// loop through each row, deserializing to check for damage.
// we'll also loop through the index at the same time, using the position from the index to recover if the
// row header (key or data size) is corrupt. (This means our position in the index file will be one row
// "ahead" of the data file.)
final BufferedRandomAccessFile dataFile = BufferedRandomAccessFile.getUncachingReader(sstable.getFilename());
String indexFilename = sstable.descriptor.filenameFor(Component.PRIMARY_INDEX);
BufferedRandomAccessFile indexFile = BufferedRandomAccessFile.getUncachingReader(indexFilename);
ByteBuffer nextIndexKey = ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(indexFile);
// throw away variable so we don't have a side effect in the assert
long firstRowPositionFromIndex = indexFile.readLong();
assert firstRowPositionFromIndex == 0 : firstRowPositionFromIndex;
SSTableWriter writer = maybeCreateWriter(cfs, compactionFileLocation, expectedBloomFilterSize, null);
executor.beginCompaction(new ScrubInfo(dataFile, sstable));
int goodRows = 0, badRows = 0, emptyRows = 0;
while (!dataFile.isEOF())
long rowStart = dataFile.getFilePointer();
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Reading row at " + rowStart);
DecoratedKey key = null;
long dataSize = -1;
key = SSTableReader.decodeKey(sstable.partitioner, sstable.descriptor, ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(dataFile));
dataSize = sstable.descriptor.hasIntRowSize ? dataFile.readInt() : dataFile.readLong();
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug(String.format("row %s is %s bytes", ByteBufferUtil.bytesToHex(key.key), dataSize));
catch (Throwable th)
// check for null key below
ByteBuffer currentIndexKey = nextIndexKey;
long nextRowPositionFromIndex;
nextIndexKey = indexFile.isEOF() ? null : ByteBufferUtil.readWithShortLength(indexFile);
nextRowPositionFromIndex = indexFile.isEOF() ? dataFile.length() : indexFile.readLong();
catch (Throwable th)
logger.warn("Error reading index file", th);
nextIndexKey = null;
nextRowPositionFromIndex = dataFile.length();
long dataStart = dataFile.getFilePointer();
long dataStartFromIndex = currentIndexKey == null
? -1
: rowStart + 2 + currentIndexKey.remaining() + (sstable.descriptor.hasIntRowSize ? 4 : 8);
long dataSizeFromIndex = nextRowPositionFromIndex - dataStartFromIndex;
assert currentIndexKey != null || indexFile.isEOF();
if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && currentIndexKey != null)
logger.debug(String.format("Index doublecheck: row %s is %s bytes", ByteBufferUtil.bytesToHex(currentIndexKey), dataSizeFromIndex));