public void grantEntityPermissioinToAccounts(String entityType, Long entityId, AccessType accessType, String action, List<Long> accountIds) {
// check if there is already a policy with only this permission added to it
IAMPolicy policy = _iamSrv.getResourceGrantPolicy(entityType, entityId, accessType.toString(), action);
if (policy == null) {
// not found, just create a policy with resource grant permission
Account caller = CallContext.current().getCallingAccount();
String aclPolicyName = "policyGrant" + entityType + entityId;
String description = "Policy to grant permission to " + entityType + entityId;
policy = createIAMPolicy(caller, aclPolicyName, description, null);
// add permission to this policy
addIAMPermissionToIAMPolicy(policy.getId(), entityType, PermissionScope.RESOURCE, entityId, action,
Permission.Allow, false, false);
// attach this policy to list of accounts if not attached already
Long policyId = policy.getId();
for (Long acctId : accountIds) {
if (!isPolicyAttachedToAccount(policyId, acctId)) {
attachIAMPolicyToAccounts(policyId, Collections.singletonList(acctId));