protected Session readSession( byte[] data, String sessionId )
ReplicationStream session_in = getReplicationStream(data);
Session session = sessionId!=null?this.findSession(sessionId):null;
boolean isNew = (session==null);
//clear the old values from the existing session
if ( session!=null ) {
ReplicatedSession rs = (ReplicatedSession)session;
rs.expire(false); //cleans up the previous values, since we are not doing removes
session = null;
}//end if
if (session==null) {
session = createSession(null,false, false);
boolean hasPrincipal = session_in.readBoolean();
SerializablePrincipal p = null;
if ( hasPrincipal )
p = (SerializablePrincipal)session_in.readObject();
if ( hasPrincipal )
ReplicatedSession rsession = (ReplicatedSession)session;