Package org.apache.cassandra.thrift

Examples of org.apache.cassandra.thrift.InvalidRequestException$InvalidRequestExceptionTupleSchemeFactory

            return variables.get(bindIndex);
        catch (MarshalException e)
            throw new InvalidRequestException(e.getMessage());
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        RowPosition startKey = RowPosition.forKey(startKeyBytes, p);
        RowPosition finishKey = RowPosition.forKey(finishKeyBytes, p);
        if (startKey.compareTo(finishKey) > 0 && !finishKey.isMinimum(p))
            if (p instanceof RandomPartitioner)
                throw new InvalidRequestException("Start key sorts after end key. This is not allowed; you probably should not specify end key at all, under RandomPartitioner");
                throw new InvalidRequestException("Start key must sort before (or equal to) finish key in your partitioner!");
        AbstractBounds<RowPosition> bounds;
        if (includeKeyBound(Bound.START))
            bounds = includeKeyBound(Bound.END)
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            CFMetaData cfm = ThriftValidation.validateColumnFamily(keyspace(), columnFamily());
            ThriftValidation.validateConsistencyLevel(keyspace(), parameters.consistencyLevel, RequestType.READ);

            if (parameters.limit <= 0)
                throw new InvalidRequestException("LIMIT must be strictly positive");

            CFDefinition cfDef = cfm.getCfDef();
            SelectStatement stmt = new SelectStatement(cfDef, getBoundsTerms(), parameters);
            AbstractType[] types = new AbstractType[getBoundsTerms()];

            // Select clause
            if (parameters.isCount)
                if (selectClause.size() != 1)
                    throw new InvalidRequestException("Only COUNT(*) and COUNT(1) operations are currently supported.");
                String columnName = selectClause.get(0).toString();
                if (!columnName.equals("*") && !columnName.equals("1"))
                    throw new InvalidRequestException("Only COUNT(*) and COUNT(1) operations are currently supported.");
                for (ColumnIdentifier t : selectClause)
                    CFDefinition.Name name = cfDef.get(t);
                    if (name == null)
                        throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Undefined name %s in selection clause", t));
                    // Keeping the case (as in 'case sensitive') of the input name for the resultSet
                    stmt.selectedNames.add(Pair.create(name, t));

             * WHERE clause. For a given entity, rules are:
             *   - EQ relation conflicts with anything else (including a 2nd EQ)
             *   - Can't have more than one LT(E) relation (resp. GT(E) relation)
             *   - IN relation are restricted to row keys (for now) and conflics with anything else
             *     (we could allow two IN for the same entity but that doesn't seem very useful)
             *   - The value_alias cannot be restricted in any way (we don't support wide rows with indexed value in CQL so far)
            for (Relation rel : whereClause)
                CFDefinition.Name name = cfDef.get(rel.getEntity());
                if (name == null)
                    throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Undefined name %s in where clause ('%s')", rel.getEntity(), rel));

                if (rel.operator() == Relation.Type.IN)
                    for (Term value : rel.getInValues())
                        if (value.isBindMarker())
                            types[value.bindIndex] = name.type;
                    Term value = rel.getValue();
                    if (value.isBindMarker())
                        types[value.bindIndex] = name.type;

                switch (name.kind)
                    case KEY_ALIAS:
                        if (rel.operator() != Relation.Type.EQ && rel.operator() != Relation.Type.IN && !StorageService.getPartitioner().preservesOrder())
                            throw new InvalidRequestException("Only EQ and IN relation are supported on first component of the PRIMARY KEY for RandomPartitioner");
                        stmt.keyRestriction = updateRestriction(, stmt.keyRestriction, rel);
                    case COLUMN_ALIAS:
                        stmt.columnRestrictions[name.position] = updateRestriction(, stmt.columnRestrictions[name.position], rel);
                    case VALUE_ALIAS:
                        throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("Restricting the value of a compact CF (%s) is not supported",;
                    case COLUMN_METADATA:
                        stmt.metadataRestrictions.put(name, updateRestriction(, stmt.metadataRestrictions.get(name), rel));

             * At this point, the select statement if fully constructed, but we still have a few things to validate

            // If a component of the PRIMARY KEY is restricted by a non-EQ relation, all preceding
            // components must have a EQ, and all following must have no restriction
            boolean shouldBeDone = false;
            CFDefinition.Name previous = null;
            Iterator<CFDefinition.Name> iter = cfDef.columns.values().iterator();
            for (int i = 0; i < stmt.columnRestrictions.length; i++)
                CFDefinition.Name cname =;
                Restriction restriction = stmt.columnRestrictions[i];
                if (restriction == null)
                    shouldBeDone = true;
                else if (shouldBeDone)
                    throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("PRIMARY KEY part %s cannot be restricted (preceding part %s is either not restricted or by a non-EQ relation)", cname, previous));
                else if (!restriction.isEquality())
                    shouldBeDone = true;
                // We only support IN for the last name so far
                else if (restriction.eqValues.size() > 1 && i != stmt.columnRestrictions.length - 1)
                    throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("PRIMARY KEY part %s cannot be restricted by IN relation (only the first and last parts can)", cname));

                previous = cname;

            // Deal with indexed columns
            if (!stmt.metadataRestrictions.isEmpty())
                boolean hasEq = false;
                Set<ByteBuffer> indexed =;

                for (Map.Entry<CFDefinition.Name, Restriction> entry : stmt.metadataRestrictions.entrySet())
                    if (entry.getValue().isEquality() && indexed.contains(entry.getKey().name.key))
                        hasEq = true;
                if (!hasEq)
                    throw new InvalidRequestException("No indexed columns present in by-columns clause with Equal operator");

                // If we have indexed columns and the key = X clause, we transform it into a key >= X AND key <= X clause.
                // If it's a IN relation however, we reject it.
                if (stmt.keyRestriction != null && stmt.keyRestriction.isEquality())
                    if (stmt.keyRestriction.eqValues.size() > 1)
                        throw new InvalidRequestException("Select on indexed columns and with IN clause for the PRIMARY KEY are not supported");

                    Restriction newRestriction = new Restriction();
                    for (Bound b : Bound.values())
                        newRestriction.setBound(b, stmt.keyRestriction.eqValues.get(0));
                    stmt.keyRestriction = newRestriction;

            // Only allow reversed if the row key restriction is an equality,
            // since we don't know how to reverse otherwise
            if (stmt.parameters.isColumnsReversed)
                if (stmt.keyRestriction == null || !stmt.keyRestriction.isEquality())
                    throw new InvalidRequestException("Descending order is only supported is the first part of the PRIMARY KEY is restricted by an Equal or a IN");

            return new ParsedStatement.Prepared(stmt, Arrays.<AbstractType<?>>asList(types));
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            switch (newRel.operator())
                case EQ:
                    if (restriction != null)
                        throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("%s cannot be restricted by more than one relation if it includes an Equal", name));
                    restriction = new Restriction(newRel.getValue());
                case IN:
                    if (restriction != null)
                        throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("%s cannot be restricted by more than one reation if it includes a IN", name));
                    restriction = new Restriction(newRel.getInValues());
                case GT:
                case GTE:
                case LT:
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    public String getKeyspace() throws InvalidRequestException
        if (keyspace == null)
            throw new InvalidRequestException("no keyspace has been specified");
        return keyspace;
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    public void setKeyspace(String ks) throws InvalidRequestException
        if (Schema.instance.getKSMetaData(ks) == null)
            throw new InvalidRequestException("Keyspace '" + ks + "' does not exist");
        keyspace = ks;
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        // hardcode disallowing messing with system keyspace
        if (keyspace.equalsIgnoreCase(Table.SYSTEM_TABLE) && perm == Permission.WRITE)
            throw new InvalidRequestException("system keyspace is not user-modifiable");

        Set<Permission> perms = DatabaseDescriptor.getAuthority().authorize(user, resource);
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    private void validateLogin() throws InvalidRequestException
        if (user == null)
            throw new InvalidRequestException("You have not logged in");
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    private void validateKeyspace() throws InvalidRequestException
        if (keyspace == null)
            throw new InvalidRequestException("You have not set a keyspace for this session");
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    private static void hasAccess(AuthenticatedUser user, Set<Permission> perms, Permission perm, List<Object> resource) throws InvalidRequestException
        if (perms.contains(perm))
        throw new InvalidRequestException(String.format("%s does not have permission %s for %s",
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Related Classes of org.apache.cassandra.thrift.InvalidRequestException$InvalidRequestExceptionTupleSchemeFactory

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