return "/ROOT".equals(name) || "ROOT".equals(name) || name == null || name.isEmpty();
public void deployWar(final StandardContext standardContext, final String host, final AppInfo info) {
// TODO: instead of storing deployers, we could just lookup the right hostconfig for the server.
final HostConfig deployer = deployers.get(host);
if (isReady(deployer)) { // if not ready using directly host to avoid a NPE
if (info != null) {
final ContextInfo contextInfo = addContextInfo(host, standardContext);
contextInfo.appInfo = info;
contextInfo.deployer = deployer;
} else {
final Host theHost = hosts.get(host);
if (theHost != null) {
if (info != null) {
final ContextInfo contextInfo = addContextInfo(host, standardContext);