// delegate is allowed to substitute query
Query query = (delegate != null) ? delegate.willPortEntity(this, entity, select) : select;
sourceNode.performQueries(Collections.singletonList(query), observer);
ResultIterator result = observer.getResultIterator();
InsertBatchQuery insert = new InsertBatchQuery(entity, INSERT_BATCH_SIZE);
try {
// Split insertions into the same table into batches.
// This will allow to process tables of arbitrary size
// and not run out of memory.
int currentRow = 0;
// even if we don't use intermediate batch commits, we still
// need to
// estimate batch insert size
int batchSize = insertBatchSize > 0 ? insertBatchSize : INSERT_BATCH_SIZE;
while (result.hasNextRow()) {
if (insertBatchSize > 0 && currentRow > 0 && currentRow % insertBatchSize == 0) {
// end of the batch detected... commit and start a new
// insert
// query
destinationNode.performQueries(Collections.singletonList((Query) insert), insertObserver);
insert = new InsertBatchQuery(entity, batchSize);
Map<String, Object> nextRow = (DataRow) result.nextRow();
// commit remaining batch if needed
if (insert.size() > 0) {
destinationNode.performQueries(Collections.singletonList((Query) insert), insertObserver);
if (delegate != null) {
delegate.didPortEntity(this, entity, currentRow);