Package org.apache.cocoon

Examples of org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException

     *  If the node does not exists, <CODE>null</CODE> is returned.
    public DocumentFragment getXML(String path)
    throws ProcessingException {
        if (path == null) {
            throw new ProcessingException("getXML: Path is required");
        if (path.startsWith("/") == false) path = '/' + path;

        DocumentFragment frag = null;

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     *  If the path is not existent it is created.
    public void setXML(String path, DocumentFragment fragment)
    throws ProcessingException {
        if (path == null) {
            throw new ProcessingException("setXML: Path is required");
        if (!path.startsWith("/")) path = '/' + path;

        if ( path.equals("/") ) {
            // set all is not allowed with "/"
            throw new ProcessingException("Path '/' is not allowed");

        } else if ( path.startsWith("/authentication") ) {

            this.authContext.setXML('/' + path, fragment);

        } else if (path.equals("/application")
                   || path.startsWith("/application/") ) {

            if (this.applicationName == null) {
                throw new ProcessingException("Application is required");
            String appPath;
            if (path.equals("/application") == true) {
                appPath = "/";
            } else {
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     * in the same way as setXML.
    public void appendXML(String path, DocumentFragment fragment)
    throws ProcessingException {
        if (path == null) {
            throw new ProcessingException("appendXML: Path is required");
        if (!path.startsWith("/") ) path = '/' + path;

        if ( path.equals("/") ) {
            // set all is not allowed with "/"
            throw new ProcessingException("Path '/' is not allowed");

        } else if ( path.startsWith("/authentication") ) {

            this.authContext.appendXML('/' + path, fragment);

        } else if (path.equals("/application")
                   || path.startsWith("/application/") ) {

            if (this.applicationName == null) {
                throw new ProcessingException("Application is required");
            String appPath;
            if (path.equals("/application") ) {
                appPath = "/";
            } else {
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     * by the path.
    public void removeXML(String path)
    throws ProcessingException {
        if (path == null) {
            throw new ProcessingException("removeXML: Path is required");
        if (!path.startsWith("/") ) path = '/' + path;

        if (path.equals("/") ) {

        } else if (path.startsWith("/authentication") ) {

            this.authContext.removeXML("/" + path);

        } else if (path.equals("/application")
                   || path.startsWith("/application/") ) {
            if (this.applicationName == null) {
                throw new ProcessingException("removeXML: Application is required for path " + path);
            String appPath;
            if (path.equals("/application") ) {
                appPath = "/";
            } else {
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                doc = org.apache.cocoon.components.source.SourceUtil.toDOM(source);
            } catch (SAXException se) {
                throw new ProcessingException(se);
            } catch (SourceException se) {
                throw org.apache.cocoon.components.source.SourceUtil.handle(se);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new ProcessingException(e);
      } finally {

        } catch (ProcessingException local) {
            this.getLogger().error("authenticator: " + local.getMessage(), local);
            exceptionMsg = local.getMessage();

        // test if authentication was successful
        boolean isValid = false;
        UserHandler handler = null;
        if (doc != null) {
            isValid = this.isValidAuthenticationFragment( doc );

            if ( isValid ) {
                if (this.getLogger().isInfoEnabled() ) {
                    this.getLogger().info("Authenticator: User authenticated using handler '" + configuration.getName()+"'");
                handler = new UserHandler(configuration);
                SessionContext context = handler.getContext();

                MediaManager mediaManager = null;
                String mediaType;
                try {
                    mediaManager = (MediaManager)this.manager.lookup( MediaManager.ROLE );
                    mediaType = mediaManager.getMediaType();
                } catch (ServiceException se) {
                    throw new ProcessingException("Unable to lookup media manager.", se);
                } finally {
                    this.manager.release( mediaManager );
                synchronized(context) {
                    // add special nodes to the authentication block:
                    // useragent, type and media
                    Element specialElement;
                    Text    specialValue;
                    Element authNode;

                    authNode = (Element)doc.getFirstChild();

                    specialElement = doc.createElementNS(null, "type");
                    specialValue = doc.createTextNode("cocoon.authentication");

                    specialElement = doc.createElementNS(null, "media");
                    specialValue = doc.createTextNode(mediaType);

                    // store the authentication data in the context
                    context.setNode("/" + configuration.getName(), doc);

                    // And now load applications
                    boolean loaded = true;
                    Iterator applications = configuration.getApplications().values().iterator();

                    while ( applications.hasNext() ) {
                        ApplicationConfiguration appHandler = (ApplicationConfiguration);
                        if ( !appHandler.getLoadOnDemand() ) {
                            handler.getContext().loadApplicationXML( appHandler, this.resolver );
                        } else {
                            loaded = false;

                } // end sync
        if ( !isValid ) {
            if (this.getLogger().isInfoEnabled() ) {
                this.getLogger().info("Authenticator: Failed authentication using handler '" +  configuration.getName()+"'");
            // get the /authentication/data Node if available
            Node data = null;

            if (doc != null) {
                data = DOMUtil.getFirstNodeFromPath(doc, new String[] {"authentication","data"}, false);

            // now create the following xml:
            // <failed/>
            // if data is available data is included, otherwise:
            // <data>No information</data>
            // If exception message contains info, it is included into failed
            DocumentFragment authenticationFragment = doc.createDocumentFragment();

            Element element = doc.createElementNS(null, "failed");

            if (exceptionMsg != null) {
                Text text = doc.createTextNode(exceptionMsg);

            if (data == null) {
                element = doc.createElementNS(null, "data");
                Text text = doc.createTextNode("No information");
            } else {
                authenticationFragment.appendChild(doc.importNode(data, true));
            // now set this information in the temporary context
            SessionManager sessionManager = null;
            try {
                sessionManager = (SessionManager) this.manager.lookup( SessionManager.ROLE );
                SessionContext temp = sessionManager.getContext( SessionConstants.TEMPORARY_CONTEXT );
                temp.appendXML("/", authenticationFragment);
            } catch ( ServiceException se ) {
                throw new ProcessingException("Unable to lookup session manager.", se);
            } finally {
                this.manager.release( sessionManager );
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        } else if ( modeString.equalsIgnoreCase("if-unused") ) {
            mode = AuthenticationConstants.LOGOUT_MODE_IF_UNUSED;
        } else if ( modeString.equalsIgnoreCase("immediately") ) {
            mode = AuthenticationConstants.LOGOUT_MODE_IMMEDIATELY;
        } else {
           throw new ProcessingException("Unknown mode " + modeString);

        // logout
        Manager authManager = null;
        try {
            RequestState state = RequestState.getState();
            authManager = (Manager) this.manager.lookup(Manager.ROLE);
            final String handlerName = par.getParameter("handler",
                                                         (state == null ? null : state.getHandlerName()));
            if ( null == handlerName )
                throw new ProcessingException("LogoutAction requires at least the handler parameter.");
            authManager.logout( handlerName , mode );
        } finally {
            this.manager.release( (Component)authManager );
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     * Get a copy of the first node specified by the path.
     * If the node does not exist, <CODE>null</CODE> is returned.
    public Node getSingleNode(String path)
    throws ProcessingException {
        throw new ProcessingException("This method is not supported by the authenticaton session context.");
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     * Get a copy of all nodes specified by the path.
    public NodeList getNodeList(String path)
    throws ProcessingException {
        throw new ProcessingException("This method is not supported by the authenticaton session context.");
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     * Set the value of a node. The node is copied before insertion.
    public void setNode(String path, Node node)
    throws ProcessingException {
        throw new ProcessingException("This method is not supported by the authenticaton session context.");
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     * This is similiar to the xsl:value-of function.
     * If the node does not exist, <code>null</code> is returned.
    public String getValueOfNode(String path)
    throws ProcessingException {
        throw new ProcessingException("This method is not supported by the authenticaton session context.");
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Related Classes of org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException

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