
Examples of

            ReadCallback<Iterable<Row>> handler = getReadCallback(resolver, iCommand, consistency_level, liveEndpoints);

            IndexScanCommand command = new IndexScanCommand(keyspace, column_family, index_clause, column_predicate, range);
            MessageProducer producer = new CachingMessageProducer(command);
            for (InetAddress endpoint : liveEndpoints)
                MessagingService.instance().sendRR(producer, endpoint, handler);
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug("reading " + command + " from " + endpoint);
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        final TruncateResponseHandler responseHandler = new TruncateResponseHandler(blockFor);

        // Send out the truncate calls and track the responses with the callbacks.
        logger.debug("Starting to send truncate messages to hosts {}", allEndpoints);
        final Truncation truncation = new Truncation(keyspace, cfname);
        MessageProducer producer = new CachingMessageProducer(truncation);
        for (InetAddress endpoint : allEndpoints)
            MessagingService.instance().sendRR(producer, endpoint, responseHandler);

        // Wait for all
        logger.debug("Sent all truncate messages, now waiting for {} responses", blockFor);
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    /** actively announce my version to a set of hosts via rpc.  They may culminate with them sending me migrations. */
    public static void announce(final UUID version, Set<InetAddress> hosts)
        MessageProducer prod = new CachingMessageProducer(new MessageProducer() {
            public Message getMessage(Integer protocolVersion) throws IOException
                return makeVersionMessage(version, protocolVersion);
        for (InetAddress host : hosts)
                MessagingService.instance().sendOneWay(prod.getMessage(Gossiper.instance.getVersion(host)), host);
            catch (IOException ex)
                // happened during message serialization.
                throw new IOError(ex);
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                final List<GossipDigest> gDigests = new ArrayList<GossipDigest>();

                if ( gDigests.size() > 0 )
                    MessageProducer prod = new MessageProducer()
                        public Message getMessage(Integer version) throws IOException
                            return makeGossipDigestSynMessage(gDigests, version);
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                final List<GossipDigest> gDigests = new ArrayList<GossipDigest>();

                if ( gDigests.size() > 0 )
                    MessageProducer prod = new MessageProducer()
                        public Message getMessage(Integer version) throws IOException
                            return makeGossipDigestSynMessage(gDigests, version);
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                final List<GossipDigest> gDigests = new ArrayList<GossipDigest>();

                if ( gDigests.size() > 0 )
                    MessageProducer prod = new MessageProducer()
                        public Message getMessage(Integer version) throws IOException
                            return makeGossipDigestSynMessage(gDigests, version);
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                final List<GossipDigest> gDigests = new ArrayList<GossipDigest>();

                if ( gDigests.size() > 0 )
                    MessageProducer prod = new MessageProducer()
                        public Message getMessage(Integer version) throws IOException
                            return makeGossipDigestSynMessage(gDigests, version);
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    public static void sendToHintedEndpoints(final RowMutation rm, Multimap<InetAddress, InetAddress> hintedEndpoints, IWriteResponseHandler responseHandler, String localDataCenter, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level)
    throws IOException
        // Multimap that holds onto all the messages and addresses meant for a specific datacenter
        Map<String, Multimap<Message, InetAddress>> dcMessages = new HashMap<String, Multimap<Message, InetAddress>>(hintedEndpoints.size());
        MessageProducer producer = new CachingMessageProducer(rm);

        for (Map.Entry<InetAddress, Collection<InetAddress>> entry : hintedEndpoints.asMap().entrySet())
            InetAddress destination = entry.getKey();
            Collection<InetAddress> targets = entry.getValue();

            String dc = DatabaseDescriptor.getEndpointSnitch().getDatacenter(destination);

            if (targets.size() == 1 && targets.iterator().next().equals(destination))
                // unhinted writes
                if (destination.equals(FBUtilities.getLocalAddress()))
                    insertLocal(rm, responseHandler);
                    // belongs on a different server
                    if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                        logger.debug("insert writing key " + ByteBufferUtil.bytesToHex(rm.key()) + " to " + destination);

                    Multimap<Message, InetAddress> messages = dcMessages.get(dc);
                    if (messages == null)
                       messages = HashMultimap.create();
                       dcMessages.put(dc, messages);

                    messages.put(producer.getMessage(Gossiper.instance.getVersion(destination)), destination);
                // hinted messages are unique, so there is no point to adding a hop by forwarding via another node.
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            // send the other endpoints a digest request
            ReadCommand digestCommand = command.copy();
            MessageProducer producer = null;
            for (InetAddress digestPoint : handler.endpoints.subList(1, handler.endpoints.size()))
                if (digestPoint.equals(FBUtilities.getLocalAddress()))
                    logger.debug("reading digest locally");
                    StageManager.getStage(Stage.READ).execute(new LocalReadRunnable(digestCommand, handler));
                    logger.debug("reading digest from {}", digestPoint);
                    // (We lazy-construct the digest Message object since it may not be necessary if we
                    // are doing a local digest read, or no digest reads at all.)
                    if (producer == null)
                        producer = new CachingMessageProducer(digestCommand);
                    MessagingService.instance().sendRR(producer, digestPoint, handler);

        // read results and make a second pass for any digest mismatches
        List<RepairCallback<Row>> repairResponseHandlers = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < commands.size(); i++)
            ReadCallback<Row> handler = readCallbacks.get(i);
            Row row;
            ReadCommand command = commands.get(i);
                long startTime2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
                row = handler.get(); // CL.ONE is special cased here to ignore digests even if some have arrived
                if (row != null)

                if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug("Read: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime2) + " ms.");
            catch (TimeoutException ex)
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug("Read timeout: {}", ex.toString());
                throw ex;
            catch (DigestMismatchException ex)
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug("Digest mismatch: {}", ex.toString());
                RowRepairResolver resolver = new RowRepairResolver(command.table, command.key);
                RepairCallback<Row> repairHandler = new RepairCallback<Row>(resolver, handler.endpoints);
                MessageProducer producer = new CachingMessageProducer(command);
                for (InetAddress endpoint : handler.endpoints)
                    MessagingService.instance().sendRR(producer, endpoint, repairHandler);

                if (repairResponseHandlers == null)
                    repairResponseHandlers = new ArrayList<RepairCallback<Row>>();
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            ReadCallback<Iterable<Row>> handler = getReadCallback(resolver, iCommand, consistency_level, liveEndpoints);

            IndexScanCommand command = new IndexScanCommand(keyspace, column_family, index_clause, column_predicate, range);
            MessageProducer producer = new CachingMessageProducer(command);
            for (InetAddress endpoint : handler.endpoints)
                MessagingService.instance().sendRR(producer, endpoint, handler);
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug("reading " + command + " from " + endpoint);
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