//stack should be reset, because all root table attributes go with "t0" table alias
// add remaining needed attrs from DbEntity
DbEntity table = getRootDbEntity();
for (final DbAttribute dba : table.getPrimaryKeys()) {
appendColumn(columns, null, dba, attributes, null);
// special handling of a disjoint query...
if (query instanceof PrefetchSelectQuery) {
// for each relationship path add PK of the target entity...
for (String path : ((PrefetchSelectQuery) query).getResultPaths()) {
Expression pathExp = oe.translateToDbPath(Expression.fromString(path));
// add joins and find terminating element
PathComponent<DbAttribute, DbRelationship> lastComponent = null;
for (PathComponent<DbAttribute, DbRelationship> component : table
.resolvePath(pathExp, getPathAliases())) {
if (component.getRelationship() != null) {
dbRelationshipAdded(component.getRelationship(), component
.getJoinType(), null);
lastComponent = component;
// process terminating element
if (lastComponent != null) {
DbRelationship relationship = lastComponent.getRelationship();
if (relationship != null) {
String labelPrefix = pathExp.toString().substring("db:".length());
DbEntity targetEntity = (DbEntity) relationship.getTargetEntity();
for (DbAttribute pk : targetEntity.getPrimaryKeys()) {
// note that we my select a source attribute, but label it as
// target for simplified snapshot processing
appendColumn(columns, null, pk, attributes, labelPrefix
+ '.'