
Examples of


    public Answer attachIso(AttachCommand cmd) {
        DiskTO disk = cmd.getDisk();
        TemplateObjectTO isoTO = (TemplateObjectTO)disk.getData();
        DataStoreTO store = isoTO.getDataStore();
        if (!(store instanceof NfsTO)) {
            return new AttachAnswer("unsupported protocol");
        return new Answer(cmd);
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    public Answer dettachIso(DettachCommand cmd) {
        DiskTO disk = cmd.getDisk();
        TemplateObjectTO isoTO = (TemplateObjectTO)disk.getData();
        DataStoreTO store = isoTO.getDataStore();
        if (!(store instanceof NfsTO)) {
            return new AttachAnswer("unsupported protocol");
        return new Answer(cmd);
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    public void copyAsync(DataObject srcdata, DataObject destData, AsyncCompletionCallback<CopyCommandResult> callback) {
        DataStore store = destData.getDataStore();
        if (store.getRole() == DataStoreRole.Primary) {
            if ((srcdata.getType() == DataObjectType.TEMPLATE && destData.getType() == DataObjectType.TEMPLATE)) {
                //For CLVM, we need to copy template to primary storage at all, just fake the copy result.
                TemplateObjectTO templateObjectTO = new TemplateObjectTO();
                CopyCmdAnswer answer = new CopyCmdAnswer(templateObjectTO);
                CopyCommandResult result = new CopyCommandResult("", answer);
            } else if (srcdata.getType() == DataObjectType.TEMPLATE && destData.getType() == DataObjectType.VOLUME) {
                //For CLVM, we need to pass template on secondary storage to hypervisor
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    public Answer copyTemplateToPrimaryStorage(CopyCommand cmd) {
        DataTO srcData = cmd.getSrcTO();
        DataTO destData = cmd.getDestTO();
        TemplateObjectTO template = (TemplateObjectTO) srcData;
        DataStoreTO imageStore = template.getDataStore();
        PrimaryDataStoreTO primaryStore = (PrimaryDataStoreTO) destData.getDataStore();

        if (!(imageStore instanceof NfsTO)) {
            return new CopyCmdAnswer("unsupported protocol");

        NfsTO nfsImageStore = (NfsTO) imageStore;
        String tmplturl = nfsImageStore.getUrl() + File.separator + template.getPath();
        int index = tmplturl.lastIndexOf("/");
        String mountpoint = tmplturl.substring(0, index);
        String tmpltname = null;
        if (index < tmplturl.length() - 1) {
            tmpltname = tmplturl.substring(index + 1);

        KVMPhysicalDisk tmplVol = null;
        KVMStoragePool secondaryPool = null;
        try {
            secondaryPool = storagePoolMgr.getStoragePoolByURI(mountpoint);

            /* Get template vol */
            if (tmpltname == null) {
                List<KVMPhysicalDisk> disks = secondaryPool.listPhysicalDisks();
                if (disks == null || disks.isEmpty()) {
                    return new PrimaryStorageDownloadAnswer("Failed to get volumes from pool: "
                            + secondaryPool.getUuid());
                for (KVMPhysicalDisk disk : disks) {
                    if (disk.getName().endsWith("qcow2")) {
                        tmplVol = disk;
                if (tmplVol == null) {
                    return new PrimaryStorageDownloadAnswer("Failed to get template from pool: "
                            + secondaryPool.getUuid());
            } else {
                tmplVol = secondaryPool.getPhysicalDisk(tmpltname);

            /* Copy volume to primary storage */
            KVMStoragePool primaryPool = storagePoolMgr.getStoragePool(primaryStore.getPoolType(),

            KVMPhysicalDisk primaryVol = storagePoolMgr.copyPhysicalDisk(tmplVol, UUID.randomUUID().toString(),
                    primaryPool, cmd.getWaitInMillSeconds());

             DataTO data = null;
             * Force the ImageFormat for RBD templates to RAW
            if (destData.getObjectType() == DataObjectType.TEMPLATE) {
                TemplateObjectTO newTemplate = new TemplateObjectTO();
                if (primaryPool.getType() == StoragePoolType.RBD) {
                } else {
                data = newTemplate;
            } else if (destData.getObjectType() == DataObjectType.VOLUME) {
                VolumeObjectTO volumeObjectTO = new VolumeObjectTO();
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    public Answer cloneVolumeFromBaseTemplate(CopyCommand cmd) {
        DataTO srcData = cmd.getSrcTO();
        DataTO destData = cmd.getDestTO();
        TemplateObjectTO template = (TemplateObjectTO) srcData;
        DataStoreTO imageStore = template.getDataStore();
        VolumeObjectTO volume = (VolumeObjectTO) destData;
        PrimaryDataStoreTO primaryStore = (PrimaryDataStoreTO) volume.getDataStore();
        KVMPhysicalDisk BaseVol = null;
        KVMStoragePool primaryPool = null;
        KVMPhysicalDisk vol = null;

        try {
            primaryPool = storagePoolMgr.getStoragePool(primaryStore.getPoolType(), primaryStore.getUuid());

            String templatePath = template.getPath();

            if (primaryPool.getType() == StoragePoolType.CLVM) {
                templatePath = ((NfsTO)imageStore).getUrl() + File.separator + templatePath;
                vol = templateToPrimaryDownload(templatePath, primaryPool, cmd.getWaitInMillSeconds());
            } else {
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                PrimaryDataStoreTO primaryStore = (PrimaryDataStoreTO)volumeTO.getDataStore();
                if (primaryStore.getUuid() != null && !primaryStore.getUuid().isEmpty()) {
            } else if (vol.getType() == Volume.Type.ISO) {
                TemplateObjectTO templateTO = (TemplateObjectTO)vol.getData();
                if (templateTO.getPath() != null && !templateTO.getPath().isEmpty()) {
            } else {
                if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    s_logger.debug("Drop invalid disk option, volumeTO: " + _gson.toJson(vol));
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            } else {
                // Note: we will always plug a CDROM device
                if (volIso != null) {
                    TemplateObjectTO iso = (TemplateObjectTO)volIso.getData();

                    if (iso.getPath() != null && !iso.getPath().isEmpty()) {
                        DataStoreTO imageStore = iso.getDataStore();
                        if (!(imageStore instanceof NfsTO)) {
                            s_logger.debug("unsupported protocol");
                            throw new Exception("unsupported protocol");
                        NfsTO nfsImageStore = (NfsTO)imageStore;
                        String isoPath = nfsImageStore.getUrl() + File.separator + iso.getPath();
                        Pair<String, ManagedObjectReference> isoDatastoreInfo = getIsoDatastoreInfo(hyperHost, isoPath);
                        assert (isoDatastoreInfo != null);
                        assert (isoDatastoreInfo.second() != null);

                        deviceConfigSpecArray[i] = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec();
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                String name = path.substring(index + 1);
                storageManager.createOva(parentPath + File.separator + path, name);
                vol.setPath(path + File.separator + name + ".ova");
            } else if (srcData.getObjectType() == DataObjectType.SNAPSHOT && destData.getObjectType() == DataObjectType.TEMPLATE) {
                //create template from snapshot on src at first, then copy it to s3
                TemplateObjectTO cacheTemplate = (TemplateObjectTO)destData;
                CopyCmdAnswer answer = (CopyCmdAnswer)processor.createTemplateFromSnapshot(cmd);
                if (!answer.getResult()) {
                    return answer;
                TemplateObjectTO template = (TemplateObjectTO)answer.getNewData();
                CopyCommand newCmd = new CopyCommand(template, destData, cmd.getWait(), cmd.executeInSequence());
                Answer result = storageResource.defaultAction(newCmd);
                //clean up template data on staging area
                try {
                    DeleteCommand deleteCommand = new DeleteCommand(template);
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    public Answer createTemplateFromVolume(CopyCommand cmd) {
        DataTO srcData = cmd.getSrcTO();
        DataTO destData = cmd.getDestTO();
        int wait = cmd.getWaitInMillSeconds();
        TemplateObjectTO template = (TemplateObjectTO) destData;
        DataStoreTO imageStore = template.getDataStore();
        VolumeObjectTO volume = (VolumeObjectTO) srcData;
        PrimaryDataStoreTO primaryStore = (PrimaryDataStoreTO) volume.getDataStore();

        if (!(imageStore instanceof NfsTO)) {
            return new CopyCmdAnswer("unsupported protocol");
        NfsTO nfsImageStore = (NfsTO) imageStore;

        KVMStoragePool secondaryStorage = null;
        KVMStoragePool primary = null;
        try {
            String templateFolder = template.getPath();

            secondaryStorage = storagePoolMgr.getStoragePoolByURI(nfsImageStore.getUrl());

            primary = storagePoolMgr.getStoragePool(primaryStore.getPoolType(), primaryStore.getUuid());

            KVMPhysicalDisk disk = storagePoolMgr.getPhysicalDisk(primaryStore.getPoolType(), primaryStore.getUuid(), volume.getPath());
            String tmpltPath = secondaryStorage.getLocalPath() + File.separator + templateFolder;
            String templateName = UUID.randomUUID().toString();

            if (primary.getType() != StoragePoolType.RBD) {
                Script command = new Script(_createTmplPath, wait, s_logger);
                command.add("-f", disk.getPath());
                command.add("-t", tmpltPath);
                command.add("-n", templateName + ".qcow2");

                String result = command.execute();

                if (result != null) {
                    s_logger.debug("failed to create template: " + result);
                    return new CopyCmdAnswer(result);
            } else {
                s_logger.debug("Converting RBD disk " + disk.getPath() + " into template " + templateName);

                QemuImgFile srcFile = new QemuImgFile(KVMPhysicalDisk.RBDStringBuilder(primary.getSourceHost(),
                        primary.getSourcePort(), primary.getAuthUserName(), primary.getAuthSecret(), disk.getPath()));

                QemuImgFile destFile = new QemuImgFile(tmpltPath + "/" + templateName + ".qcow2");

                QemuImg q = new QemuImg(cmd.getWaitInMillSeconds());
                try {
                    q.convert(srcFile, destFile);
                } catch (QemuImgException e) {
                    s_logger.error("Failed to create new template while converting " + srcFile.getFileName() + " to "
                            + destFile.getFileName() + " the error was: " + e.getMessage());

                File templateProp = new File(tmpltPath + "/");
                if (!templateProp.exists()) {

                String templateContent = "filename=" + templateName + ".qcow2" + System.getProperty("line.separator");

                DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM_dd_yyyy");
                Date date = new Date();
                templateContent += "" + dateFormat.format(date) + System.getProperty("line.separator");

                FileOutputStream templFo = new FileOutputStream(templateProp);

            Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            params.put(StorageLayer.InstanceConfigKey, this.storageLayer);
            Processor qcow2Processor = new QCOW2Processor();

            qcow2Processor.configure("QCOW2 Processor", params);

            FormatInfo info = qcow2Processor.process(tmpltPath, null, templateName);

            TemplateLocation loc = new TemplateLocation(this.storageLayer, tmpltPath);
            loc.create(1, true, templateName);

            TemplateObjectTO newTemplate = new TemplateObjectTO();
            newTemplate.setPath(templateFolder + File.separator + templateName + ".qcow2");
            return new CopyCmdAnswer(newTemplate);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            s_logger.debug("Failed to create template from volume: " + e.toString());
            return new CopyCmdAnswer(e.toString());
        } finally {
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    public Answer attachIso(AttachCommand cmd) {
        DiskTO disk = cmd.getDisk();
        TemplateObjectTO isoTO = (TemplateObjectTO) disk.getData();
        DataStoreTO store = isoTO.getDataStore();
        if (!(store instanceof NfsTO)) {
            return new AttachAnswer("unsupported protocol");
        NfsTO nfsStore = (NfsTO) store;
        try {
            Connect conn = LibvirtConnection.getConnectionByVmName(cmd.getVmName());
            attachOrDetachISO(conn, cmd.getVmName(), nfsStore.getUrl() + File.separator + isoTO.getPath(), true);
        } catch (LibvirtException e) {
            return new Answer(cmd, false, e.toString());
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            return new Answer(cmd, false, e.toString());
        } catch (InternalErrorException e) {
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