public IpAddress allocatePortableIp(Account ipOwner, Account caller, long dcId, Long networkId, Long vpcID)
throws ConcurrentOperationException, ResourceAllocationException, InsufficientAddressCapacityException {
Transaction txn = Transaction.currentTxn();
GlobalLock portableIpLock = GlobalLock.getInternLock("PortablePublicIpRange");
PortableIpVO allocatedPortableIp;
IPAddressVO ipaddr;
try {
List<PortableIpVO> portableIpVOs = _portableIpDao.listByRegionIdAndState(1, PortableIp.State.Free);
if (portableIpVOs == null || portableIpVOs.isEmpty()) {
InsufficientAddressCapacityException ex = new InsufficientAddressCapacityException
("Unable to find available portable IP addresses", Region.class, new Long(1));
throw ex;
// allocate first portable IP to the user
allocatedPortableIp = portableIpVOs.get(0);
allocatedPortableIp.setAllocatedTime(new Date());
_portableIpDao.update(allocatedPortableIp.getId(), allocatedPortableIp);
// To make portable IP available as a zone level resource we need to emulate portable IP's (which are
// provisioned at region level) as public IP provisioned in a zone. user_ip_address and vlan combo give the
// identity of a public IP in zone. Create entry for portable ip in these tables.
// provision portable IP range VLAN into the zone
long physicalNetworkId = _networkModel.getDefaultPhysicalNetworkByZoneAndTrafficType(dcId, TrafficType.Public).getId();
Network network =_networkModel.getSystemNetworkByZoneAndTrafficType(dcId, TrafficType.Public);
String range = allocatedPortableIp.getAddress() + "-" + allocatedPortableIp.getAddress();
VlanVO vlan = new VlanVO(VlanType.VirtualNetwork, allocatedPortableIp.getVlan(), allocatedPortableIp.getGateway(),
allocatedPortableIp.getNetmask(), dcId, range, network.getId(), physicalNetworkId, null, null, null);
vlan = _vlanDao.persist(vlan);
// provision the portable IP in to user_ip_address table
ipaddr = new IPAddressVO(new Ip(allocatedPortableIp.getAddress()), dcId, networkId, vpcID, physicalNetworkId,
network.getId(), vlan.getId(), true);
ipaddr.setAllocatedTime(new Date());