public void messageReceived(ChannelMessage msg) {
if ( msg == null ) return;
try {
if ( Logs.MESSAGES.isTraceEnabled() ) {
Logs.MESSAGES.trace("GroupChannel - Received msg:" + new UniqueId(msg.getUniqueId()) + " at " +new java.sql.Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())+ " from "+msg.getAddress().getName());
Serializable fwd = null;
fwd = new ByteMessage(msg.getMessage().getBytes());
} else {
try {
fwd = XByteBuffer.deserialize(msg.getMessage().getBytesDirect(), 0, msg.getMessage().getLength());
}catch (Exception sx) {
log.error("Unable to deserialize message:"+msg,sx);
if ( Logs.MESSAGES.isTraceEnabled() ) {
Logs.MESSAGES.trace("GroupChannel - Receive Message:" + new UniqueId(msg.getUniqueId()) + " is " +fwd);
//get the actual member with the correct alive time
Member source = msg.getAddress();
boolean rx = false;
boolean delivered = false;
for ( int i=0; i<channelListeners.size(); i++ ) {
ChannelListener channelListener = (ChannelListener)channelListeners.get(i);
if (channelListener != null && channelListener.accept(fwd, source)) {
channelListener.messageReceived(fwd, source);
delivered = true;
//if the message was accepted by an RPC channel, that channel
//is responsible for returning the reply, otherwise we send an absence reply
if ( channelListener instanceof RpcChannel ) rx = true;
if ((!rx) && (fwd instanceof RpcMessage)) {
//if we have a message that requires a response,
//but none was given, send back an immediate one
if ( Logs.MESSAGES.isTraceEnabled() ) {
Logs.MESSAGES.trace("GroupChannel delivered["+delivered+"] id:"+new UniqueId(msg.getUniqueId()));
} catch ( Exception x ) {
//this could be the channel listener throwing an exception, we should log it
//as a warning.