Package org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.inmemory.storedobj.api

Examples of org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.inmemory.storedobj.api.StoredObject

    public AllowableActions getAllowableActions(CallContext context, String repositoryId, String objectId,
            ExtensionsData extension) {

        LOG.debug("start getAllowableActions()");
        StoredObject so = validator.getAllowableActions(context, repositoryId, objectId, extension);


        if (so == null) {
            throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Unknown object id: " + objectId);

        String user = context.getUsername();
//      AllowableActions allowableActions = DataObjectCreator.fillAllowableActions(so, user);
        AllowableActions allowableActions = so.getAllowableActions(user);
        LOG.debug("stop getAllowableActions()");
        return allowableActions;
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    public ContentStream getContentStream(CallContext context, String repositoryId, String objectId, String streamId,
            BigInteger offset, BigInteger length, ExtensionsData extension) {

        LOG.debug("start getContentStream()");
        StoredObject so = validator.getContentStream(context, repositoryId, objectId, streamId, extension);

        if (so == null) {
            throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Unknown object id: " + objectId);

        if (!(so instanceof Content)) {
            throw new CmisConstraintException("Id" + objectId
                    + " does not refer to a document or version, but only those can have content");

        ContentStream csd = getContentStream(so, streamId, offset, length);

        if (null == csd) {
            throw new CmisConstraintException("Object " + so.getId() + " does not have content.");

        LOG.debug("stop getContentStream()");
        return csd;
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            Boolean includeAllowableActions, IncludeRelationships includeRelationships, String renditionFilter,
            Boolean includePolicyIds, Boolean includeAcl, ExtensionsData extension, ObjectInfoHandler objectInfos) {

        LOG.debug("start getObject()");

        StoredObject so = validator.getObject(context, repositoryId, objectId, extension);

        if (so == null) {
            throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Unknown object id: " + objectId);

        String user = context.getUsername();
        TypeDefinition td = fStoreManager.getTypeById(repositoryId, so.getTypeId()).getTypeDefinition();
        ObjectData od = PropertyCreationHelper.getObjectData(td, so, filter, user, includeAllowableActions,
                includeRelationships, renditionFilter, includePolicyIds, includeAcl, extension);

        if (context.isObjectInfoRequired()) {
            ObjectInfoImpl objectInfo = new ObjectInfoImpl();
            fAtomLinkProvider.fillInformationForAtomLinks(repositoryId, so, objectInfo);

        // fill an example extension
        String ns = "";
        List<CmisExtensionElement> extElements = new ArrayList<CmisExtensionElement>();

        Map<String, String> attr = new HashMap<String, String>();
        attr.put("type", so.getTypeId());

        extElements.add(new CmisExtensionElementImpl(ns, "objectId", attr, objectId));
        extElements.add(new CmisExtensionElementImpl(ns, "name", null, so.getName()));
                (CmisExtensionElement) new CmisExtensionElementImpl(ns, "exampleExtension",null,  extElements)));

        LOG.debug("stop getObject()");
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        LOG.debug("start getObjectByPath()");
        validator.getObjectByPath(context, repositoryId, path, extension);
        String user = context.getUsername();

        ObjectStore objectStore = fStoreManager.getObjectStore(repositoryId);
        StoredObject so = objectStore.getObjectByPath(path, user);

        if (so == null) {
            throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Unknown path: " + path);

        TypeDefinition td = fStoreManager.getTypeById(repositoryId, so.getTypeId()).getTypeDefinition();
        ObjectData od = PropertyCreationHelper.getObjectData(td, so, filter, user, includeAllowableActions,
                includeRelationships, renditionFilter, includePolicyIds, includeAcl, extension);

        LOG.debug("stop getObjectByPath()");
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    public Properties getProperties(CallContext context, String repositoryId, String objectId, String filter,
            ExtensionsData extension) {

        LOG.debug("start getProperties()");
        StoredObject so = validator.getProperties(context, repositoryId, objectId, extension);

        if (so == null) {
            throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Unknown object id: " + objectId);

        // build properties collection
        List<String> requestedIds = FilterParser.getRequestedIdsFromFilter(filter);
        TypeDefinition td = fStoreManager.getTypeById(repositoryId, so.getTypeId()).getTypeDefinition();
        Properties props = PropertyCreationHelper.getPropertiesFromObject(so, td, requestedIds, true);
        LOG.debug("stop getProperties()");
        return props;
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    public ObjectData moveObject(CallContext context, String repositoryId, Holder<String> objectId,
            String targetFolderId, String sourceFolderId, ExtensionsData extension, ObjectInfoHandler objectInfos) {

        LOG.debug("start moveObject()");
        StoredObject[] sos = validator.moveObject(context, repositoryId, objectId, targetFolderId, sourceFolderId, extension);
        StoredObject so = sos[0];
        Folder targetFolder = null;
        Folder sourceFolder = null;
        ObjectStore objectStore = fStoreManager.getObjectStore(repositoryId);
        Filing spo = null;
        String user = context.getUsername();

        if (null == so) {
            throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Unknown object: " + objectId.getValue());
        } else if (so instanceof Filing) {
            spo = (Filing) so;
        } else {
            throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Object must be folder or document: " + objectId.getValue());

        StoredObject soTarget = objectStore.getObjectById(targetFolderId);
        if (null == soTarget) {
            throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Unknown target folder: " + targetFolderId);
        } else if (soTarget instanceof Folder) {
            targetFolder = (Folder) soTarget;
        } else {
            throw new CmisNotSupportedException("Destination " + targetFolderId
                    + " of a move operation must be a folder");

        StoredObject soSource = objectStore.getObjectById(sourceFolderId);
        if (null == soSource) {
            throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Unknown source folder: " + sourceFolderId);
        } else if (soSource instanceof Folder) {
            sourceFolder = (Folder) soSource;
        } else {
            throw new CmisNotSupportedException("Source " + sourceFolderId + " of a move operation must be a folder");

        boolean foundOldParent = false;
        for (Folder parent : spo.getParents(user)) {
            if (parent.getId().equals(soSource.getId())) {
                foundOldParent = true;
        if (!foundOldParent) {
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            Boolean overwriteFlag, Holder<String> changeToken, ContentStream contentStream, ExtensionsData extension) {

        LOG.debug("start setContentStream()");
        Content content;

        StoredObject so = validator.setContentStream(context, repositoryId, objectId, overwriteFlag, extension);

        if (!(so instanceof Document || so instanceof VersionedDocument || so instanceof DocumentVersion)) {
            throw new CmisObjectNotFoundException("Id" + objectId
                    + " does not refer to a document, but only documents can have content");
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    public void updateProperties(CallContext context, String repositoryId, Holder<String> objectId,
            Holder<String> changeToken, Properties properties, Acl acl, ExtensionsData extension,
            ObjectInfoHandler objectInfos) {

        LOG.debug("start updateProperties()");
        StoredObject so = validator.updateProperties(context, repositoryId, objectId, extension);
        String user = context.getUsername();

        // Validation
        TypeDefinition typeDef = getTypeDefinition(repositoryId, so);
        boolean isCheckedOut = false;

        // if the object is a versionable object it must be checked-out
        if (so instanceof VersionedDocument || so instanceof DocumentVersion) {
            // VersionedDocument verDoc =
            // testIsNotCheckedOutBySomeoneElse(so, user);
            testHasProperCheckedOutStatus(so, user);
            isCheckedOut = true;

        Map<String, PropertyData<?>> oldProperties = so.getProperties();

        // check properties for validity
        TypeValidator.validateProperties(typeDef, properties, false);

        if (changeToken != null && changeToken.getValue() != null
                && Long.valueOf(so.getChangeToken()) > Long.valueOf(changeToken.getValue())) {
            throw new CmisUpdateConflictException(" updateProperties failed: outdated changeToken");

        // update properties
        boolean hasUpdatedName = false;
        boolean hasUpdatedOtherProps = false;

        for (String key : properties.getProperties().keySet()) {
            if (key.equals(PropertyIds.NAME))
                continue; // ignore here

            PropertyData<?> value = properties.getProperties().get(key);
            PropertyDefinition<?> propDef = typeDef.getPropertyDefinitions().get(key);
            if (value.getValues() == null || value.getFirstValue() == null) {
                // delete property
                // check if a required a property
                if (propDef.isRequired()) {
                    throw new CmisConstraintException(
                            "updateProperties failed, following property can't be deleted, because it is required: "
                                    + key);
                hasUpdatedOtherProps = true;
            } else {
                if (propDef.getUpdatability().equals(Updatability.WHENCHECKEDOUT) && !isCheckedOut) {
                    throw new CmisConstraintException(
                            "updateProperties failed, following property can't be updated, because it is not checked-out: "
                                    + key);
                } else if (!propDef.getUpdatability().equals(Updatability.READWRITE)) {
                    throw new CmisConstraintException(
                            "updateProperties failed, following property can't be updated, because it is not writable: "
                                    + key);
                oldProperties.put(key, value);
                hasUpdatedOtherProps = true;

        // get name from properties and perform special rename to check if
        // path already exists
        PropertyData<?> pd = properties.getProperties().get(PropertyIds.NAME);
        if (pd != null && so instanceof Filing) {
            String newName = (String) pd.getFirstValue();
            List<Folder> parents = ((Filing) so).getParents(user);
            if (so instanceof Folder && parents.isEmpty()) {
                throw new CmisConstraintException("updateProperties failed, you cannot rename the root folder");
            if (newName == null || newName.equals("")) {
                throw new CmisConstraintException("updateProperties failed, name must not be empty.");

            so.rename((String) pd.getFirstValue()); // note: this does persist
            hasUpdatedName = true;

        if (hasUpdatedOtherProps) {
            // set user, creation date, etc.
            if (user == null) {
                user = "unknown";
            so.updateSystemBasePropertiesWhenModified(properties.getProperties(), user);
            // set changeToken

        if (hasUpdatedName || hasUpdatedOtherProps) {
            objectId.setValue(so.getId()); // might have a new id
            if (null != changeToken) {
                String changeTokenVal = so.getChangeToken();
                LOG.debug("updateProperties(), new change token is: " + changeTokenVal);

        if (null != acl) {
            LOG.warn("Setting ACLs is currently not supported by this implementation, acl is ignored");
            // if implemented add this call:
            // fAclService.appyAcl(context, repositoryId, acl, null,
            // AclPropagation.OBJECTONLY,
            // extension);

        TypeDefinition td = fStoreManager.getTypeById(repositoryId, so.getTypeId()).getTypeDefinition();
        ObjectData od = PropertyCreationHelper.getObjectData(td, so, null, user, false,
                IncludeRelationships.NONE, null, false, false, extension);

        // To be able to provide all Atom links in the response we need
        // additional information:
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        // Validation stuff
        Folder folder = null;
        if (null != folderId) {
            StoredObject so = objectStore.getObjectById(folderId);

            if (null == so) {
                throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException(" Cannot create document, folderId: " + folderId + " is invalid");

            if (so instanceof Folder) {
                folder = (Folder) so;
            } else {
                throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Can't creat document, folderId does not refer to a folder: "
                        + folderId);

            TypeValidator.validateAllowedChildObjectTypes(typeDef, folder.getAllowedChildObjectTypeIds());

        // check if the given type is a document type
        if (!typeDef.getBaseTypeId().equals(BaseTypeId.CMIS_DOCUMENT)) {
            throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException("Cannot create a document, with a non-document type: " + typeDef.getId());

        // check name syntax
        if (!NameValidator.isValidId(name)) {
            throw new CmisInvalidArgumentException(NameValidator.ERROR_ILLEGAL_NAME);

        TypeValidator.validateVersionStateForCreate((DocumentTypeDefinition) typeDef, versioningState);

        // set properties that are not set but have a default:
        Map<String, PropertyData<?>> propMapNew = setDefaultProperties(typeDef, propMap);
        if (propMapNew != propMap) {
            properties = new PropertiesImpl(propMapNew.values());
            propMap = propMapNew;

        TypeValidator.validateProperties(typeDef, properties, true);

        // set user, creation date, etc.
        if (user == null) {
            user = "unknown";

        StoredObject so = null;

        // check if content stream parameters are set and if not set some defaults
        if (null != contentStream && (contentStream.getFileName() == null || contentStream.getFileName().length() == 0 ||
            contentStream.getMimeType() == null || contentStream.getMimeType().length() == 0)) {
            ContentStreamImpl cs = new ContentStreamImpl();
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        // from everywhere
        String user = context.getUsername();
        validator.createFolder(context, repositoryId, folderId, extension);

        ObjectStore fs = fStoreManager.getObjectStore(repositoryId);
        StoredObject so = null;
        Folder parent = null;

        // get required properties
        PropertyData<?> pd = properties.getProperties().get(PropertyIds.NAME);
        String folderName = (String) pd.getFirstValue();
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Related Classes of org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.inmemory.storedobj.api.StoredObject

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