Properties properties, ContentStream contentStream, String checkinComment, List<String> policies,
Acl addAces, Acl removeAces, ExtensionsData extension, ObjectInfoHandler objectInfos) {
StoredObject so = checkStandardParameters(repositoryId, objectId.getValue());
String user = context.getUsername();
VersionedDocument verDoc = testHasProperCheckedOutStatus(so, user);
DocumentVersion pwc = verDoc.getPwc();
if (null != contentStream)
pwc.setContent(contentStream, false);
if (null != properties && null != properties.getProperties())
verDoc.checkIn(major, checkinComment, user);
// To be able to provide all Atom links in the response we need
// additional information:
if (context.isObjectInfoRequired()) {
ObjectInfoImpl objectInfo = new ObjectInfoImpl();