
Examples of


    public SnapshotObjectTO(SnapshotInfo snapshot) {
        this.path = snapshot.getPath();
        VolumeInfo vol = snapshot.getBaseVolume();
        if (vol != null) {
            this.volume = (VolumeObjectTO)vol.getTO();

        SnapshotInfo parentSnapshot = snapshot.getParent();
        if (parentSnapshot != null) {
            this.parentSnapshotPath = parentSnapshot.getPath();
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        validateVolume(caller, ownerId, zoneId, volumeName, url, format);

        VolumeVO volume = persistVolume(owner, zoneId, volumeName,
                url, cmd.getFormat());

        VolumeInfo vol = volFactory.getVolume(volume.getId());

        RegisterVolumePayload payload = new RegisterVolumePayload(cmd.getUrl(), cmd.getChecksum(),

        volService.registerVolume(vol, store);
        return volume;
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            String msg = "There are no available storage pools to store the volume in";
            throw new StorageUnavailableException(msg, -1);

        VolumeInfo vol = volFactory.getVolume(volume.getId());
        DataStore store = dataStoreMgr.getDataStore(pool.getId(), DataStoreRole.Primary);
        SnapshotInfo snapInfo = snapshotFactory.getSnapshot(snapshot.getId(), DataStoreRole.Image);
        AsyncCallFuture<VolumeApiResult> future = volService.createVolumeFromSnapshot(vol, store, snapInfo);
        try {
            VolumeApiResult result = future.get();
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                    diskOffering.isRecreatable(), null);

    protected VolumeVO createVolumeFromSnapshot(VolumeVO volume, long snapshotId) throws StorageUnavailableException {
        VolumeInfo createdVolume = null;
        SnapshotVO snapshot = _snapshotDao.findById(snapshotId);
        createdVolume = createVolumeFromSnapshot(volume,

        UsageEventUtils.publishUsageEvent(EventTypes.EVENT_VOLUME_CREATE, createdVolume.getAccountId(), createdVolume.getDataCenterId(), createdVolume.getId(),
                createdVolume.getName(), createdVolume.getDiskOfferingId(), null, createdVolume.getSize(), Volume.class.getName(), createdVolume.getUuid());

        return _volsDao.findById(createdVolume.getId());
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        ResizeVolumePayload payload = new ResizeVolumePayload(newSize, shrinkOk, instanceName, hosts);

        try {
            VolumeInfo vol = volFactory.getVolume(volume.getId());

            AsyncCallFuture<VolumeApiResult> future = volService.resize(vol);
            VolumeApiResult result = future.get();
            if (result.isFailed()) {
                s_logger.warn("Failed to resize the volume " + volume);
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                stateTransitTo(volume, Volume.Event.DestroyRequested);
                return true;
            // expunge volume from primary if volume is on primary
            VolumeInfo volOnPrimary = volFactory.getVolume(volume.getId(), DataStoreRole.Primary);
            if (volOnPrimary != null) {
      "Expunging volume " + volume.getId() + " from primary data store");
                AsyncCallFuture<VolumeApiResult> future = volService.expungeVolumeAsync(volOnPrimary);
            // expunge volume from secondary if volume is on image store
            VolumeInfo volOnSecondary = volFactory.getVolume(volume.getId(), DataStoreRole.Image);
            if (volOnSecondary != null) {
      "Expunging volume " + volume.getId() + " from secondary data store");
                AsyncCallFuture<VolumeApiResult> future2 = volService.expungeVolumeAsync(volOnSecondary);
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                            + volume.getFormat()
                            + " is not compatible with the vm hypervisor type");

        VolumeInfo volumeOnPrimary = copyVolumeFromSecToPrimary(volume,
                vm, rootDiskTmplt, dcVO, pod,
                rootDiskPool.getClusterId(), svo, diskVO,
                new ArrayList<StoragePool>(),
                volume.getSize(), rootDiskHyperType);
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        DiskOfferingVO diskVO = _diskOfferingDao.findById(volume
        Long clusterId = (rootDiskPool == null ? null : rootDiskPool

        VolumeInfo vol = null;
        if (volume.getState() == Volume.State.Allocated) {
            vol = createVolume(volume, vm,
                    rootDiskTmplt, dcVO, pod, clusterId, svo, diskVO,
                    new ArrayList<StoragePool>(), volume.getSize(),
        } else if (volume.getState() == Volume.State.Uploaded) {
            vol = copyVolume(rootDiskPool
                    , volume, vm, rootDiskTmplt,  dcVO,
                    pod,  diskVO,  svo,  rootDiskHyperType);
            if (vol != null) {
                // Moving of Volume is successful, decrement the volume resource count from secondary for an account and increment it into primary storage under same account.
                        ResourceType.secondary_storage, new Long(volume.getSize()));
                        ResourceType.primary_storage, new Long(volume.getSize()));

        VolumeVO volVO = _volsDao.findById(vol.getId());
        _volsDao.update(volVO.getId(), volVO);
        return volFactory.getVolume(volVO.getId());
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            VolumeInfo volumeInfo = volFactory.getVolume(volumeToAttach.getId());
            DataStore dataStore = dataStoreMgr.getDataStore(storagePoolId, DataStoreRole.Primary);
            ChapInfo chapInfo = volService.getChapInfo(volumeInfo, dataStore);

            if (chapInfo != null) {
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        Long volumeId = command.getId();
        Long deviceId = command.getDeviceId();
        Account caller = UserContext.current().getCaller();

        // Check that the volume ID is valid
        VolumeInfo volume = volFactory.getVolume(volumeId);
        // Check that the volume is a data volume
        if (volume == null || volume.getVolumeType() != Volume.Type.DATADISK) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
                    "Please specify a valid data volume.");

        // Check that the volume is not currently attached to any VM
        if (volume.getInstanceId() != null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
                    "Please specify a volume that is not attached to any VM.");

        // Check that the volume is not destroyed
        if (volume.getState() == Volume.State.Destroy) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
                    "Please specify a volume that is not destroyed.");

        // Check that the virtual machine ID is valid and it's a user vm
        UserVmVO vm = _userVmDao.findById(vmId);
        if (vm == null || vm.getType() != VirtualMachine.Type.User) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
                    "Please specify a valid User VM.");

        // Check that the VM is in the correct state
        if (vm.getState() != State.Running && vm.getState() != State.Stopped) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
                    "Please specify a VM that is either running or stopped.");

        // Check that the device ID is valid
        if (deviceId != null) {
            if (deviceId.longValue() == 0) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
                        "deviceId can't be 0, which is used by Root device");

        // Check that the number of data volumes attached to VM is less than
        // that supported by hypervisor
        List<VolumeVO> existingDataVolumes = _volsDao.findByInstanceAndType(
                vmId, Volume.Type.DATADISK);
        int maxDataVolumesSupported = getMaxDataVolumesSupported(vm);
        if (existingDataVolumes.size() >= maxDataVolumesSupported) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
                    "The specified VM already has the maximum number of data disks ("
                            + maxDataVolumesSupported
                            + "). Please specify another VM.");

        // Check that the VM and the volume are in the same zone
        if (vm.getDataCenterId() != volume.getDataCenterId()) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
                    "Please specify a VM that is in the same zone as the volume.");

        // If local storage is disabled then attaching a volume with local disk
        // offering not allowed
        DataCenterVO dataCenter = _dcDao.findById(volume.getDataCenterId());
        if (!dataCenter.isLocalStorageEnabled()) {
            DiskOfferingVO diskOffering = _diskOfferingDao.findById(volume
            if (diskOffering.getUseLocalStorage()) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
                        "Zone is not configured to use local storage but volume's disk offering "
                                + diskOffering.getName() + " uses it");

        // if target VM has associated VM snapshots
        List<VMSnapshotVO> vmSnapshots = _vmSnapshotDao.findByVm(vmId);
        if(vmSnapshots.size() > 0){
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
                    "Unable to attach volume, please specify a VM that does not have VM snapshots");

        // permission check
        _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, volume, vm);

        if (!(Volume.State.Allocated.equals(volume.getState())
                || Volume.State.Ready.equals(volume.getState()) || Volume.State.Uploaded
                .equals(volume.getState()))) {
            throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
                    "Volume state must be in Allocated, Ready or in Uploaded state");

        VolumeVO rootVolumeOfVm = null;
        List<VolumeVO> rootVolumesOfVm = _volsDao.findByInstanceAndType(vmId,
        if (rootVolumesOfVm.size() != 1) {
            throw new CloudRuntimeException(
                    "The VM "
                            + vm.getHostName()
                            + " has more than one ROOT volume and is in an invalid state.");
        } else {
            rootVolumeOfVm = rootVolumesOfVm.get(0);

        HypervisorType rootDiskHyperType = vm.getHypervisorType();

        HypervisorType dataDiskHyperType = _volsDao.getHypervisorType(volume

        VolumeVO dataDiskVol = _volsDao.findById(volume.getId());
        StoragePoolVO dataDiskStoragePool = _storagePoolDao.findById(dataDiskVol.getPoolId());

        // managed storage can be used for different types of hypervisors
        // only perform this check if the volume's storage pool is not null and not managed
        if (dataDiskStoragePool != null && !dataDiskStoragePool.isManaged()) {
            if (dataDiskHyperType != HypervisorType.None
                && rootDiskHyperType != dataDiskHyperType) {
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException(
                        "Can't attach a volume created by: " + dataDiskHyperType
                        + " to a " + rootDiskHyperType + " vm");

        deviceId = getDeviceId(vmId, deviceId);
        VolumeInfo volumeOnPrimaryStorage = volume;

        // Check if volume is stored on secondary storage
        boolean isVolumeOnSec = false;
        VolumeInfo volOnSecondary = volFactory.getVolume(volume.getId(), DataStoreRole.Image);
        if (volOnSecondary != null) {
            isVolumeOnSec = true;
        boolean createVolumeOnBackend = true;
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