public Long extractTemplate( VMTemplateVO template, String url,
TemplateDataStoreVO vmTemplateHost,Long dataCenterId, long eventId, long asyncJobId, AsyncJobManager asyncMgr){
Type type = (template.getFormat() == ImageFormat.ISO) ? Type.ISO : Type.TEMPLATE ;
DataStore secStore = this.storeMgr.getImageStore(dataCenterId);
UploadVO uploadTemplateObj = new UploadVO(secStore.getId(), template.getId(), new Date(),
Upload.Status.NOT_UPLOADED, type, url, Mode.FTP_UPLOAD);
if(vmTemplateHost != null) {
UploadCommand ucmd = new UploadCommand(template, url, vmTemplateHost.getInstallPath(), vmTemplateHost.getSize());
UploadListener ul = new UploadListener(secStore, _timer, _uploadDao, uploadTemplateObj, this, ucmd, template.getAccountId(), template.getName(), type, eventId, asyncJobId, asyncMgr);
_listenerMap.put(uploadTemplateObj, ul);
EndPoint ep =;
ep.sendMessageAsync(ucmd, new UploadListener.Callback(ep.getId(), ul));
} catch (Exception e) {
s_logger.warn("Unable to start upload of " + template.getUniqueName() + " from " + secStore.getName() + " to " +url, e);
return uploadTemplateObj.getId();