri);
                CachedResponse response = this.cache.get(key);
                if (response != null ) {
                    data = response.getResponse();
            } else {
                data = coplet.getTemporaryAttribute(CACHE);
        if (data == null) {
            // if caching is permanently or temporary disabled, flush the cache and invoke coplet
            if ( !cachingEnabled || coplet.getTemporaryAttribute(DO_NOT_CACHE) != null ) {
                if ( cacheGlobal ) {
                    final String key = this.getCacheKey(coplet, uri);
                } else {
                super.streamContent(coplet, uri, contentHandler);               
            } else {

                XMLByteStreamCompiler bc = new XMLByteStreamCompiler();

                super.streamContent(coplet, uri, bc);
                data = bc.getSAXFragment();
                if (coplet.removeTemporaryAttribute(DO_NOT_CACHE) == null) {
                    if ( cacheGlobal ) {
                        CachedResponse response = new CachedResponse((SourceValidity[])null, (byte[])data);
                        try {
                            final String key = this.getCacheKey(coplet, uri);
                  , response);
                        } catch (ProcessingException pe) {
                            // we ignore this
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     * If it is not available <code>null</code> is returned.
     * @param key         the key used by the caching algorithm to identify the
     *                    request
    public CachedResponse get(Serializable key) {
        final CachedResponse r = (CachedResponse);
        if ( this.getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
            this.getLogger().debug("Cached response for " + key + " : " +
                                   (r == null ? "not found" : "found"));
        return r;
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Related Classes of org.apache.cocoon.caching.CachedResponse

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