Package org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core

Examples of org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.Literal

     * @param graph
     * @param execution
     * @param message An optional message
    public static void setExecutionCompleted(MGraph graph,NonLiteral execution,String message){
        Literal dateTime = lf.createTypedLiteral(new Date());
        setStatus(graph, execution,STATUS_COMPLETED);
        graph.add(new TripleImpl(execution, COMPLETED, dateTime));
        if(message != null){
            graph.add(new TripleImpl(execution, STATUS_MESSAGE, new PlainLiteralImpl(message)));
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     * @param graph
     * @param execution
     * @param message An message describing why the execution failed
    public static void setExecutionFaild(MGraph graph,NonLiteral execution,String message){
        Literal dateTime = lf.createTypedLiteral(new Date());
        setStatus(graph, execution,STATUS_FAILED);
        graph.add(new TripleImpl(execution, COMPLETED, dateTime));
        if(message != null){
            graph.add(new TripleImpl(execution, STATUS_MESSAGE, new PlainLiteralImpl(message)));
        } else {
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     * @param graph
     * @param execution
     * @param message An optional message why this execution was skipped
    public static void setExecutionSkipped(MGraph graph,NonLiteral execution,String message){
        Literal dateTime = lf.createTypedLiteral(new Date());
        setStatus(graph, execution,STATUS_SKIPPED);
        graph.add(new TripleImpl(execution, STARTED, dateTime));
        graph.add(new TripleImpl(execution, COMPLETED, dateTime));
        if(message != null){
            graph.add(new TripleImpl(execution, STATUS_MESSAGE, new PlainLiteralImpl(message)));
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     * the current time
     * @param graph
     * @param execution
    public static void setExecutionInProgress(MGraph graph,NonLiteral execution){
        Literal dateTime = lf.createTypedLiteral(new Date());
        setStatus(graph, execution,STATUS_IN_PROGRESS);
        graph.add(new TripleImpl(execution, STARTED, dateTime));
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          systemGraph.filter(permission, PERMISSION.javaPermissionEntry, null);

      while (javaPermissionTriples.hasNext()) {

        Triple t =;
        Literal permEntry = (Literal) t.getObject();

        permInfoList.add(new PermissionInfo(permEntry.getLexicalForm()));

    Iterator<Triple> roleTriples =
        systemGraph.filter(role, SIOC.has_function, null);
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            // test if the selected text is part of the TEXT_TO_TEST
            selectedTextResource =;
            assertTrue("fise:selected-text MUST BE of type PlainLiteral (uri: "+textAnnotation+")",
                selectedTextResource instanceof PlainLiteral);
            Literal selectedText = (Literal)selectedTextResource;
            assertTrue("The parsed content MUST contain the fise:selected-text value '"
                +selectedText.getLexicalForm()+"' (uri: "+textAnnotation+")!",content.contains(selectedText.getLexicalForm()));
            Assert.assertFalse("fise:selected-text MUST be single valued (uri: "+textAnnotation+")",selectedTextIterator.hasNext());
        } else {
            selectedTextResource = null; //no selected text
        //check against an expected value
        Resource expectedSelectedText = expectedValues.get(ENHANCER_SELECTED_TEXT);
        if(expectedSelectedText != null){
            assertEquals("The fise:selected-text is not the expected value "+expectedSelectedText+" (uri: "+textAnnotation+")!",
                expectedSelectedText, selectedTextResource);
        //check for fise:selection-head and fise:selection-tail (STANBOL-987)
        Iterator<Triple> selectionHeadIterator = enhancements.filter(textAnnotation, Properties.ENHANCER_SELECTION_HEAD, null);
        if(selectedTextResource != null){
            Assert.assertFalse("If fise:selected-text is present fise:selection-head MUST NOT be present",selectionHeadIterator.hasNext());
        Resource selectionHeadResource;
            // test if the selected text is part of the TEXT_TO_TEST
            selectionHeadResource =;
            assertTrue("fise:selection-head MUST BE of type PlainLiteral (uri: "+textAnnotation+")",
                selectionHeadResource instanceof PlainLiteral);
            Literal selectionHeadText = (Literal)selectionHeadResource;
            assertTrue("The parsed content MUST contain the fise:selected-head value '"
                +selectionHeadText.getLexicalForm()+"' (uri: "+textAnnotation+")!",content.contains(selectionHeadText.getLexicalForm()));
            Assert.assertFalse("fise:selection-head MUST be single valued (uri: "+textAnnotation+")",selectionHeadIterator.hasNext());
        } else {
            selectionHeadResource = null;
        Iterator<Triple> selectionTailIterator = enhancements.filter(textAnnotation, Properties.ENHANCER_SELECTION_TAIL, null);
        if(selectedTextResource != null){
            Assert.assertFalse("If fise:selected-text is present fise:selection-tail MUST NOT be present",selectionTailIterator.hasNext());
        Resource selectionTailResource;
            // test if the selected text is part of the TEXT_TO_TEST
            selectionTailResource =;
            assertTrue("fise:selection-head MUST BE of type PlainLiteral (uri: "+textAnnotation+")",
                selectionTailResource instanceof PlainLiteral);
            Literal selectionTailText = (Literal)selectionTailResource;
            assertTrue("The parsed content MUST contain the fise:selected-tail value '"
                +selectionTailText.getLexicalForm()+"' (uri: "+textAnnotation+")!",content.contains(selectionTailText.getLexicalForm()));
            Assert.assertFalse("fise:selection-tail MUST be single valued (uri: "+textAnnotation+")",selectionTailIterator.hasNext());
        } else {
            selectionTailResource = null;
        Assert.assertTrue("Both fise:selection-tail AND fise:selection-head MUST BE defined "
            +"(if one of them is present) (uri: "+textAnnotation+")",
            (selectionHeadResource != null && selectionTailResource != null) ||
            (selectionHeadResource == null && selectionTailResource == null));
        Resource selectionContextResource;
        // test if context is added
        Iterator<Triple> selectionContextIterator = enhancements.filter(textAnnotation,
                ENHANCER_SELECTION_CONTEXT, null);
        if(selectionContextIterator.hasNext()) { //context is optional
            //selection context is not allowed without selected-text
            assertTrue("If fise:selection-context is present also fise:selected-text or fise:selection-head and fise:selection-tail MUST BE present (uri: "+textAnnotation+")",
                selectedTextResource != null || (selectionHeadResource != null && selectionTailResource != null));
            // test if the selected text is part of the TEXT_TO_TEST
            selectionContextResource =;
            assertTrue("The fise:selection-context MUST BE of type PlainLiteral (uri: "+textAnnotation+")",
                selectionContextResource instanceof PlainLiteral);
            //check that the content contains the context
            assertTrue("The fise:selection-context MUST BE contained in the Content | context= "+ selectionContextResource,
            //check that the context contains the selected text
            if(selectedTextResource != null){
                assertTrue("The fise:selected-text value MUST BE containted within the fise:selection-context value",
            if(selectionHeadResource != null){
                assertTrue("The fise:selection-head value MUST BE containted within the fise:selection-context value",
            if(selectionTailResource != null){
                assertTrue("The fise:selection-tail value MUST BE containted within the fise:selection-context value",
        } else {
            assertNull("If no fise:selection-context is present also fise:selected-text MUST BE NOT present!", selectedTextResource);
            selectionContextResource = null;
        Resource expectedSelectionContext = expectedValues.get(ENHANCER_SELECTION_CONTEXT);
        if(expectedSelectionContext != null){
            assertEquals("The value of fise:selection-context has not the expected value "+expectedSelectionContext,
                expectedSelectionContext, selectionContextResource);
        //test start/end if present
        Iterator<Triple> startPosIterator = enhancements.filter(textAnnotation,
                ENHANCER_START, null);
        Iterator<Triple> endPosIterator = enhancements.filter(textAnnotation,
                ENHANCER_END, null);
        //start end is optional, but if start is present, that also end needs to be set
        TypedLiteral startPosLiteral;
        TypedLiteral endPosLiteral;
            //NOTE: TextAnnotations might be use to select whole sections of a text
            //      (e.g. see STANBOL-617) in those cases adding the text of the
            //      whole section is not feasible.
            //assertNotNull("If fise:start is present the fise:selection-context MUST also be present (uri: "+textAnnotation+")!",
            //    selectionContextResource);
            Resource resource =;
            //only a single start position is supported
            assertFalse("fise:start MUST HAVE only a single value (uri: "+textAnnotation+")!",startPosIterator.hasNext());
            assertTrue("fise:start MUST be a typed Literal (uri: "+textAnnotation+")!",resource instanceof TypedLiteral);
            startPosLiteral = (TypedLiteral) resource;
            assertEquals("fise:start MUST use xsd:int as data type (uri: "+textAnnotation+")",XSD.int_, startPosLiteral.getDataType());
            resource = null;
            Integer start = LiteralFactory.getInstance().createObject(Integer.class, startPosLiteral);
            assertNotNull("Unable to parse Integer from TypedLiteral "+startPosLiteral,start);
            //now get the end
            //end must be defined if start is present
            assertTrue("If fise:start is present also fise:end MUST BE defined (uri: "+textAnnotation+")!",endPosIterator.hasNext());
            resource =;
            //only a single end position is supported
            assertFalse("fise:end MUST HAVE only a single value (uri: "+textAnnotation+")!",endPosIterator.hasNext());
            assertTrue("fise:end values MUST BE TypedLiterals (uri: "+textAnnotation+")",resource instanceof TypedLiteral);
            endPosLiteral = (TypedLiteral) resource;
            assertEquals("fise:end MUST use xsd:int as data type (uri: "+textAnnotation+")",XSD.int_, endPosLiteral.getDataType());
            resource = null;
            Integer end = LiteralFactory.getInstance().createObject(Integer.class, endPosLiteral);
            assertNotNull("Unable to parse Integer from TypedLiteral "+endPosLiteral,end);
            //check for equality of the selected text and the text on the selected position in the content
            //System.out.println("TA ["+start+"|"+end+"]"+selectedText.getLexicalForm()+"<->"+content.substring(start,end));
            if(selectedTextResource != null){
                assertEquals("the substring [fise:start,fise:end] does not correspond to "
                    + "the fise:selected-text value '"+((Literal)selectedTextResource).getLexicalForm()
                    + "' of this TextAnnotation!",content.substring(start, end), ((Literal)selectedTextResource).getLexicalForm());
            } // else no selected-text present ... unable to test this
        } else {
            assertNull("if fise:selected-text is present also fise:start AND fise:end MUST BE present!",selectedTextResource);
            assertNull("If fise:selection-context is present also fise:start AND fise:end MUST BE present!",selectionContextResource);
            assertFalse("if fise:end is presnet also fise:start AND fise:selection-context MUST BE present!",endPosIterator.hasNext());
            startPosLiteral = null;
            endPosLiteral = null;
        Resource expectedStartPos = expectedValues.get(ENHANCER_START);
        if(expectedStartPos != null){
            assertEquals("The fise:start value is not the expected "+expectedStartPos,
                expectedStartPos, startPosLiteral);
        Resource expectedEndPos = expectedValues.get(ENHANCER_END);
        if(expectedEndPos != null){
            assertEquals("The fise:end value is not the expected "+expectedEndPos,
                expectedEndPos, endPosLiteral);

        //fise:selection-prefix and fise:selection-suffix (STANBOL-987)
        Literal prefixLiteral;
        Iterator<Triple> selectionPrefixIterator = enhancements.filter(textAnnotation,
            Properties.ENHANCER_SELECTION_PREFIX, null);
        if(startPosLiteral != null){
            // check if the selectionPrefix text is present
            assertTrue("fise:selection-prefix property is missing for fise:TextAnnotation "
                + textAnnotation, selectionPrefixIterator.hasNext() ||
                !validatePrefixSuffix); //to support old and new fise:TextAnnotation model
            // test if the selected text is part of the TEXT_TO_TEST
                Resource selectionPrefixResource =;
                assertTrue("fise:selection-prefix MUST BE of type PlainLiteral (uri: "+textAnnotation+")",
                    selectionPrefixResource instanceof PlainLiteral);
                prefixLiteral = (Literal)selectionPrefixResource;
                assertTrue("The parsed content MUST contain the fise:selection-prefix value '"
                        +prefixLiteral.getLexicalForm()+"' (uri: "+textAnnotation+")!",content.contains(prefixLiteral.getLexicalForm()));
                assertFalse("fise:selection-prefix MUST BE single valued (uri: "+textAnnotation+")!",
            } else {
                prefixLiteral = null;
        } else {
            prefixLiteral = null;
        Literal suffixLiteral;
        Iterator<Triple> selectionSuffixIterator = enhancements.filter(textAnnotation,
            Properties.ENHANCER_SELECTION_SUFFIX, null);
        if(endPosLiteral != null){
            // check if the selectionPrefix text is present
            assertTrue("fise:selection-suffix property is missing for fise:TextAnnotation "
                + textAnnotation, selectionSuffixIterator.hasNext() ||
                !validatePrefixSuffix); //to support old and new fise:TextAnnotation model
                // test if the selected text is part of the TEXT_TO_TEST
                Resource selectionSuffixResource =;
                assertTrue("fise:selection-suffix MUST BE of type PlainLiteral (uri: "+textAnnotation+")",
                    selectionSuffixResource instanceof PlainLiteral);
                suffixLiteral = (Literal)selectionSuffixResource;
                assertTrue("The parsed content MUST contain the fise:selection-suffix value '"
                        +suffixLiteral.getLexicalForm()+"' (uri: "+textAnnotation+")!",content.contains(suffixLiteral.getLexicalForm()));
                assertFalse("fise:selection-suffix MUST BE single valued (uri: "+textAnnotation+")!",
            } else {
                suffixLiteral = null;
        } else {
            suffixLiteral = null;
        Assert.assertTrue("Both fise:selection-prefix AND fise:selection-suffix need to be present "
            + "(if one of them is present) (uri: "+textAnnotation+")",
            (suffixLiteral != null && prefixLiteral != null) ||
            (suffixLiteral == null && prefixLiteral == null));
        if(prefixLiteral != null && selectedTextResource != null){
            String occurrence = prefixLiteral.getLexicalForm() +
                    ((Literal)selectedTextResource).getLexicalForm() +
            assertTrue("The parsed content MUST contain the concated value of fise:selection-prefix,"
                + "fise:selected-text and fise:selection-suffix (value: '"+occurrence
                + "' (uri: "+textAnnotation+")!",content.contains(occurrence));
        if(prefixLiteral != null && selectionHeadResource != null){
            String occurrence = prefixLiteral.getLexicalForm() +
            assertTrue("The parsed content MUST contain the concated value of fise:selection-prefix,"
                    + "fise:selection-head (value: '"+occurrence
                    + "' (uri: "+textAnnotation+")!",content.contains(occurrence));
            occurrence = ((Literal)selectionTailResource).getLexicalForm() +
            assertTrue("The parsed content MUST contain the concated value of fise:selection-tail "
                    + "and fise:selection-suffix (value: '"+occurrence
                    + "' (uri: "+textAnnotation+")!",content.contains(occurrence));
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        org.apache.stanbol.rules.manager.atoms.TypedLiteralAtom tmp = (org.apache.stanbol.rules.manager.atoms.TypedLiteralAtom) ruleAtom;

        ExpressionAtom expressionAtom = tmp.getValue();

        Literal literal = null;

        if (expressionAtom instanceof StringAtom) {
            String value = expressionAtom.toString();

            literal = LiteralFactory.getInstance().createTypedLiteral(value);
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        if (changes.hasNext()) {
            Triple changeTriple =;

            NonLiteral changeNode = changeTriple.getSubject();

            Literal userName = (Literal) inputGraph
                    .filter(changeNode, PLATFORM.userName, null).next()

            Iterator<Triple> userTriples = systemGraph
                    .filter(null, PLATFORM.userName, userName);
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    public Response deleteUser(Graph inputGraph) {

        Iterator<Triple> userNameTriples = inputGraph.filter(null,
                PLATFORM.userName, null);

        Literal userNameNode = (Literal);

        // gives concurrent mod exception otherwise
        ArrayList<Triple> tripleBuffer = new ArrayList<Triple>();
        Lock readLock = systemGraph.getLock().readLock();
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            while (roleIterator.hasNext()) {
                NonLiteral role =;
                Iterator<Triple> roleNameTriples = systemGraph.filter(role, DC.title,
                while (roleNameTriples.hasNext()) {
                    Literal roleLiteral = (Literal);
                    if (roleName.equals(roleLiteral.getLexicalForm())) {
                        roleNode = new GraphNode(role, systemGraph);
                if (roleNode != null) {
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Related Classes of org.apache.clerezza.rdf.core.Literal

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