// append all table columns ... the trick is to follow the algorithm for
// describing the fields in the expression compiler, so that we could assign
// columns labels from FieldResults in the order we encounter them here...
// TODO: andrus 2008/02/17 - this is a bit of a hack, think of a better solution
ClassDescriptor descriptor = context.getEntityDescriptor(idVar);
PropertyVisitor visitor = new PropertyVisitor() {
public boolean visitAttribute(AttributeProperty property) {
ObjAttribute oa = property.getAttribute();
Iterator<?> dbPathIterator = oa.getDbPathIterator();
EJBQLJoinAppender joinAppender = null;
String marker = null;
EJBQLTableId lhsId = new EJBQLTableId(idVar);
while (dbPathIterator.hasNext()) {
Object pathPart = dbPathIterator.next();
if (pathPart == null) {
throw new CayenneRuntimeException(
"ObjAttribute has no component: " + oa.getName());
else if (pathPart instanceof DbRelationship) {
if (marker == null) {
marker = EJBQLJoinAppender.makeJoinTailMarker(idVar);
joinAppender = context
DbRelationship dr = (DbRelationship) pathPart;
EJBQLTableId rhsId = new EJBQLTableId(lhsId, dr.getName());
joinAppender.appendOuterJoin(marker, lhsId, rhsId);
lhsId = rhsId;
else if (pathPart instanceof DbAttribute) {
appendColumn(idVar, oa, (DbAttribute) pathPart, fields, oa
return true;
public boolean visitToMany(ToManyProperty property) {
return true;
public boolean visitToOne(ToOneProperty property) {
return true;
private void visitRelationship(ArcProperty property) {
ObjRelationship rel = property.getRelationship();
DbRelationship dbRel = rel.getDbRelationships().get(0);
for (DbJoin join : dbRel.getJoins()) {
DbAttribute src = join.getSource();
appendColumn(idVar, null, src, fields);
// EJBQL queries are polymorphic by definition - there is no distinction between
// inheritance/no-inheritance fetch
// append id columns ... (some may have been appended already via relationships)
DbEntity table = descriptor.getEntity().getDbEntity();
for (DbAttribute pk : table.getPrimaryKeys()) {
appendColumn(idVar, null, pk, fields);
// append inheritance discriminator columns...
Iterator<ObjAttribute> discriminatorColumns = descriptor.getDiscriminatorColumns();
while (discriminatorColumns.hasNext()) {
ObjAttribute attribute = discriminatorColumns.next();
appendColumn(idVar, attribute, attribute.getDbAttribute(), fields);