Package org.apache.cassandra.utils

Examples of org.apache.cassandra.utils.StreamingHistogram

            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        // reach into the reducer used during iteration to get column count, size, max column timestamp
        // (however, if there are zero columns, iterator() will not be called by ColumnIndexer and reducer will be null)
        columnStats = new ColumnStats(reducer == null ? 0 : reducer.columns, reducer == null ? Long.MIN_VALUE : reducer.maxTimestampSeen,
                                      reducer == null ? new StreamingHistogram(SSTable.TOMBSTONE_HISTOGRAM_BIN_SIZE) : reducer.tombstones
        columnSerializedSize = reducer == null ? 0 : reducer.serializedSize;
        reducer = null;
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        // (however, if there are zero columns, iterator() will not be called by ColumnIndexer and reducer will be null)
        columnStats = new ColumnStats(reducer == null ? 0 : reducer.columns,
                                      reducer == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : reducer.minTimestampSeen,
                                      reducer == null ? emptyColumnFamily.maxTimestamp() : Math.max(emptyColumnFamily.maxTimestamp(), reducer.maxTimestampSeen),
                                      reducer == null ? Integer.MIN_VALUE : reducer.maxLocalDeletionTimeSeen,
                                      reducer == null ? new StreamingHistogram(SSTable.TOMBSTONE_HISTOGRAM_BIN_SIZE) : reducer.tombstones,
                                      reducer == null ? Collections.<ByteBuffer>emptyList() : reducer.minColumnNameSeen,
                                      reducer == null ? Collections.<ByteBuffer>emptyList() : reducer.maxColumnNameSeen
        reducer = null;
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        long minTimestamp = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        long maxTimestamp = Long.MIN_VALUE;
        int maxLocalDeletionTime = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        List<ByteBuffer> minColumnNames = Collections.emptyList();
        List<ByteBuffer> maxColumnNames = Collections.emptyList();
        StreamingHistogram tombstones = new StreamingHistogram(TOMBSTONE_HISTOGRAM_BIN_SIZE);
        ColumnFamily cf = ArrayBackedSortedColumns.factory.create(metadata);

        // skip row size for version < ja
        if (version.hasRowSizeAndColumnCount)
            FileUtils.skipBytesFully(in, 8);


        ColumnIndex.Builder columnIndexer = new ColumnIndex.Builder(cf, key.key,;

        // read column count for version < ja
        int columnCount = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        if (version.hasRowSizeAndColumnCount)
            columnCount = in.readInt();

        Iterator<OnDiskAtom> iter = metadata.getOnDiskIterator(in, columnCount, ColumnSerializer.Flag.PRESERVE_SIZE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, version);
            while (iter.hasNext())
                // deserialize column with PRESERVE_SIZE because we've written the dataSize based on the
                // data size received, so we must reserialize the exact same data
                OnDiskAtom atom =;
                if (atom == null)
                if (atom instanceof CounterColumn)
                    atom = ((CounterColumn) atom).markDeltaToBeCleared();

                int deletionTime = atom.getLocalDeletionTime();
                if (deletionTime < Integer.MAX_VALUE)
                minTimestamp = Math.min(minTimestamp, atom.minTimestamp());
                maxTimestamp = Math.max(maxTimestamp, atom.maxTimestamp());
                minColumnNames = ColumnNameHelper.minComponents(minColumnNames,, metadata.comparator);
                maxColumnNames = ColumnNameHelper.maxComponents(maxColumnNames,, metadata.comparator);
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        // reach into the reducer used during iteration to get column count, size, max column timestamp
        // (however, if there are zero columns, iterator() will not be called by ColumnIndexer and reducer will be null)
        columnStats = new ColumnStats(reducer == null ? 0 : reducer.columns,
                                      reducer == null ? Long.MAX_VALUE : reducer.minTimestampSeen,
                                      reducer == null ? maxDelTimestamp : Math.max(maxDelTimestamp, reducer.maxTimestampSeen),
                                      reducer == null ? new StreamingHistogram(SSTable.TOMBSTONE_HISTOGRAM_BIN_SIZE) : reducer.tombstones
        columnSerializedSize = reducer == null ? 0 : reducer.serializedSize;
        reducer = null;
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        return new EstimatedHistogram(150);

    static StreamingHistogram defaultTombstoneDropTimeHistogram()
        return new StreamingHistogram(SSTable.TOMBSTONE_HISTOGRAM_BIN_SIZE);
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            String partitioner = desc.version.hasPartitioner ? dis.readUTF() : null;
            int nbAncestors = desc.version.hasAncestors ? dis.readInt() : 0;
            Set<Integer> ancestors = new HashSet<Integer>(nbAncestors);
            for (int i = 0; i < nbAncestors; i++)
            StreamingHistogram tombstoneHistogram = desc.version.tracksTombstones
                                                   ? StreamingHistogram.serializer.deserialize(dis)
                                                   : defaultTombstoneDropTimeHistogram();
            return new SSTableMetadata(rowSizes, columnCounts, replayPosition, minTimestamp, maxTimestamp, compressionRatio, partitioner, ancestors, tombstoneHistogram);
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        return new EstimatedHistogram(150);

    static StreamingHistogram defaultTombstoneDropTimeHistogram()
        return new StreamingHistogram(SSTable.TOMBSTONE_HISTOGRAM_BIN_SIZE);
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        long minTimestamp = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        long maxTimestamp = Long.MIN_VALUE;
        int maxLocalDeletionTime = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        List<ByteBuffer> minColumnNames = Collections.emptyList();
        List<ByteBuffer> maxColumnNames = Collections.emptyList();
        StreamingHistogram tombstones = new StreamingHistogram(TOMBSTONE_HISTOGRAM_BIN_SIZE);
        ColumnFamily cf = ArrayBackedSortedColumns.factory.create(metadata);

        // skip row size for version < ja
        if (version.hasRowSizeAndColumnCount)
            FileUtils.skipBytesFully(in, 8);


        ColumnIndex.Builder columnIndexer = new ColumnIndex.Builder(cf, key.key,;

        // read column count for version < ja
        int columnCount = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        if (version.hasRowSizeAndColumnCount)
            columnCount = in.readInt();

        if (cf.deletionInfo().getTopLevelDeletion().localDeletionTime < Integer.MAX_VALUE)

        Iterator<RangeTombstone> rangeTombstoneIterator = cf.deletionInfo().rangeIterator();
        while (rangeTombstoneIterator.hasNext())
            RangeTombstone rangeTombstone =;

        Iterator<OnDiskAtom> iter = metadata.getOnDiskIterator(in, columnCount, ColumnSerializer.Flag.PRESERVE_SIZE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, version);
            while (iter.hasNext())
                // deserialize column with PRESERVE_SIZE because we've written the dataSize based on the
                // data size received, so we must reserialize the exact same data
                OnDiskAtom atom =;
                if (atom == null)
                if (atom instanceof CounterCell)
                    atom = ((CounterCell) atom).markLocalToBeCleared();

                int deletionTime = atom.getLocalDeletionTime();
                if (deletionTime < Integer.MAX_VALUE)
                minTimestamp = Math.min(minTimestamp, atom.minTimestamp());
                maxTimestamp = Math.max(maxTimestamp, atom.maxTimestamp());
                minColumnNames = ColumnNameHelper.minComponents(minColumnNames,, metadata.comparator);
                maxColumnNames = ColumnNameHelper.maxComponents(maxColumnNames,, metadata.comparator);
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                String partitioner = in.readUTF();
                int nbAncestors = in.readInt();
                Set<Integer> ancestors = new HashSet<>(nbAncestors);
                for (int i = 0; i < nbAncestors; i++)
                StreamingHistogram tombstoneHistogram = StreamingHistogram.serializer.deserialize(in);
                int sstableLevel = 0;
                if (in.available() > 0)
                    sstableLevel = in.readInt();

                List<ByteBuffer> minColumnNames;
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            ReplayPosition replayPosition = ReplayPosition.serializer.deserialize(in);
            long minTimestamp = in.readLong();
            long maxTimestamp = in.readLong();
            int maxLocalDeletionTime = version.tracksMaxLocalDeletionTime ? in.readInt() : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            double compressionRatio = in.readDouble();
            StreamingHistogram tombstoneHistogram = StreamingHistogram.serializer.deserialize(in);
            int sstableLevel = in.readInt();
            long repairedAt = 0;
            if (version.hasRepairedAt)
                repairedAt = in.readLong();
            List<ByteBuffer> minColumnNames;
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Related Classes of org.apache.cassandra.utils.StreamingHistogram

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