while (bb.remaining() > 0)
AbstractType<?> comparator = validateComparator(i, bb);
if (bb.remaining() < 2)
throw new MarshalException("Not enough bytes to read value size of component " + i);
int length = ByteBufferUtil.readShortLength(bb);
if (bb.remaining() < length)
throw new MarshalException("Not enough bytes to read value of component " + i);
ByteBuffer value = ByteBufferUtil.readBytes(bb, length);
comparator.validateCollectionMember(value, previous);
if (bb.remaining() == 0)
throw new MarshalException("Not enough bytes to read the end-of-component byte of component" + i);
byte b = bb.get();
if (b != 0 && bb.remaining() != 0)
throw new MarshalException("Invalid bytes remaining after an end-of-component at component" + i);
previous = value;